MovieChat Forums > William Hurt Discussion > the other side of william hurt

It's possible of course but I do get tired of all the claims that get made about men, especially after they have died. Doesn't sound very fair.

Also funny how the claims usually tie in a with a book they are hoping to sell.


Book. Yep. See my comment below. ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’ฒ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’ฒ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’ฒ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’ฒ


exactly. exactly.


This woman disgusts me. She's trying to cash in on the death of this man. If you read the article, she's all over the place. One minute it's: he broke up with me. And then another minute it's: I stopped having contact with him and put him out of my life. And then another minute it's: he stopped having contact with me. And then she mentions TWICE how she's been fantasizing all these years about reconciling with him. She clearly has psychological issues. And then when you go to all of her social media pages (of which she has numerous) she has the Variety article plastered all over every one of those pages multiple times and also, more importantly, she posted her book that she wrote about him 6 years ago that nobody bought. That's what's important to her right now. Making sure that people see she has a book about him and she's trying to get people to buy. That's the FIRST thing she posted as soon as Bill died, her BOOK that she wrote in 2016. At least Marlee Matlin had the grace and dignity not to drag this man's name through the mud after his death when asked for a statement. Nor did she try to use this occasion as an opportunity to try to sell her book from 2009 again. This woman has no grace or dignity. This is totally DISGUSTING to me, regardless of whether he abused her or not. Just on Twitter alone, since Bill's passing on Sunday, she's posted her book at least SEVEN TIMES.


Emily Ratajkowski or whatever her name is did the same. Years after supposingly being abused on the set of Blurred Lines she makes the accusations to promote her book.

I'm not surprised Donna's book didn't sell. I have never heard of her nor do I care.


All the websites that have published this story have turned off comments because they were almost 100% negative towards this woman. The only ones kissing her ass are the ones on her social media pages. And she's deleting the truthful negative comment about herself and her motives.


Yeah websites like to do that *ahem* IMDb when they get discussions they donโ€™t like.

Same with news sites.

Regardless of what he was or wasnโ€™t like William Hurt had that nice stand up guy persona. To try and attack him especially after he died isnโ€™t going to go down too well.

I think people have woken up to metoo as well. Just a cash grab and great to ruin a manโ€™s life whether he is guilty or not.


I hate it so much. No person is perfect. And excessive alcohol consumption can sometimes make even the best people do ugly things. But to me, that doesn't cancel out a person if they've tried hard to change and better themselves, which Bill did work very hard to do.
I'd always hoped he would go on the same way that Clint Eastwood has. But I knew he was going to be unable to. He'd been though so much these past 10 years. Being diagnosed with Stage 4/D2 prostate cancer in 2012 that had already spread to the lymph nodes and bone. In 2014, nearly being hit by a train while watching a crew member on the film he was working on get hit and killed by it. In 2018, breaking his leg on the way home from a movie he was starring in. His cancer was in remission in 2018 when he announced publicly about his cancer status while promoting the treatment he was receiving. I had been searching for the most recent productions that Bill had been in and came across an episode of a show called Mythic Quest which was from last year. I tracked it down 2 weeks before he passed and watched it. The episode is called "Peter" and in, he flat out says that he was dying. That just hit me like a brick. It was art imitating life. So for those 2 weeks leading up to, I had a deep seated fear that he wasn't going to be around much longer. Sadly, he's now gone and I'm heartbroken.


I can't stand that Emily Ratajkowski. Seeing as she's supposedly had such a terrible time being exploited, and yet, she's only known because of the stuff where she's been 'exploited', maybe she could do us all a favour and drop out of the entertainment industry.

I don't find her remotely attractive, so I won't miss her, and if anything I'm being a big-time FEMINIST here, because I'm saying that if she drops out of the industry, she won't be exploited anymore. Win-win for EVERYONE, including Ratajkowski.

But she's clearly one of those self-publicist, gaslighting types, who wants to shove their vastly OVERRATED 'beauty' in our faces (no-one asked her to, certainly NOT me), whilst simultaneously claiming we're 'exploiting' her...๐Ÿ™„


This was known when he was alive. Marlee Matlin said he hit her.


To be fair.... his name is William HURT. What did she expect?


Marlee Matlin has also mentioned bad behavior by him.


okay sure, but why air this in public?

trying to make money, i guess.

also, kinda chickenshit to wait till THE MOMENT he dies to release it.
