MovieChat Forums > CyberVerm > Replies
CyberVerm's Replies
They touch on this in the last episode as well.
Because they did not come up with that stupid rule until after attack of the clones?
I understand where you are coming from but in this movie Rebecca Ferguson happens to be the best thing about the whole thing. The woman is obviously astonishing to look at (great casting, considering Rose was supposed to be incredibly beautiful) but she was also menacing and extremely likable in her evil ways. Don't give this movie a pass due to this alone.
Also, she was also the villain in the book, so the movie is just being faithful to the book. If the villain in the book was a man and they change it to a woman in the movie then I would understand completely.
To me this is the one bad scene in the whole movie, it is the one scene where you clearly say "well, deaging tech can't make deniro move like a 50+ year old"
But, Martin S had options, he could have shot it differently and had a stuntman do it from behind or many other different ideas could have been applied to make it look less, well, bad.
But you can completely see how he decided for artistic integrity to keep the show the way he would normally shoot it. The thing about Scorsese is that his violence, whether it's a lot or dialed in, is always in your face and one take, he doesn't do multiple takes to make it seem more intense (typical bad action movie technique)
Then again, Scorsese isn't an action movie director, you can't expect his beatdowns to look like John Wick. There's a charm to his violence, it always seems real and gritty but also sort of artistic.
I am pretty sure he was aware that the grocery store fight was not what he wanted but that was the only way it was going to come out if he wanted to have DeNiro shot up front doing the actual kicking himself.
This is why I don't take many points from the movie for that one scene, it is bad for sure but you can understand why.
This movie was great, I saw it yesterday in one sitting and I couldn't take my eyes away. My favorite aspect of this movie was how they go with the theory that the mob killed kennedy, with the whole cuba angle (casinos and all that) I never expected them to mention JFK or Castro so much in this movie so it was a welcome surprise that makes the whole thing seem even bigger. That scene where Rus tells Frank that they killed a president, they won't mind killing a union president" was powerful as hell.
Great movie, one of my favs from Martin Scorsese because the violence was a bit dialed down, DeNiro wasn't his usual badass, stoic gangster, if anything sometimes he felt like a punching bag between Hoffa and Rus and watching him trying to deal with the stress was fantastic.
And Paccino as Hoffa was expectedly fantastic
Spoilers beware.
The best part about that scene is that it is when they decide to use the “f word” in the movie.
A guy goes “it’s fu#%igng chucky!”
It is bittersweet because in one hand you have the most faithful adaptation of superman since Christopher Reeve. This guy smiles, has bad jokes, seems to smile in very inapropiate situations (avoiding a Steppenwolf punch and just going like “lawl this guy sucks”) pretty much the way pre crisis superman BS happened.
You also have him settle the score with Batman fans, which I appreciate. They made superman horribly dumb and weak and moody in BvS and Batman just humiliated him in that fight.
As stated in one of the posts above, it seems like this movie was made by superman fans just as much as BvS by Batman fans, except both movies were made by the worst kinds of fans because it jus plays out like fan service. In one movie you have Batman literally humiliating superman in a fight, in the other movie you have superman destroying the whole league and Batman got humiliated worst than anyone because he just dispensed of him like a garbage bag. Then Batman is all like “oh, time for the big guns!!!!” Right, the big guns is his girlfriend and superman is like, ok, I dont want to kill these n00bs anymore, lets go make out, WOOOSHHHH!!!
It really, really was ridculous... but at least faithful to how the character used to be!
On the other hand, this good version of superman was wasted on such a horrible movie :( it has a few good things going for it but the movie overall and the moustache removal really made superman look bad, even when he was looking good.
Yeah, I understand the first kryptonite blast hitting him, there was no reason for him to think he needed to avoid it. Why on earth would he allow to be hit by it a second time though? Even if he is lounging against Batman like that, he could easily just fly to the side to avoid the blast and just... sneeze at Batman or something. Anyway, the fight in BvS didn’t make much sense and it seemed like they just wanted to even the score by having now superman humiliating Batman just as bad (was that rag doll throw like a garbage bag, when he sees Louis, really necessary? I mean, I laughed, but....)
So now fans of both characters feel they are even in the score. But what about WW? Where did that godlike crap from her movie go? She is all triggered like.. Oh really supes? I’m sorry but I have to do this! You leave me no choice! And she is about to hit her bracelets when he just grabs her arm and pretty much sent her to make him sandwich. Seriously, this superman was out of control, it felt like they hired the biggest superman freak fans out there to write that scene, hahaha
You are right in that assessment, this movie could very well be called "Justice League, You guys having trouble with this guy? lawl!" And superman's face in the poster.
I get where you are coming from, at the end of the day, every single thing that they did with batman and superman in BvS they reversed them here, one was OP in one movie, the other humiliated, then they reverse it, I just don't get it, it's like they are trying to alienate fans from each side.
Is there anywhere I can sign for that NOT to happen?
I am about as neutral a reviewer as you are going to find, here, I will summarize it for you.
It starts just as bad and cluttered as BvS but it gets better. Still, with one of the worst if not the worst villain ever in a superhero movie, who looks like 90’s CGI, you can’t get THAT much better. Cyborg also looks just as bad.
A strong point in the movie (more like THE strong point) is when superman shows up, yet even then it is so damaged by the moustache CGI that I couldn’t even enjoy it properly.
Sadly, at the same time the movie is getting fun, especially the final act, the bad CGI starts showing up everywhere, the environment, etc. It just looks cartoonish and bad, it is also hurt a bit more by really generic action scenes and jokes that never really land. There are only like 3 or 4 times in the movie where you would legitimately laugh and I think more than one was spoiled by the trailers.
All in all, the movie is a mess and the CGI plus darkish Snyder style theming really hurt it even more but it has genuine good ideas behind its horribleness. Joss Whedon attempts to bring back a superman like Christopher Reeve, all smiles, extremely powerful, bad jokes, saves the day, etc. Too bad it just was too little too late.
The movie is better than BvS and Suicide Squad but at the same time is dragged down by those two movies and also the overall low quality. I swear I’ve seen better special effects in Smallville.
As for the acting? As bad as you’d expect and Gal Gadot, the best thing in this movie generally, still manages to have one of the worst acted lines in movie history. “KAL EL NOoooooo!!!”
Ben Affleck looks like a bottoxed disaster.
Khal Drogo was fun, he was good, too bad the character he plays is useless.
Cyborg.... generic CGI fest that really ends up betraying the original character in a way because now it just seems like an Iron Man clone made with CGI. How can Iron Man still look so good from 2008 and Cyborg look like crap here?
Man, this movie is crap and I agree with you there but I cannot disagree with you more in the Superman angle, in fact, taking away cavil’s wooden acting, the ridiculous mustache and the fact that he is in the movie for like 10 minutes, this is the best representation of Superman since Christopher Reeve. No 300 movie like screaming when he is suffering “Waaaaaaa!!!!!!” No moody, crying, emo crap, he was all smiles, bad jokes and insanely powerful. Yeah ok, it seemed a bit useless to have the JL when Superman seems to be as fast as the flash, stronger than Wonder Woman, completely invulnerable to whatever cyborg can throw at him and aquaman... Jesus... Aquaman, what does he do in this movie again? He is like a weak Wonder Woman who can fly underwater because that really isnt swimming, he is just whooshing by like a torpedo, he sucks and is the worst addition to this team.
Still, it was cool to see not only Superman look good but also beat the crap out of Batman, he was due that rematch anyway and they made it just as humiliating for Batman as it was for Superman in the last movie. He even just threw him away like a rag doll when Lois showed up... the whole theater laughed at that part, seriously, Batman was just a clown in this movie, even after that he just becomes a huge Superman fanboy and makes the most ridiculous face when Superman shows up at the end to save the day, way too happy... Ben affleck’s Puffy bottox face didn’t help either.
Where I do kind of agree with you is with Steppenwolf, they could have at least allowed Steppenwolf to land a hit on Superman, I loved how Superman comes in, humiliates Steppenwolf and then he goes like “oh crap, people in danger! Bye dudes!” And leaves them to get their asses whooped by Steppenwolf again... so funny, then he comes back and seems to remember he also has freeze breath.... something apparently everyone did, and he just uses it to destroy the axe.
I understand your point, it was kind of hilarious to be honest
The worst acting in this horrible movie as done by Gal Gadot, yet apparently she is off limits now.
That “Kal El, noooooo!!” Line is just......
Movie sucks but it's better than BvS, then again what isn't?
That scene you talk about is the best in the movie although I did feel that if BvS is a Batman fan service teenage dream movie, then Justice League does the same for Superman, because every single Batman fan with really bad taste in movies really loved BvS and how he beat Superman, then in this movie Superman beats the crap out of everyone including Batman, he even moves as fast as the flash and stops Wonder Woman's bracelet attack... wtf, oh yeah and he just beats the sht out of Steppenwolf, it wasn't even close.
Don't blame this movie though, Blame BvS and SS, they erased all good intentions people might have had towards this franchise. Me included. I saw BvS opening day, I saw SS until it came out on tv because I wasn't going to give them another dime.
Funny enough, things got so bad that I ended up going to see JJ just to laugh at it. It's over
Shouldn't a woman like Rebel Wilson be flattered at being harassed? Who understands these whales, seriously? If they don't get the attention then they go on fat depression but if someone makes a pass at her then it's assault!
Not that I believe her anyway
If the US government keeps allowing these massive acquisitions (not that I care) at some point it's all going to be Disney vs AT&T.
AT&T acquired DirecTV and is trying to get Time Warner (which means DC) and Disney is trying to get FOX. I am not sure at which point it stops.
Sorry it took me a while to respond, still getting used to the fact that I am in a new forum (used to go to IMDB forums)
I think you are right that there’s a lot of hype, I think Hollywood sometimes has a weird way of functioning. In life normally one success is usually overshadowed by a lot of failures. As a dad I know this, you are superhuman dad/husband one day for doing something epic but the next day you suck if the internet doesn’t work, it is a constant struggle of doing good things for people to finally see you as good.
Once actors reach a certain spot, or directors for that matter, it seems they can constantly fk up and as long as they have their unforgiven or million dollar baby then no matter how many crapfests they are in, people will always remember those good ones. The fact that M. Nigh Shamalan still has a job kind of proves this.
Then again his last couple of movies weren’t that bad...
My opinion on Eastwood is that while he is certainly a better director than an actor (by far, acting has never been a strong suit) it was his charisma as an actor, not his acting ability that got him to where he is. A lot of his movies might not be incredible but he was never the reason for those movies not being very good, in fact, he was usually the best part about them, the way he delivered lines, etc. So he became the reason to see these movies. All you needed to hear was ¨clint eastwood action movie¨and you were there.
What I think. People should be able to own a gun if they want to.
What I also think. Automatic weapons should not be allowed.
Facts. USA has a huge problem with mass shootings, you guys don't even need religious terrorism, you have your own built in nuts who take care of that.
Facts. The idea is that people want/need guns in order to protect themselves but the reality is that so far there hasn't been one situation where you say "Oh you see that? Thanks to that republican owning 10 machine guns, this massacre was adverted!" These guys think they will be some kind of Rambo hero one day, where a terrorist is going to go into a shopping mall and they will pull out their arsenal out of their pants and destroy every single last one of them themselves while singing the national anthem.
In fact, I cannot think of a bigger situation in which a man/woman would be armed and ready to defend themselves than a country music concert in nevada yet this is where the worst mass shooting happened. In other words, owning guns wont help you when a nut like this decides to go GTA on everyone.
Owning a pistol will help you keep your home safer in case of intruders, so I believe people should be allowed to buy guns to protect themselves and their families.