wow, didn't expect this board to be so dead
such a great little movie.
have rewatched it many many times over the years. it has stuck in my mind for multiple reasons.
among others, it reminds me clearly of the mid to late 90s era, which was iMHO the last moment of 'innocence' before the world changed after 911 and the advent of social media, ubiquitous cell phones, etc etc.
it's the 'vibe' or atmosphere of the movie that nails me. love the characters too, yeah, and the plot etc, and especially the fun intermittent 'consultation' with Ray Winstone (one of my all time faves).
among other things, this was also my introduction to Joseph Fiennes, who also became one of my faves.
enjoyed monica potter in this in spite of the fact that IMO she was doing a blatant rip-off of julia roberts' persona/style, and also that she was a truly unlikeable character (as another poster discussed in a different thread)
plus there is also the setting of London.
listen, i could go on and on but suffice to say this is on my all-time list of rewatched films, and definitely represents a robust time in the industry when story and character mattered and was still a viable business proposition for any wannabe filmmaker, because the viewing public still had a solid appetite for such product, unlike now when everyone is a 'zombie slave' to social media and mindless tiktok BS.
thanks for reading lol