mikeflatley's Replies

It wuz awesome experience when surprised. Will see it again 2nite! It wuz better than sliced bread At least there were a few chucklez here and there Asian gurl wuz phat. Daz all U need 2 know Poe ho ho Casino wuz 2 remind us of bar scene in new hope Luke did not die, they just cud not meet his salary demandz Snokie wuz fug gly. Glad 2 see him go. Cool, maybe I can get tix next movie cause it wuz sold out last nite. Ze last jed referz 2 luke. Dis is last movie bec nobody care bout star warz anymo. I’ve tried Porg and it tastez like chicken. Nah, all your cuzs didn’t attend daz all It wuz good but not as good as R1 Who da f is Mary Suzie? Those lil berdz eat poop. Daz why they r so cute. All fake news U dunno sht so stop sayin sht It wuz good but I had 2 take a dump twice durin movie She had perky boobies Dis wuz awesome Waitin 4 da Agassi movie U dunno if some1 is replyin 2 u Why don't britz start their own Hollywood? I cant stand their awful accent. Whine much?