The original core characters...

Are gone! Han because Harrison is a dick...Leia because cocaine is a helluva drug...and Luke because he evidently carries a genetic disorder inherited from his mother that causes sudden inexplicable death.


What does the astral projection look like?

I'm curious, because if it looks like the person is standing in front of you, then what if Luke's presence on Ach-To was a projection too?

Same could go for Snoke too, if this is the case.



Let the past die


Leia was supposed to be the focus of the third movie. When Fisher died, they should have rewritten this script so that Hamill could be in the next movie.


That would have been GREAT.....listening to that nails on the chalkboard / smoker's lung voice for another whole movie...YUCK.


Hamil can still be in the third movie as a force ghost.


Can Lukes force ghost ignite a lightsaber and kick some up and coming Sith ass? No? NEXT!


You said in your first post that all the core characters are "gone". I was just pointing out they were not all gone. Luke can still be in the next film and contribute to it.


Yeah...and I'd like to point out that finger banging ones sister doesn't get one to third base.


Yeah...I'd go with that. What was worse for me was that Leia got a truly shocking death in the movie...only to follow it up with that unassisted space walk nonsense...


The original characters were all supposed to die in these film's....expect Chewie and the MF
