MovieChat Forums > crc32 > Replies
crc32's Replies
I stopped trying to justify the details after it was shown the Aliens were using the TCP/IP protocol which allowed Golblum to inject a computer virus into their alien network.
I think money would become worthless as people would stop working. Aliens showing up one day will totally break our routine. I'm betting 40% of military, firefighters, and police will chicken out of working. Thered be unrest and chaos in the streets as people will think they can get away with anything. Crime would skyrocket
My biggest beef is with the prime directive plot abuse. In one show a drug addicted planet of aliens are led to believe they have a plague that will kill them with out medicine provided by another planet but unbeknownst to the sick population they arn't dying they've just become addicted to the medicine(which in reality) is just a drug being pushed by the other alien culture. Dr Crusher wants to inform the sick population that they are not sick just addicted but the prime directive prevents her from interferring with other cultures so they are supposed to just let the culture suffer and trade all their work and wealth to the lazy lying drug pushing aliens. The case to intervene is made and pcard says that "Every time the federation breaks the prime directive it always turns out badly". This is my exception to shows like this. The plot, facts, and history of the shows universe always provides absolute evidence to support the liberal theory of the week with no possible counter points being brought up. Like theres never a counter example where breaking the prime directive is justified. For example to prevent Genocide of billions, insterad episode is set up so that the prime direcive or liberal theory of the week is always right.
During Empire Strikes back I think the idea was to imply that leia was force sensitive and the one Yoda was reffering to but the intention for them to be siblings wasn't thought out until Return of the Jedi. Yoda says there is another and later we see Leia sensing that Luke is hanging on the antenna. Other then that we don't see any brother sister implications hence the kissing on the mouth stuff.
When you realize that any trip into space is done by minimizing the weight which means minimizing the food and water on any space ship, it really isn't going to take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you ever get a stowaway on a ship you need to kill them ASAP and chunk them out the nearest airlock. You can't afford to cut ration or anything else for an unaccounted for person. Not sure how you can make a movie about something where their is only one logical answer. [/quote]
Not true. redudent supplies including food and water are always present in spaceflight. And food and water can be rationed if need be. Whats remarkable is that the mission wasn't aborted early as the man was found shortly after launch. A long trip with out backups and redudent supplies is doomed to fail at the slightest problem.
Same here. Some one would have been bound to know one of their work crew was missing. You don't just walk in and out of a space cradft with out signing in a clip board some where on a ship that's so close to launch.
I originally thought there was something nafarious about his presence initially.
The central body is exactly where you want to put your solar panels, because it barely rotates and it is easy to adjust them to face the sun. Astronauts could go where they want to because their mass is so negligible compared to the weights that it is nothing. Besides, changing the center of rotation will only change the gravity experienced at both ends.
But the solar panels in this case were on the ends of the teether holding the two craft together. The spacecraft was held together like a cannon chain shot with the center of mass/rotation being some where in the middle of the teether cable so the panels where always rotating changing direction in relation to the sun.
Solar flare protection is a thing. It is easily blocked by mass. How do you think the future Gateway, part of the Artemis program, is going to be protected against flares? By magic, no doubt.[/quote]
Thats only true of the Alpha radiation from the solar flares. There are still X-ray and gamma rays to worry about but the ship should have shielding to withstand solar flares.
What are you implying? The space station wikipedia entry is huge and I don't feel justified reading the whole thing to make sense of your one line response. I think it would have been more direct to link
Reading this section tells us their are two of them on the
ISS so what was your point then?
Does that imply we need to change a certain US state's name as well?
Super 35 syupports many aspect ratios.
then he should have used 1.43. Edges are still being cropped off at 1.33.
I'm neither whit e nor black and I don't feel shit. Then again that was resolved 150 years agp let it go already.
Imax is 1.43 at its squarest. 1.33 is like old school TV.
Agreed I'd have liked some explanation as to why he didn't talk. I assumed he was PTSD or something I don't kniow. I also kept cringing every time he would crush those soda cans etc. Also like how was he [spoiler]Expecxting to raise that girl[/quote] when he coulden't even speak. Silence is consent I guess when she got in the car.
So was this a dig at China or the US film industry?
Yea the movie seemed to just be following Toho in regards to technology. Like the Super X hover cr aft etc. When I see godzilla King of the monsters and this dGodzilla vs Kong I pretty much just assume this is like happening 10 to 15 years in the future and that some kind of break through had happened to advance technology.
Don't kid your self. The was no 0th year. It was always year 1.It sounds silly nodays cause as zero has less nonce then it did back then but the fact is our 1sr year was 1AD during that year and not after.
I liked the stand alone batman and superman movies. I'm not into the whole super hero gang bangers that are over Marvel and DC these But Ill watch it too.days.
Your amazing.
Yes but its a comedy not a horror so keep that in mind. Its a student film like George Lucases THX-1138 that got a wide release. Carpinter and alien fans should definitly check it out. Alien fans will like this story as it was written by Dan Obannon and used a lot of elements from the movie in his writing for Alien 1979.