Atarimaster's Replies

I was thinking the same thing, but then I hoped that it won’t happen like this. That’d be a bit too [i]Lassie[/i] for me… ;-) Hmm. Yes, this makes sense. Next time I watched the episode, I’ll also have a close look at Yara’s ships to see if they’re illuminated in some kind. »the timeline is still really weird for, what, a few weeks« As I’ve said above: I don’t remember anything that hints at the amount of time that passed between Yara leaving the Iron Islands and Euron showing up with a new fleet. How did you get the notion that a few weeks have passed? And not several months? Or a year, maybe? Yara probably already needed a few weeks to reach Meereen, and we don’t know how long she remained there until she took off again with Daenerys. [b]Edit:[/b] And just to clarify – I’m not claiming a year has passed. I’m just saying: We don’t know how much time has passed. To me, it’s much like back when Jamit said: "I was chained to a wooden post, covered in my own shit, for months" – and I thought: "Huh, what, months? I thought it might have been three or four weeks or something…" And this time, I just was thinking: "Hey, Euron’s got a brand new fleet! More time must have passed than I thought…" And Euron murdered his brother (granted, who was a douchebag indeed) and ordered to kill his niece and nephew the minute he was chosen to be king because he has no lust for power but… errrmmm… because a man must do what a man must do! Yes. Of course. »Arya knew it was Nymeria.« I agree. Arya’s not stupid. A wolf that size can only be a direwolf. A direwolf not killing here can only be one of the six Stark wolves. And she certainly didn’t forget how Nymeria looked. Huh? In various BluRay audio commentaries, they mentioned that the direwolfs aren’t CGI but real wolfs which are filmed separately on a different location (I think they said somewhere in the USA) and then digitally pasted into the picture. That was what made the direwolfs so expensive, because they have to pay the animal trainer, a lot of takes are needed until the wolf is doing what he is supposed to do etc. I don’t know if they changed that approach at some point since I haven’t listend to all the commentaries. So, did they decide to use full-CGI wolfs instead? I have to admit I didn’t look close enough at Nymeria to see whether she’s CGI or real… I was too excited at that moment! »Euron being able to find Yara's fleet is actually logical (…)« I was referring to Euron being able to pinpoint the [i]exact[/i] location of the fleet in the middle of the night, while at the same time, they didn’t see him. I didn’t doubt that he knew that Yara’s fleet had to be around somewhere, maybe I wasn’t making myself clear on that. So actually, we’re agreeing here. :-) So you’re rooting for a murderous traitor because he kills murderous traitors? *raising*one*eyebrow*spockishly* It is not logical. EVERYTHING she has done so far was build on her assumption that she is the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. So [i]of course[/i] she expects Jon Snow to bend the knee. Anything else would be out of character. »GOT has a problem with continuation (…)« I don’t agree. Mostly, we don’t have any idea how much time passes between different episodes… or even different parts of a specific story arc. The different story arcs obviously even run at different time lines: Arya’s story of season 6 was probably a matter of days (at least, what happened in Braavos), while Dany’s story covered months. The thing with Varys is one example of that: Of course he had to go from Dorne to Meereen again to tell Dany that she has new allies, and of course only after that Dany would set sail. Two scenes in very close to each other for the viewer, but weeks or probably even months between them for Varys. That we didn’t see anything happening in the meantime, doesn’t mean that no time has passed. GoT isn’t 24. Sometimes, the show just skips long time frames, and it has done so from the beginning. So, how long did it take Euron to build a new fleet? I honestly don’t know. I have no idea how much time has passed between him commanding his people to build a new fleet, and him actually having it. I have no idea because I don’t remember a single hint of the passage of time regarding this. Did I miss somthing? That’s entirely possible, so point me to it. Oh… and that Euron was able to find Yara’s fleet in dark night while on the other hand, they didn’t see him coming… yes, that was stupid. Thank you for clearing that up! At least I wasn’t wrong about Arya being horse-faced, only forgot about the other ones. And boy am I glad that they changed this in the TV show! ;-) »I think Snow was described as tall (and "horse-faced")« Huh? Wasn’t Arya called »horse-face« in the book? That’s the way I remember it, but I’m not sure about it… You keep saying that. But fact is, we don’t know who exactly was sitting in that room. Maybe she invited them specifically, maybe she didn’t. Probably she didn’t, but we just don’t [i]know[/i]. … Apart from that, I still believe that it’s very unlikely that anyone of the Freys wasn’t a participating in the Red Wedding, but of course, that’s just an assumption, too. And still I say: Whether Arya kills specifically or not, remains to be seen – by what happens to the Lannister soldiers she met. "Oh, you’re not my opinion, so you have to be stupid!" I’m out of this particular bit of discussion. I don’t see how failure could render a story arc pointless. »Dragonglass is obsidian, so I'm not sure if dragons can actually create it.« While I’ve seen obsidian, I have to admit I never knew what it actually is. Wikipedia says: »It is produced when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools rapidly with minimal crystal growth.« Lava is molten rock, and we know the dargon fire is hot enough to melt stone. So while dragons surely can’t produce dragonglass, it’s thinkable that you can get dragons to melt (the right kind of) rock, and then take care that it cools fast enough to build obsidian… Aaah, well. This might be a bit far-fetched. Dragonstone looks like a volcanic island, so it probably is and has a lot of natural obsidian. No need for dragons. ;-) I didn’t even know that this guy is a popular singer until I read it here. The benefits of not being into mainstream music… *grin* »It kind of makes cersei seem very DUMB which they have spent a lot of time trying to make her seem cunning.« Did they? They made Tywin say: »I don't distrust you because you're a woman. I distrust you because you're not as smart as you think you are.« And [b]I[/b] have seen no indication that Tywin was wrong there. And when Jamie said: »We're surrounded by eniemies (…) I'm not sure you understand how much danger we're in«, he was (unknowingly, of course) more or less echoing the words of Olenna: »[Tywin] was no fool. He understood that sometimes we must work with our rivals rather than destroy them«. Both of them implied that Cersei was or is acting foolishly. Well, maybe Tywin, Olenna and Jamie were wrong. Maybe not. The thing that I’m actually trying to say is that the writers [i]did[/i] introduce the idea that Cersei might not be that smart after all. And in my eyes, none of Cersei’s moves were driven by smartness but by an outrageous hunger for revenge. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if at some point, Cersei’s saying: »Burn them all!« … which would make a great scene, especially if Jamie’s around. As for the dragons… well, it has been said in a different thread already: Probably Cersei doesn’t even believe that those stories are true or that they are greatly exaggerated, with the dragons in fact being about dog-sized like the last dragons the Targaryens had. Edit: One more thing just came to my mind: When Joffrey was killed, Cersei didn’t even try to find out who killed him. To her, it was Tyrion and obviously, it never crossed her mind that someone else could be behind this. That’s pretty dumb, too, because it allows the real killer(s) to run free. But if she finishes the job, how she’s gonna die? There’d be nobody left to kill her. Okay, she might be wounded during the last kill and die from that wound. Or she gets killed before she can finish the job. Or she actually survives but doesn’t return to her old life – maybe she leaves to see what’s west of Westeros (somehow, I can’t imagine that they added that little sentence for nothing). Or… well, maybe there’s nobody left to kill her, but there could be [i]no one[/i] left to kill her. ;-) Yes, that’s in the books. But this is Dragonstone of the TV show, so here, it could be that there’s just the castle. But we don’t know that because we haven’t seen much. Even if there are still fishermen on the island, it’s entirely possible that just weren’t seen yet. Think about it: You’re a fisherman living your life on an island that has been deserted by its former lord, and suddenly an armada shows up. What do you do? Run to the beach, armed with sticks and stones, to throw them back into the sea? Run to the beach, to hail some people you know nothing about and who might have planned to kill everybody they meet? Or retire to your cottage to wait and see what happens next?