The Glass Floor

That was it for me. I had to stop watching. The crows that looked like Scooby-Doo cartoon bats was bad enough. Then the spiders. But the floor did it for me.

Does any writer on this show have an ounce of education, or even common sense? It was a glass floor with steel support. Glass floors like that, in real life, are probably 3 inches thick. Maybe more. (A little less in a home). You could easily park a car on it with no problem, and a lot more. They were glass tiles in steel support, not one giant sheet of unsupported glass. The crack, even though it would never happen, would not be able to travel from one tile to another in any reality. They acted like they were walking across a frozen pond during the Spring thaw. This amount of "stupid" just isn't tolerable all in one sitting.


Our capitol has a glass floor very similar,and it's probably 5 inches thick. You also missed how easy it would have been for them to lift everything besides the wagon,over the side of the banisters on the staircase that went outside the glass area. And, I would think that anyone with any concerns about the glass breaking would simply take care to only walk on the beam,not the pane. Pretty dumb shit.


Actually, the banisters were crumbling for some reason.

I mean, I don't know why marble banisters would just start collapsing like that after a few years, but apparently they did.


Yes. Exactly. I was watching this in utter disbelief. Ignoring that such a floor would never start cracking like that, (thickness, lamination, individual tiled sections etc), when it did start cracking I awaiting someone be be like 'uh, guys, lets get off it now in case in breaks and we fall though' but no, there they are, traipsing across it for ages. They could have all cleared off and dragged the stuff using the ropes. Or as you say, simply just handed the canoe over the banisters.

Though glass does seem to act very strangely in TWD universe considering the amount of times zombies are able to just walk through it.

I swear they write this shit just to wind us up.

And whilst we're on the subject of the stuff they picked up, yeah, I get the seeds, but the super old wagon? Wtf? They could just use a stripped down modern trailer or something. If they really need that exact wagon, bring a guy with pen, paper and tape measure and get the dimensions rather than bring all that dead weight back with them.

They also didn't appear very well armed for that outing. They could have been wiped out if they ran into trouble, be it zombie or Human.

And who was the guy who got bitten saving the horse? (from a stealth zombie no less, they're still relying on that trope it seems). Why did Maggie care so much? Have we even seen him before? They can't expect us to care about people they just randomly introduce. If he was already established, well, he was entirely forgettable.

How does a horde destroy a concrete bridge? I don't get it.

And they're still calling hordes 'herds'.

Sanctuary still looks like a refugee camp with sheets dividing living areas like it was a sports hall after a diaster. How long has it been now and people are still living like that. They live in huge industrial complex, I'm sure they could spread out a bit.

At least they killed off Gregory. That was satisfying.

I think I'm done venting on this POS episode.


If this turned you off of the episode, I imagine you can't watch many TV shows or movies without turning them off're probably one of those people who yell "That wouldnt happen!!!" every 3 seconds. It was a weak floor. It made for some tension when they were walking across it, and some excitement when it broke. Who cares if in reality the glass would have been thicker??? It's such an insignificant thing to complain about.


What a moronic assumption. There is a special kind of stupid. Much worse than normal stupid. The floor scene was an example of that, and clearly so are you. Even more special in fact. Are you a writer on the show? You have all the qualifications.

I'm always fascinated by the intellectually challenged who read a post and get offended because that post attacks something about a show they like, so they attempt to make it personal and attack the poster. That is an example of a special kind of loser. Lucky you. You're special in at least two categories. Are you embarrassed that utter stupidity entertains you, so you lash out?


Underdog....I don't think sut6432 was "lashing out" at you at all. He simply contributed to your thread, and made a solid point. You are the one being all butthurt and uptight because his opinion differs from yours. The glass floor was indeed a device to create tension. Most people (viewers) would not know the average glass thickness and structural integrity of a glass floor. If anything, this device was a bit cliche, the (or ice) begins to crack under their feat thing. But it served its purpose. After a while, there are only so many dilemmas the protagonists can get into when it comes to walkers. I was just fine with it--and I'm sure most other people were.

Those are the kinds of cliches or implausible situations you as the viewer just need to forgive and roll with. In Jaws....when the shark got a running start and jumped up onto the boat, that was not very plausible. But it did create a lot of tension....and in no way detracted from Jaws being a great movie. I was just watching Casino Royale last night. The free-running scene was highly implausible....but it sure was fun to watch.


replicant4...reading requires sounding out the words, as well as comprehending the meaning behind them. Clearly the latter is beyond the scope of your abilities. When someone starts making unsolicited assumptions, like you and the other idiot, it simply shows their stupidity in things of actual substance. It's an attempt to look less dumb, and you both failed miserably.

All, I repeat, all intelligent viewers had a problem with that moronic scene. Further, all intelligent people understand the strength of glass and the approximate thickness of glass floors. It's not a secret.

All you've done is show your ignorance in the intended meaning of a poster, as well as the fact that something as simple as a floor confuses you. People like you must have so much help in life, in order to avoid starving to death.


Hahaha! That was a classic response. And I'm the offended one?

If you don't like it, and if you think it's stupid...don't watch it. Problem solved. I'll probably be leaving the show with Rick Grimes unless they come up with something big, but complaining about a glass floor cracking is laughable nitpicking.

Have a good day.


Why are you laughing like an idiot? That's reserved for posts that fall under the category of "good comebacks". That's not the case with you, so you've only made yourself look like an even bigger idiot. Your reply is exactly what I'd expect from someone with nothing to offer, no argument to make, and desperately trying to save face. I guess you thought if you laughed while offering a pathetic reply, it would somehow sound better? Wrong. Just give up. You've made a complete fool of yourself more than once

If I don't like the show, don't watch? Um, if you don't like the conversation, don't participate..... uh....duh....


Wait, I think you missed the brilliance of the scene and dismiss the reality of it. You missed that they it had to support the weight of an 1850's wagon. Those engineers who designed and worked out the load bearing formulas of that structure couldn't have foreseen that it would have to bear the weight of a wooden wagon from the 1800's. That floor had no chance (sarcasm).


Lol, it was obviously a building built to last and accommodate many people. I guarantee that floor would support several cars or trucks. This wasn't someone's home, it was a commercial building and they wouldn't have cut corners.


I had a similar problem with Fear the Walking Dead. The last straw was when the characters got soused, started banging on a piano, and attracted every zombie in existence.


It was predictable. As soon as they showed it I wondered how long until it started cracking and breaking. And no, that glass floor would have lasted forever. It would have taken a lot more than that wagon to break it.


It was a very silly scene. And you knew Ezekial was going to be okay, even with the manufactured tension. No way he goes out in such a silly way.

Those glass floors would be designed to hold a team of jumping football players and sumo wrestlers, and still be okay. I don't see how the glass would suddenly "decay" after 2-3+ years in the zombiepocalypse.


Did you guys miss the part where a chunk of the ceiling fell down on it? On top of the wagon after that, and its not like the entire thing broke, it was just that one chunk of it. I'm sure after years and decay the foundation of it was weakened and not as strong as it once was.

Its funny some of the things people nitpick about being unrealistic on a show about the dead coming back to life, realistically every one of them should be dead by now, many times over, realistically Rick would have never found his wife and son after waking up from his coma. People buy stuff like that and accept it but can't accept something like a glass floor breaking from a giant wagon on it?


No one missed that. Did you miss the entire crux of the conversation where that type of thing would not cause the floor to break? Further, they are glass tiles in a steel frame. They are not connected to one another, and it's not one big pane, so a crack in one would not travel to another. Even in a fictitious world, certain rules apply. It's amazing how certain people can't comprehend the written word.


Get over it already, it was just a moment they put in to add suspense, stop overthinking every damn thing. You people in this thread are the only ones talking about this, i've seen tons on youtube and reviews discussing the episode and not one person have i seen bitching about this glass floor other than here.

Not many people really care about small shit like that. Its a comic book based zombie show, some stuff is gonna unrealistic and just added in for suspense or dramatic effect.

And the fact that you stopped watching cause of that is pretty ridiculous.


Get over what? It was a moronic scene. End of story. You seem to making more about it due to your own ignorance. The only one who needs to get over anything is you, "genius". You're embarrassed because you were too dumb to understand just how ridiculous it was so you now want to try to alleviate that embarrassment by making it about others personally, instead of accepting the fact you're an idiot.

Face it, you're too stupid to understand how something as simple as a floor works, so you want to convince yourself everyone else has the problem. Only the absolutely most developmentally challenged morons think that way.


Hey,'s people like you that got the imdb boards shut down. Nothing but angry, negative attacks on others--about stupid, inconsequential things. I'm guessing you're about 17 and just haven't had much of a life yet, so you get all cavalier behind your keyboard. Life will have a rude awakening for you. Maybe some day you will see the light. But for now, you're just a dick.


Underpants? Wow. So you not only thought of the most pathetic reply possible, you actually typed it out. And, after seeing it in all its juvenile stupidity, you still sent it? Clearly embarrassing yourself is a hobby of yours.

As for your moronic assumptions about strangers on the internet, stop. You're simply making a further jack ass of yourself. It's amazing how an idiot could be so wrong, yet delude themself into believing they're so right.

Speaking of delusional stupidity, it seems your own irony is also lost on you. I'm in utter disbelief you can't comprehend losers like you are the garbage iMDb, along with the rest of the world, are completely fed up with. Only the most intellectually bankrupt wastes of life attempt to turn a post about a TV show into some sad little insult directed at the poster. Not even a clever insult either. You then degrade into some fool desperately trying to save face and stay afloat, yet sinking lower and lower with each reply. Cutting your losses is clearly something you've yet to learn.

I can go on and on, but the truth of the matter is you're a developmentally challenged cretin with the mentality of a six year old licking windows on the short bus.


You know, in real life, things don't just start decaying and falling apart after 2-3 years of not being dusted and waxed. The floor, in reality, would still be just as strong as it ever was 50 years later.


It depends on how exposed it is to the outside environment. If water can get into the cracks, they will expand when it freezes. If plants can grow there, it will deteriorate even faster.


You are talking about roads. Buildings don't decay like asphalt. There are no cracks and freezing damage to that steel supported, 2-3 inch thick glass or acrylic floor.

They needed another zombie scare so they made up a bunch of crap to make the situation fit the narrative they wanted. There just happened to be 100-200 zombies in the basement of course......there ALWAYS are.

Anyway, I'm personally tired of the zombie angle now. I'm annoyed with every scene they try to use the zombies. Those things should have all deteriorated and be gone by now. I'm tired of the constant huge herds of these things. They would have all rotted away to nothing by now. There may be a few left from recent deaths but all of these huge pockets of them would be gone.

I'm actually quite tired of zombies and am more interested in the human conflicts and dramas.


I was referring to the general case in real life, not the building on the TV show.


I thought it was retarded as hell, and really bad writing, that they were risking their lives to bring back an old wagon in the first place. So stupid.


Trying to remember. Is there a floor like that actually in the Smithsonian in real life?



On Talking Dead they said it was filmed at the Georgia Capital......they hung the banners to each area to make it look like the Smithsonian Museum, so that's how I knew where they supposedly were. I haven't been there in a couple years (and I know that building has been updated since then) but the last time I was there...there was a huge elephant in the middle, no big staircase and no glass floor.


