FifthFreedom's Replies

White people make up ~77% of the U.S. population, meaning for a show to be realistic, 8 out of every 10 characters should be white. When you consider that much of the non-white population exists in cities and suburbs, it should honestly be way less than that, even. Gays make up around 4.5% of the U.S. population, so there shouldn't be more than 1 gay character for every 22 non gay characters. Anything more is absolutely unrealistic forced diversity. Ah, "incel"... the new internet buzzword of the day. Heard the phrases "intersectional feminism", "white patriarchy", and "misogyny" in the first episode. I shall not be watching the second. Remember when it was just the patriarchy? Apparently now it's the "white patriarchy". Just keeps getting worse and worse. The dad couldn't have been dumber if he tried. Oh, I watched it. How could I hate it if I didn't watch it? That would be very ignorant of me. Also, you're putting the cart before the horse. People didn't like the show because they made something people didn't want to watch. Can't blame the viewers. And you're right. They had plans for future movies and possibly shows, but the poor performance of Universe destroyed those plans. That's the main reason why I hate Universe so much. They tried to heavily diverge from the SG-1/Atlantis formula that had been successful for 14-15 seasons. Did they really think they wouldn't lose most of their fan base? The OP is clearly a mega-genius. I bet he's so intelligent, he even watches Rick & Morty. SG: Universe died because it was an awful show. They took the greatest sci-fi television franchise of my lifetime and turned it into a sci-fi themed soap opera. I still hate those buffoons for killing my beloved Stargate. I literally can't stand how people literally wrongly overuse the word literally, like, literally, all the literal time. I think that's why the bald guy he was questioning acted so confused. He was thinking, "Yeah... I saw somebody. I saw you." I'm guessing it was Nick himself who murdered his family. Everybody is racist. Every living human being on Earth. The only difference is the degree to which we hide it. 1. Her joke wasn't even racist. 2. Yes, I would still feel the same way. I look at Kramer exactly the same way now that I did 20 years ago. I find is extremely alarming that you think that way. Repercussions for a comedian making a joke on Twitter? 🤔 Here comes Randall, he's a berserker. I thought it was retarded as hell, and really bad writing, that they were risking their lives to bring back an old wagon in the first place. So stupid. Potentially forever if they aren't physically damaged. The power output decreases as time goes on, but it's very minimal, and there's no reason solar panels shouldn't still work 20 years later. Batteries would be the problem, in reality. Solar power would be useless without batteries to store and buffer energy, and batteries have a very limited lifespan in comparison to panels. I have a medium-sized solar setup and the only maintenance required is lightly dusting and/or rinsing dust off the panels. Batteries, once again, are the problem... they do require maintenance, especially flooded batteries. You know, in real life, things don't just start decaying and falling apart after 2-3 years of not being dusted and waxed. The floor, in reality, would still be just as strong as it ever was 50 years later. I had the same question. I feel like there must be a deleted scene explaining this. Underrated? The writing is atrocious, particularly the dialog.