mikeflatley's Replies

U can. I only answerin his ques on why American govt don’t care bout such moviez and why Chinese govt wud ban any movie wid slight hint of rebellion. I surprised they haven’t banned Star Wars yet. I don’t really have faith in most martial artz except for aikido. Basically, if it really worx, you wud see it in MMA but u only see mostly wresting, boxing, aikido, and some kicking. It makez sense bec a skilled fighter wud not stand their and let u attack. Real life fightin is quite borin just like most MMA fightz. I concur. Chinese govt really puttin their influence in da filmz now. Quite sad for these talented actorz. Will only get worse as they start financin our filmz. Nationalistic propaganda by Chinese govt. Diff btw a democracy and a dictatorship. They also like 2 rewrite history and use Japan as scapegoatz Not. I major in history and no Canadianz were in WWI. They were too busy makin sweetz from maple treez. Ur wrong. Wat bout dat tank movie wid LaBoof? Canadianz need not apply I know rite? So stoopid. Just send homin pigeonz I like Enemy at da Gatez esp when he wuz havin sex wid Rachel Weisz and she wanted 2 orgasm but didn’t wanna make a scene wid all da troopz there Uncut gemz is best moovie dis yr tho I haven’t seen those netflix mooviez yet Saw it and wuz not impressed. Like a vid game and been done better in other moviez. Uncut Gemz is real gem dis yr It sure is. Gimmicky 4 sure Nah. Live play much? All in 1 shot. Did a blk guy made u watch? Feelz like a fail 2 me, I mean he cudnt take a rain check 4 listenin 2 da song of namez ideally after ze big concert debut? 2 add insult 2 injury his wife tellz him bout da quickie? Wow, just wow! Nah, too borin Me too. Legz wide open. I concur wid did review Yup and also politix. I say dis yr is still metoo so a woman will win 4 best actor and actress