ComputerBlue's Replies

The do run Hollywood though, it's no secret, they don't keep it secret either. It's well known. This was solely a discussion about racism, I called you out because you said God no, Biden isn’t on the same level as Trump in terms of racism and now you’re suddenly talking about Covid and Global Warming policies. Let’s just agree to disagree. Also, best not use promises from politicians about their upcoming policies, they hardly ever follow through on the majority of their promises. Sweet baby Jesus, she's normally hot af but she's channeling her inner Nicholson Joker here. lmao hobgoblin Warner Bros is straight garbage for this, meanwhile she gets to continue working and shitting in peoples beds? Crazy world we're living in. <blockquote>if you can't see a world of difference between these two men when it comes to race relations, you clearly aren't looking hard enough(or at all).</blockquote> As an unbiased outsider without a horse in this race, you might be right, but I've followed American politics pretty closely for a long time now and based on MSM, social media, Reddit, Twitter, celebrities, athletes, you'd think Biden would have demolished Trump, yet somehow, unsurprisingly it was a pretty close election. There's clearly a lot of bias going on so you may want to apply that quote to yourself and try looking at things objectively. I also guess the largest minority votes for a republican since JFK were from self loathers who wanted him to stick it to them, right? Ones a douche, the other is a turd. You can decide on which is which. There's nothing that convinces me that one is more or less racist than the other based on what they've said or not said, done or not done in the past. You're saying God no like there is a huge divide, but I disagree. I can also guarantee you that there are plenty of very rich and powerful white supremacists that love Biden, too. Just because they don't look like a hick from Alabama and are on the internet showing their support for him doesn't mean they don't exist. Also I don't see where you got the idea that I liked Trump. Shit, I'm not even American. I'm Canadian and we've got a Prime Minister who is nothing like Trump on the surface and never said anything insulting, until...Those pictures and videos of him wearing black face on 3 different occasions surfaced. Point being, you never know. In Trumps defense though. He doesn't know how to shut the fuck up, can't help but always speak his mind, he's insanely blunt, the mans mouth moves faster than his brain can process what he's about to say. Given those traits, I'd expect a lot more Freudian slips if he truly was as vile as he's often made out to be. You ever hear of Robert Byrd, and his relation to Joe Biden? What about "poor kids are just as bright as white kids". "If you don't vote for me, you're not black." Obama is "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean” That 1994 crime bill which let to mass incarceration of Black Americans. There's plenty more. I dunno man, I bet you he's pretty racist. Limiting it to top 3 is too hard. Even top 5 isn't easy. It's a sin Always on my mind Opportunities Domino Dancing What have I done to Deserve This I'm also tired of Tegridy, I just want episodes revolving around the boys again. He's also worse than Hitler if he keeps silent. Easy there temper tantrum, why are you mad at me? It's not my fault you're intellectually crippled. <blockquote>when i think of bigots i think of white people who hate black people.</blockquote> This is dumb. Maybe open a dictionary or at least do a google search. It's what TNT does, same with TBS, or at least back in the day. Same movies over and over. Blue Streak, The Replacements, Con Air, The Cable Guy, Die Hard, Air Force One, Sleepless in Seattle. To name a few. Lmao Here's a poll someone made on reddit. OP you might have an aneurysm. Does this no longer work? Because I can't seem to get it to work. Edit: nvm, got it to work. I usually don't, just got annoyed and overreacted I guess. It's bad enough I have to see his and Trumps face all over the place, it sucks that I see them when I come in here to read about movies, too. What's the point of making rules if you're not going to enforce them? No politics allowed, except, some politics.