MovieChat Forums > Jim Carrey Discussion > Absolutely disgusting what he did to his...

Absolutely disgusting what he did to his ex gf Cathriona White.

She was 30 years-old, and he was in his 50's - what the hell was he doing pursuing this girl? He drove her to suicide.

I will never watch another one of his crappy films ever.


Why does age matter if they're both legal adults?


You could say why does it matter that he drove her to suicide? He should have left the poor woman alone.



Free rent?!? She gave him the best sex of his life.



How did he drive her to suicide? I've never heard this before. I think a lot of comedians are really a bit psycho because they have to sort of detach from human norms to find funny ways to look at things. The 50-30 thing is no big deal. I think there is a lot to the fact that when a very rich and powerful person lets someone who is less rich and powerless into their lives and then it is over ... and the other person has to go back to a normal life it can be a problem. It is very close to sexual harassment.


It's my personal opinion that I wish someone would drive YOU to least virtually...


You need help.


Ha, that's a completely meaningless statement coming from a leftist loonie sock puppet!

Anyway, you must be a complete and utter pathetic snowflake to cry over someone wishing that another poster would commit VIRTUAL suicide (in other words, delete their account).


"at least virtually..."

And at most?

You need help.


"At least" in the sense of "anyway", you freaking sock puppet.

You need help with the English the VERY least...


Sure, bud.

But you need help. Politics is rotting your brain.


AT LEAST I have a brain...


And at most, you have a rotten brain.


Lol, you didn't even understand what I said! Having a rotten brain is still more than having no brain at all like you! 🤣🤣🤣


Long lost amazing argument on moviechat


This was a super weird exchange.


3 years too late, but I've reported this post to the mods. Wishing suicide on anyone, especially someone who will read your message, is messed-up and should not be tolerated under any circumstances.


I said "virtually" (Meaning delete his account. And no, brux can't read it because he has me on ignore). Now go find a hooker and get laid instead of complaining about everybody else on MovieChat every single day.🍆


"I think there is a lot to the fact that when a very rich and powerful person lets someone who is less rich and powerless into their lives and then it is over ... and the other person has to go back to a normal life it can be a problem. It is very close to sexual harassment."

You lost me at the end with "It is very close to sexual harassment."

How is dating a rich person then breaking up and having to go back to your old lifestyle "CLOSE" to sexual harassment?


You really cannot figure that out on your own?


What 50 year old man would want to get with a much younger woman? What a weirdo?


And what did he do to her


He drove her to suicide!!!


How do you know what went on? She was mentally ill, mental illness is no ones fault.


Huh?? Mental illness is ALWAYS someone's fault.


Is it really?

I was born mentally ill. That's no-one's fault. It just is. Like an earthquake or a genetic deformity.


Comedians are vicious nut jobs.


How’s it his fault? People are responsible for their own actions.


They were broken up for quite a while before she killed herself. You can't blame him for that. Even though I know they tried.


Just checked. They had been broken up for several years when she died and she had been married to another guy for a year at the time.


^ i also looked up Cathriona (when I saw the OP) and don't think it has anything to do with Carrey.
but hating on Jim these days is kinda fashionable I guess.....




[–] PaladinNJ (21518) 4 years ago
"Just checked. They had been broken up for several years when she died and she had been married to another guy for a year at the time."

Talk about the OP missing the mark on this. Wow, just wow.


No one can drive anyone to suicide. Depression is uniquely equipped to accomplish that.


She was depressed and heavily medicated. A dangerous combination. Of course, a rocky relationship isn't going to help, but those are rarely all one side's fault, as the OP appears to claim.



You shut your whore like mouth


Brilliant. Rhodes Scholar?


Lots of women go for older males because they are lured by money and power, or at least men who project power. Of course, we can't be too open about discussing how women are just as shallow as men in their own ways, but there it is. She chose to be with the older, wealthy celebrity who ultimately cheated on her and gave her VD. Too bad, but nobody forced her to date a scumbag like Jim Carrey (who has pathetically tried to resurrect his public image with his incessant anti-Trump virtue signaling).
