MovieChat Forums > TheMan18 > Replies
TheMan18's Replies
What did he do or say that's so bad?
It stands for - Men Going Their Own Way.
Another thing kind of worth asking is, given the popularity of rape and revenge genres including of this series...
Even if in the OP in the LEGAL sense it is, and to an extent possibly so it is in a MORAL one, should the guilty perpetrator, were they to either get away with it or get light sentence or released on a technicality, be either killed for it or brutally tortured, like in I Spit on Your Grave type of movies?
And if he does say serve 3 or so years in prison but then released, are we to monitor him via Sex Offender Registries or just let him go, what if he genuinely confesses and doesn't do it again? And if he re-offends, what do we do to him?
And if yes OR no, then would that kind of rape, assuming it may differ to the particularly violent and brutal ones we've all seen too well (that also cause a great deal of physical damage if not result in outright murder of the victim, yes sometimes these things do happen this way, horrible as it is), be a legal or a moral matter, and would the victim of it be hurt as badly (well probably yes)?
Let's say for argument's sake the law DOES allow vengeance on guilty sexual offender perpetrators, would that make the world a better place?
I kinda wanted to make a separate thread about it, but nonetheless I'd ask it here.
What would happen if in REAL LIFE, say, not necessarily in all parts of the world under the banner of humanity and total guidelines of morality, the law would actually go down to the level of civilized public's desire and allowed the victims of rape to exact murderous and violent revenge on their guilty perpetrators, would that make the world a better place, reduce the rates of rape and other sexual offenses on behalf of male perpetrators, cause civilized people to breathe an air of relief and a feel of release at the hands of oppression, create better internet communities where the subject of rape no longer from any sides gets laden with flame wars, give the police and general public more respect and marry the concepts of law and morality and cause global celebrations at the thought of how finally humanity is evolving and that no longer is there any hope for rapists to get away and thus even do what they do to their victims in the first place, no matter the motive especially power?
Granted, in a perfect world it wouldn't happen in the first place (and maybe we will have DIFFERENT equivalents to rape and revenge fictional MOVIES for whatever purposes ALSO, although that IS another story altogether) but if we just tried to make it more civilized that way, would that work or is it actually somewhat likely to create other problems as well?
Thing is, I know sadly how terrible the world is with all these things mentioned and not mentioned NOW.
But if THAT kind of change was applied, as unlikely as it MAY be, but if it WAS, would that really make things better?
The thing is, in SOME parts of the world, audiences are even LESS likely to be open minded to sexuality, but is it really all that bad or maybe they are just not into it etc, or is American mentality that special here?
Americans are "sexophobes"? OK, maybe a lot of them are but the majority? And yet it is in America that porn industries and erotic movies are popular and are manufactured in amounts more than in any other country in the world?
Could it be that Jet Li was conscious about an idea of hurting let alone killing a woman who's also young and attractive looking?
2 Merrida - but even if we really DID delve deeply and maturely into WHY those evil men do those things, would that REALLY help the matters and cause less of those evil deeds to happen in the world?
And could it be that in case of rape, particularly men raping women, people actually DID look into the psycho-analysis of those things, but found no real foundations on why we should continue to try and understand such behaviour and just condemn it instead?
And even IF some if not a lot of those men do those things because of some or other kinds of abusive childhoods etc, does it mean it should be excused?
And isn't the biggest problem with that kind of crime instead is rather how difficult it actually is to punish and prosecute and therefore stop, not to mention, for some ungodly reason, societies have not only shown indifference towards it all but even indulged in victim blaming, mostly when the victim is a woman etc, which is as frustrating as it makes no sense but also sadly shows that most people in this world in general have no real empathy and good in them?
Does "why" even MATTER, even IF we, or at least some of us, don't intend to even unintentionally "condone" such acts in process, then again, sadly, even in civilized parts of the world, with laws and whatnot, and the majority of people condemning it, rapists STILL find ways to do their deeds and sadly get away with them, I guess it may be a sad part of their nature that isn't capable of being eradicated like that?
Not to mention, the amount of damage that it does to the victim, and sometimes they even murder them as well, combined with the fact that there is never an excuse for it (I mean, you can't accidentally rape someone, can you?) - we can understand why reactions among us civilized folks is of constant condemnation rather than looking into why.
Yeah, right, like "I Shot Andy Warhol" (1996)?
No, it was the legendary indie-film-maker Abel Ferrara.
Haven't seen the movie yet, hope it doesn't intend to make "light" of the subject.
And like I said, even guilty criminals of violent deeds don't deserve it and it is obvious as hell that there's "no excuse" for it under even those circumstances much less people walking naked on the street - like come on now, one has to be really stupid or cruel to think otherwise, right?
Does she at least get her vengeance on him or does he get away with it?
And what if it was a man in her position at the hands of say yes another man, would "he" deserve it?
Hell, I wouldn't even think she would deserve that kind of fate even if she did something seriously terrible like murder someone who is innocent and for no excusable reason?
She certainly doesn't deserve to be raped for that and I would rather like to think it is the man who deserves to go to hell for that that does it to her.
2 nights dream - it was long debunked by expert professional that Kanin's so-called "study" is nothing more than a provocative opinion piece that sadly proves the ignorance and unprofessionalism of many people in our humanity on the subject as well as a lack of ability to accept the truth.
I didn't particularly think much of this obscure little 1995 psychological police thriller "Someone to Die For" directed by Clay Borris, but the first twist towards the ending made me INCREDIBLY emotional as I cried physically at several dubious BUT understandeably relatable points and to a minor extent, the final twist.
To spell it out, the first one is where you find out that this one woman, who had a traumatic past, is actually turned into a villainous character BUT you can't help BUT feel sad for her despite her two wrong deeds, the second of which is an attempted murder of that police officer and the female reporter. I actually felt sorry for her even though I understood her later getting shot and POSSIBLY killed in self defense, the first part could at least be attributed to (figure out what it is). I'll tell you something else - if you EVER really wondered why both in films and to a lesser degree in real life as CIVILIZED beings we don't look at women who do wrong the same as men, watch that scene and the film itself and then you'll find out.
The LESSER but STILL emotional SECOND main twist, and sorry for the spoilers but maybe you won't see the movie anyway, involved the ACTUAL discovery of who killed those police officers.
Its an average movie overall, with a somewhat predictable plot, at best OK to average performances, some rather noticeable goofs and standard direct to video like cinematography and direction, but that part with the woman and the other twist were surprisingly touching and emotional.
The thing is, its also because men are typically far more strong than women and statistically wise, not to mention throughout human history for thousands of years, THEY are the ones that have committed these terrible deeds in far larger amounts and women were mostly their victims as well.
Maybe there IS some double standards about it all, but then again, sadly humanity overall cannot really agree on what is right and what is wrong, but I can somewhat see why MOSTLY men are being criticized and critiqued for it more and they are the ones that sadly have more power to do those types of evil deeds and get away with it.
Yes, its one of the absolute greatest films ever made, one of my top 10 favourite films ever and Hitchcock's finest achievement to my mind.