MovieChat Forums > LTUM > Replies

LTUM's Replies

lmfao "your honor, I would liek to present exhibit A" ^^ this is a good example of why i say this site is BS. you pour a lotta sentiment out in a post and nobody even reads it let alones gives one half of a FUCK lolololololol man, fuck this dumbass site IDGAF movies are dead anyway. at best, on life support. go enjoy yalls' 'netflix original series' lol ---These days we are lucky to get 1 a year and its usually insulting with heavy handed propaganda.--- definitely agree here, 1000% ii used to see movies AT THE THEATER 2-5 times EACH week, and now i may ride through to look at the posters twice a year (then drive away without entering) the stories ALL suck now, and on top of that scenes are BORING as hell. movies now are full of pointless scenes where the characters are discussing something the viewers are NOT interested in at all. but they will be discussing it like has the importance of nuclear fusion or life/death. and they have so many MOOT superfluous details in films now that add nothing to the momentum, plot. also every fucking filmmaker now tried to mimick tarantino's 'royale w cheese' conversation (in style i mean) i have written on this extensively. for me the true death nell was 2020. but it was going on prior. i think it was somewhere around 2014-16 that i stopped going to the theater except for a handful of times in a year. and as bad as that was and i tought it couldn't get worse, the movie business said hold my beer and took it to a new low in the 2017-19 era. then covid hit and things were REALLY dead, probably for good. (i refer to quality, not attendance) the one moment that defied all this was top gun maverick, IMHO. it actually suceeded in taking me back to an earlier time when movies were good and everyone in the theater was visibly having a great time, truly transported to another world for 2 hours. (reminds me of my grandfather talking about how he was glad he saw Florida in the days before the world discovered it, pree turnpike era of the 20s 30s) they beat it out of me (the movie industry) i was one of the most hardcore movie fans onthis planet, and they literally made me entirely numb to it. as things sit now i just rewatch old greats on my TV at home, and enjoy the OCCASIONAL discovery of one i missed in the 70s or 80s, and when this happens that is a real treat. i will add that good movies do still get made today, but they are very hard to find and usually i discover it 12-18 months later so i miss the theater experience. another thing I'll add is that the industry as somewhat 'retooled' towards producing TV episodes INSTEAD of feature films, due to the public's hugs taste for the limited series format. i for one can take it or leave it (the limited series format) but i prefer by far a fine feature film. we are also victims of the younger crowd running things in hollyweird, a contigent i think are likely unaware or unconcerned with good writing the way the filmmakers of a decade or two ago were. (been in a deep dive on carl franklin lately. he is a good example of top notch story sense and skillful directing) i could go on forever, but gotta stop somewhere. cheers the acting was horrible. i guess we have different sensibilities. oh well. evidently i am alone in my tastes lmfao well okay then. we are not the same. smh i think you guys need to watch it again. or, maybe that wouldn't help. i would go through a list of points but i really don't have time. all i know is, the lst time i caught it which would've been the date of this op, cringe wasn't a strong enough word. it was full on pandering. (like i said i don't have time...) damn. that says a lot about you lol RIP one of my all time faves. if you can't see what it is on the surface, then nothing I can say would change your mind. Have a fabulous day. She has one of the best ass/hips/thighs combination I've ever seen. Drives me crazy to even LOOK at her. I always feel as if i know him personally. He conveys a lot through a camera. Uber cool guy. Just watched killing me softly again. Joseph comes off completely authentic, vulnerable. exactly. exactly. okay sure, but why air this in public? trying to make money, i guess. also, kinda chickenshit to wait till THE MOMENT he dies to release it. lol, yes i agree. i don't think i meant it the way you took it. IMO the best movies were in the 90s, then 80s, then 70s, and i lump 2000-05 in with the 90s, sorta, but anything after 2005 is very hit or miss. there have been some good ones after 05, but they are RARE IMHO and you never know going in if what you are about to see is any good. but contrast that with the 90s, 80s, i would regularly drive to the theater and just buy a ticket and go in blind, not even knowing who the actors were, and was almost always very satisfied with the film. IMO they had a better grip on story back then, and i mean even down to the cutting of the scenes for pace and flow. movies before 05 would hold your attention regardless of the content. it couls be romcom, action, drama, period, whatever. IMO it held your attention because of the storytelling style, moreso than the actual content. and then if you really connected with the characters or if the theme hit you deeply, that was a lovely bonus. (again, i place the early 2000s in withthe 90s.) i think the mid 2000s were the pinnacle. i have written many posts/essays on this, with ample evidence. a few bits: 05 is when facebook came online, and youtube, and netflix streaming, and SOON after that the smart phone was launched. all these things plus others had a big and FAST impact on the culture's appetite for films. even the industry itself was terrified of all this. (ever heard of eisner's famous 'sky is falling' speech from 2007?) terrified, and rightly so. and yes it pretty much played out exactly the way they feared it would. the industry as we knew it then was lost and (likely, IMHO) gone forever. one thing to add is (and this is what i think drove the barrage of mad movies after 05) that the industry reacted to all these changes by 'altering their playbook' which, IMO, led to poor decisions (about choice of content, hiring writers, budgets, etc) because they were trying to 'hang on' and trying to 'just survive' etc etc... (this is, IMHO, what drove the FLOOOOOOOOOODDD of comic book movies) and, yes, they may have 'survived' in the balance sheet aspect. but movies themselves changed, as a product [ill]designed for consumption by the viewing public. so yeah, i am with you on this. my OP ^^ was more aimed at young people today who have NOT seen it, and who may expect the effects to be 'cheesy'. but my tastes lean toward the films of the 90s/80s/70s, and a sprinkling from the 60s, then a BIG affection for 1940s/50s noirs/dramas/comedies nice talking to you. LTUM i agree with you. i always thought green was the weakest link in casino royale (my fascination with her tits aside...). me and a friend have discussed that many times, how she was very poorly matched acting in a scene alongside Daniel Craig. it was obvious. as for dench, i agree on that too. not sure about gambon, considering he was maybe already too old for that role in 2005. but dench? nah, not the right fit. i like her and all but IMHO she is no M. (and moreover, i think R Fiennes is miscast in that role too) sienna: yeah dude, totally. what a babe. i mean, she can doll up and look nuclear hot, or she can do street trash, either extreme. love her. Just my .02 nice. your work? i will be more active here soon, because i will have more time. one thing i intend to explore is revisiting old films that made an impression on me for whatever reason. i look forward to digging into the entire history of my own personal catalog, reaching back to the mid 1970s. this is gonna be fun. i guess this post up top here.... is sorta like a 'first effort.' many more to come..... cheers just seeing her name and face on here today brings a flood of memories for me. her song with santana was a big deal for me and a friend of mine 20 years ago, and we kinda bonded around that song. yeah, she makes me think of the early 2000s and everything going on then. the glory days prior to social media and streaming and all these other 'advancements' which basically tore down our cohesion and attention spans. i also had a hella crush on her. yummy lady. Fascinating You really rung my bell with this Never woulda guessed. Also its a tragedy it interrupted a top career. Also i find it somewhat poignant and sad. first of all, this movie is not dubbed. not sure what you watched. also, if you think this movie is boring you must truly be a loser of the highest order. This movie has tons of subtext and is a very engaging story. However, it's probably better suited for the more intelligent viewers, so that is probably why you didn't like it. cheers.