MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Is there any explanation why the Doctor ...

Is there any explanation why the Doctor suddenly has a vagina?

The past 13 incarnations of the Doctor have not had a vagina, are the writers at least going to give us an explanation why the new Doctor has a vagina all of a sudden?

I hope Jodie Whittaker gets eaten by Morlocks and the show is cancelled.


Missy, that's your explanation.


IMO purely to accommodate this recent overly aggressive feminist movement messaging.It's the in thing to promote girl power right now.Honestly i do believe they will lose some viewers though.Genre fans can be extremely overly protective of their characters.Start changing their favorite characters and they will start biting your head off.I remember the back flack when they switched out the sonic screw driver with sonic sun glasses.And that was a minor change compared to this.


I agree that the current feminist movement has had a lot of influence on the timing of the decision but I also believe the idea of a female Doctor has been around for a while. In a 1981 interview Tom Baker brought up the idea of a female doctor when asked about what kind of Doctor his predecessor will be.

The key is not that The Doctor will "have a vagina" but in how the change will affect the writing.

Does the Doctor assume anyone that disagrees with her does so because she is a woman regardless of their intent?

Does the Doctor now have to defend herself because people will find fault with her being a woman?

If she is written as The Doctor first and a woman second then people will not jump ship as fast. Obviously the change will being some differences in writing if you look at scripts for any of the other recent doctors there will not be many changes needed.


He's an alien, anything can happen.



Also, we have no idea what kind of genitalia he had under his various frock coats and too-short pants all those years, we only know that the bits that stuck out of his clothes strongly resembled a human male. For all we know he looked like a blue-ringed octopus under there, and still will in his 13th incarnation.


are you suggestion an "Octopussoir"? (see "Drawn Together" for reference)


OCTOPUSSY!!! Or an ovipositor, who the hell knows. He's an alien.


Just curious, have you seen the Drawn Together episode with the Octopussoir?


Oh yeah, love that show. Have you seen "Octopussy"?

And for all we know, Time Lords reproduce by budding, and don't have genitals as we know them.


If you mean the Jame Bond movie, then yes I have seen it. I have all of the EON films on Blue Ray :)


That didnt answer his question at all. I fear you may be stuck in defence mode.


So if Superman returns to life in the new Justice League film as Superwoman, its okay because "He's an alien, anything can happen."?

I say no. The character is the character. You want an awesome female Time Lady, invent one. The Doctor is male.


"You want an awesome female Time Lady, invent one."

They wouldn't even need to invent one.They could have built a spin off with an established fan favorite like Romana or Susan.


That would require the BBC having faith in a woman to be entertaining and successful on her own efforts.


Of course it's possible! He's an alien, we have no idea what's going on under his humanoid surface!

However, it will never happen because the fan base would freak out en masse and would probably burn down the DC headquarters. I hope the Doctor Who fans take it better, but I know that some won't.


Well said!


"He's an alien, anything can happen."

This seems to be the main point being made in support of this.So if Next season they decide to have Supergirl grow a penis and start calling herself Superman then all female fans and feminists will accept it with a smile and not complain at all.Because hey,she's an alien and anything can happen.


Did i really needed to add "an Alien who can regenerate?". I figure that everyone would understand that this is what i meant. Obviously you didnt get it.


I get get it.It's just a ridiculous concept that's being used solely as a springboard for feminism.It isn't being done for the sake of the show.It's being done IMO to promote a currently popular agenda.And my point was that most women are quick to jump to the defense of a show that would replace a strong male role model with a woman for the sake of diversity.But these very same women would pull out the feminist and sexism card if you were to try to take a strong female role model like Supergirl,Wonder woman and Buffy and replace them with men.


Oh ok, i get you what you meant. And i agree about how the reaction would go about Supergirl, Wonder Woman and Buffy being turned into men.

But regarding Doctor Who, i'm a man and i'm excited for the next season because i've been a long time fan of Jodie Whittaker. This probably help. But i can see how feminism will be happy only because they got a woman to play the role.


I plan on watching as well but i am not a fan of this gender swapping mythology they are pushing hard for.I have nothing against Jodie Whittaker though.I don't think i've seen her in anything but from what i've heard she's very good.


What would you accept as a valid explanation? There have been previous Time Lords who changed gender so the president has been set but I will presume "It has happened before with other Time Lords" is not a valid reason for you. Correct?


It happened before? When? I mean other than this past couple of seasons when the agenda was being rammed down everyones throat? Do you have some kind of problem with people asking questions of things like this? Usually this type of defensive reaction is when you have something to hide.


Hey Chuck.

I do not have a problem with people asking questions like this, in fact I like it. I could have responded with an aggressive reply like you did but that would not get anywhere. I chose to be defensive in order to alleviate the situation and not let it get out of hand. I would prefer to have a discussion about it than an argument.

As far as when it happened before, yes, I am referring to the past seasons. You seem to want to discount them just because they happened recently. but, The idea of a female Doctor is not a new idea. In a 1981 interview Tom Baker threw out that idea for his successor.

The key is this: Will the Doctor be written as a woman who happens to the The Doctor or as The Doctor who happens to be a female? I am REALLY hoping for the latter.


Why would you think being defensive wouldnt start an argument? Why start of with an aggressive tone if you dont want an argument? Theres a distinct suggestion that sexism is the only reason for the question in your reply.

Anyway, moving on. As for how the doctor will be written, Im expecting a few man in a womans body jokes. Other than that it depends on how heavy handed they are planning on being with patting themselves on the back for "doing the right thing at last". It can either make a few jokes and then ignore it like its the norm, or we can expect a running commentary on how bad women have had it over the years. Time will tell.

As for the heavy handed approach the bbc have taken to get here, yeah it is annoying. They could have just created a new character instead of forcing new mythology on us for the sake of ticking boxes. Its the lowest form of equality and its been done for no other reason than to appear to be for equal opportunities. If the BBC had any real faith in women they would have given whittacker a new character to create something new in the doctor who universe. Instead they did what all fake equality champions do and shoe horn women into formally male roles. Because they dont believe that a woman can be successful and entertaining unless its off the back of a man. Which is bullshit Im sure youll agree.


In terms for in world explanation, there really isn't one outside of token nu who stuff. Missy for instance, however if the writers wanted to that could have been explained in many ways. Master didn't always regenerate.

As for real world reason, Dr Who has always been somewhat tied to the social fancies of its writers. Dr Who ratings have been declining overall. It was a way to shake things up and appease a small group of people. I expect the first few episodes to be better rated than the previous season then once it drops the people that have no real interest in Dr Who outside her gender audience, you will get a better idea of how it performs with general audience and actual fans of Dr Who.

I plan to watch it, and will judge it for what it is. But having seen Jodie before I am a bit skeptical for this kind of part but you never know.


There have been hints for over 30 years.

In 1980 Tom Baker said "I wish my successor, whoever he or she might be, the best of luck."

Sydney Newman suggested it to a BBC chairman back in 1986.

The comedic 'The Curse of Fatal Death' by Moffat has a female Doctor in 1999.

'Destiny of the Daleks' shows Romana trying on several regenerations.

In 'The Night of the Doctor' Eight was given the choice by the Sisterhood of Karn to pick ‘male’ or ‘female’.

When 10 regenerated to 11 he made a mention about his new hair and being a woman.

'The Doctor’s Wife' we learn of Corsair, who was ‘male’ or ‘female’ during different incarnations (and was apparently a bad girl in one, and a strapping big bloke in another).

'Hell Bent' has the General changing gender and race.

The Master to the delightful Missy. As well as 12 alluding to how they had both been different genders previously throughout their shared histories (Morbius hints there may be another regeneration cycle unknown to us).

And ofc, now our Doctor.


How do you know the Doctor didn't? In all 12 previous incarnations I don't remember them ever discussing a penis and the Doctor is alien.

As Jim Kirk found out in Star Trek 6, it is human arrogance to assume that every other species is just like us.


You make big assumptions. Are you the type of person who occasionally gets a "Crying Game" surprise?
