FFNogoodnik's Replies

If scientific inaccuracies, a lot of exposition or ridiculous situations becoming more and more ridiculous bothers you then this might not be the show for you. If, however, that does not bother you or it would not in a show that does not take itself seriously then you might like it. The show has good characters and is generally a fun show to watch. If you want a show that you can watch, enjoy then forget about until the next week Scorpion might be for you. If you mean the Jame Bond movie, then yes I have seen it. I have all of the EON films on Blue Ray :) Just curious, have you seen the Drawn Together episode with the Octopussoir? Hey Chuck. I do not have a problem with people asking questions like this, in fact I like it. I could have responded with an aggressive reply like you did but that would not get anywhere. I chose to be defensive in order to alleviate the situation and not let it get out of hand. I would prefer to have a discussion about it than an argument. As far as when it happened before, yes, I am referring to the past seasons. You seem to want to discount them just because they happened recently. but, The idea of a female Doctor is not a new idea. In a 1981 interview Tom Baker threw out that idea for his successor. The key is this: Will the Doctor be written as a woman who happens to the The Doctor or as The Doctor who happens to be a female? I am REALLY hoping for the latter. are you suggestion an "Octopussoir"? (see "Drawn Together" for reference) I agree that the current feminist movement has had a lot of influence on the timing of the decision but I also believe the idea of a female Doctor has been around for a while. In a 1981 interview Tom Baker brought up the idea of a female doctor when asked about what kind of Doctor his predecessor will be. The key is not that The Doctor will "have a vagina" but in how the change will affect the writing. Does the Doctor assume anyone that disagrees with her does so because she is a woman regardless of their intent? Does the Doctor now have to defend herself because people will find fault with her being a woman? If she is written as The Doctor first and a woman second then people will not jump ship as fast. Obviously the change will being some differences in writing if you look at scripts for any of the other recent doctors there will not be many changes needed. What would you accept as a valid explanation? There have been previous Time Lords who changed gender so the president has been set but I will presume "It has happened before with other Time Lords" is not a valid reason for you. Correct? My pleasure. I agree that Howard as a Daddy is not as funny as Howard as a "ladies man". I think I might see what you mean about Sheldon. It would be an abrupt change for him to go from sleeping in a room that was all his to a sharing a bed with someone. I explain it to myself as Sheldon is such a creature of habit that once he changed a habit (sleeping in his own bead to sleeping in a bed with Amy) the new habit became just as entrenched in him as the old one. The Thanksgiving episode was a repeat from Season 10 (Episode 12 to be exact) All those videos showed to me is "Vocal Fry = Valley Girl" I thought season 7 was fine, the least of the 7 seasons, but it did not suck. Season 7 was a given to the show so they could give each character closure. In that they did great. The problem with Season 7 was not the time jump but the third story line that involved an election. Seasons 4 and 5 with the original election and the recall vote and now the third time with Ben running for congress. Parks and Rec worked great because of the main characters reactions to the crazy people in Pawnee but in an election that covers more than Pawnee those people are less influential on the story. The thing is that did not devote 3 or 4 episodes to it. It had an impact on episode 1 and 3. Episode 2 they worked together to help Jamm with Tammy 2 and Episode 4 was about the feud but it was about the resolution to it. Episodes 2 and 4 were awesome episodes. I have no problem with the outfit except for the culottes. They always look like regular pants that shrunk in the laundry. [quote]As far as the lie by omission goes: again, your opinion, not mine.[/quote] Well then, if in Cindy's opinion it is a lie, then she would have lied. I think you missed some things in both "Ferris Bueller's Day off" (FBDO) and "Office Space" (OS). The theme of FBDO was not FREEDOM but spending one last great day with your friends before everything changes. Ferris spoke about his and Cameron's going of to different colleges and Sloane still being in school for her senior year. He wanted his friends to have one last great day together and the idea that they took off from school to do it was and added bonus because of how Ferris felt about the institution. In OS, Peter was frustrated with the micro management of his job. He would have been fine if he did not have seven bosses telling him different things. Peter stated he wanted to do nothing but that was not his true end goal. His goal was not freedom from working but simply the ability to have a clear path to do know what was wanted of him. The menial job that he got gave him that. Peter did grow as a character as he started as someone who was frustrated by all of the things going around him that he could not control to someone who realized that instead of being frustrated by the things you can't control he should concentrate on the things he can control. They did not but I do think the actual reason that it happened [spoiler] (he was rejuvenated by the power of the boxes) [/spoiler] can be used so i will just presume they did that. With all of the slooooooow moooootion in it there is no way in hell this WAS NOT a Snyder movie. I did like it however. It is the number tattooed on her arm. If I recall season 1 it was mike that named her 11 because she didn ot know her own name and he saw the number on her arm. It is the number tattooed on her arm. If I recall season 1 it was mike that named her 11 because she didn ot know her own name and he saw the number on her arm.