MisterE's Replies

Wow, I didn't realize that this was a documentary instead of a Z-level work of entertainment. I am, the previews look fun. I liked the first Captain Marvel movie well enough and the Ms. Marvel Disney series was far more entertaining than I expected. Monica Rambeau was ok in WandaVision and will hopefully have a chance to shine in this movie. I was so let down by Punisher Season One that I've never bothered watching Season 2. I haven't seen the movie but we did that a couple of times with vodka when I was late teens / early 20s. Vodka doesn't have a very strong smell so maybe that's why Hoffa didn't notice if that's what they used in the movie. Maybe they could have worked the plot so that John Connor grew up and had a kid and then the Terminator shows up and kills him. Then Sarah could spend the rest of the movie protecting the new leader of the future resistance, John Connor Junior. I'm 55 and have never seen the film. My best friend was talking it up a decade ago and I bought the DVD, but I don't think that I've taken the plastic wrap off of it. Maybe one day... Bryce Dallas Howard, Sofia Boutella, AND a cat?? I'm in. Well, she never got indicted for anything, unlike Mister "Lock Her Up". She is a good Representative of the trash that makes up the Republican party. The first 7 1/2 minutes of TED2 is a stripped down retelling of the first movie, it's all new after that. This movie had many most annoying parts. Looks pretty cool, I'll be there! They may have played the previous week's episode on Friday and then a new episode on Saturday, been too long to remember. I haven't watched them all, but several years ago I downloaded a torrent with all the episodes in pretty mediocre VHS rip quality. I loved that show! As I recall it was on WWOR on Friday nights, my cable company in Huntsville, AL, carried the channel. This is the correct response. There is also the followup "Waiting for Dave"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LFyGhTWdko Better or worse than "The Flash" in your opinion? I thought that it was a fairly amateur production but it still managed to be entertaining. I saw it at the theater. They thought that it was 999 so they weren't worried about it. 'Week ending'? It took 7 days?