ComputerBlue's Replies

Any Star Trek movie, replicator, holodeck, no work unless you want to so you end up doing what you love for a living, just work on improving your quality of life, little to no violence, no poverty, illness is rare, space exploration etc. I though politics weren't allowed outside of the politics part of the forum? Reported because fuck I'm so tired of American politics... <blockquote> i just wish we could get rid of him somehow but sadly like jennifer garner unexplainable powers are keeping them working in movies.</blockquote> Or just don't watch the movies they are in? Especially since they maybe represent 1% of all movies made, if that. Where did I say Crusade was good, If I did, then you could call me a hypocrite. It's decent though, but certainly not worthy of a top ten, it's the worst one in the trilogy, but it's still fun and there's plenty to like about it, like an Adam Sandler or Martin Lawrence movie. The Waterboy, National Security - Shit movies, but fun. Crusade, fun. Yes, what better way to defend your opinion than to not say anything worthwhile and just call me a troll and have a little tantrum instead of looking at TDKR objectively and realizing it's got a lot of flaws. If you can hate crusade for having flaws, then others can dislike TDKR for having them too. The whole premise of this thread is you being a hypocrite who lacks the ability to see how others can like something you don't, while simultaneously lacking the ability to not be able to see how others can dislike something that you do. It's comical. Did I hurt the little hypocrites feelings because I don't like something you do? Its alright to point out flaws in one movie but not the other? lol okay, sorry. Alright, you've got a fantastic top ten other than TDKR. The movie is so trash imo and ruined the trilogy. There's so much wrong with it right from the get go, below is a link to the opening plane scene, when they blow out the tail of the jet, where did the wires that were holding it up go? and the cargo plane that's pulling the jet? Why am I looking at the sky? Plane scene - There's a serious lack of attention to detail in this movie, it felt like Nolan just wanted to be done with Batman. Then there's Bane's comical accent, how can anyone find him a threat when he sounds like a Muppet. Accent - Surely if the many glaring issues with TDKR don't bother you, then the ones from Crusade shouldn't either. Especially when Crusade is intentionally light hearted and fun, but the TDKR is meant to be dark and serious. This is the first time I saw him and thought he looked his age, he definitely looks younger with facial hair. Terrible casting, such an unlikable person, and even if he wasn't he wouldn't be able to pull of Sully. Fun movie with fun characters, a decent story, cool locations and a great musical score. Simple really. OP, curious as to what you would consider a few movies to be worthy of being in the top 10 on imdb's or anyones list. LOL This game is probably in my top 10 all-time, I’ve replayed it pmabout 10 times. The soundtrack is so amazing as well, it’s too bad that mankind divided was mediocre compared to this. By the way, the DLC is part of the main campaign in the directors cut, about 75% of the way into the game or so you’ll automatically play the DLC. Yeah yeah yeah yeahhhh...Hello Helloouaah How do you get the sound garet from got? False Yuck This garbage that was written by Scientologist nut job founder L Ron Hubbard is the one movie of Travoltas that you actually like? LOL I'm not much of a Travolta fan, but come on. I don't believe you. This movie is pretty damn good and has a decent story, so I don't know what you're on about. The music from the movie is kind of great too, the soundtrack sold like crazy because it was really bad? Okay. Objectively you may not like the music, or even the type of music, but to say this is bad music is just subjectively wrong. I don't like country or reggaeton but I can admit when a song is good from those genres. Seems to me like you're just a hater OP. Pretty much any and all celebs who have relatives in the business were given a free pass into the business, even if they change their name to try to "make it on their own" lol. Emilio Estevez, good actor no doubt but still. Even someone like Nic Cage who has proven to be an amazing actor when he wants to be, probably wouldn't be in the business if it wasn't for Coppola family going back a few generations in the business. 4-3-1-2--6--5-----7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 I have a hard time putting 1,2,3 in place, 4 is definitely my favorite but those 3 are so equal that I had a hard time placing them in any order and changed it several times until I got fed up and settled on what it is. Still pissed about how rushed this series turned out.