Yes. Exactly. I was watching this in utter disbelief. Ignoring that such a floor would never start cracking like that, (thickness, lamination, individual tiled sections etc), when it did start cracking I awaiting someone be be like 'uh, guys, lets get off it now in case in breaks and we fall though' but no, there they are, traipsing across it for ages. They could have all cleared off and dragged the stuff using the ropes. Or as you say, simply just handed the canoe over the banisters.
Though glass does seem to act very strangely in TWD universe considering the amount of times zombies are able to just walk through it.
I swear they write this shit just to wind us up.
And whilst we're on the subject of the stuff they picked up, yeah, I get the seeds, but the super old wagon? Wtf? They could just use a stripped down modern trailer or something. If they really need that exact wagon, bring a guy with pen, paper and tape measure and get the dimensions rather than bring all that dead weight back with them.
They also didn't appear very well armed for that outing. They could have been wiped out if they ran into trouble, be it zombie or Human.
And who was the guy who got bitten saving the horse? (from a stealth zombie no less, they're still relying on that trope it seems). Why did Maggie care so much? Have we even seen him before? They can't expect us to care about people they just randomly introduce. If he was already established, well, he was entirely forgettable.
How does a horde destroy a concrete bridge? I don't get it.
And they're still calling hordes 'herds'.
Sanctuary still looks like a refugee camp with sheets dividing living areas like it was a sports hall after a diaster. How long has it been now and people are still living like that. They live in huge industrial complex, I'm sure they could spread out a bit.
At least they killed off Gregory. That was satisfying.
I think I'm done venting on this POS episode.