And I'm out
Just went to see this garbage as my goodbye to Carrie Fisher. The movie was awful but I was surprised at how bad and out of place Carrie and Mark Hamill were in it. Well, Carrie was on drugs to the very end so that may have something to do with it but what is Hammil's excuse? What a godawful actor. It's funny how he envied Harrison Ford all those years with his why him diatribes, well Ford is a star, there's no doubt about it, and he had talent, Mark never did.
What John Huston says in Chinatown is completely and utterly true, whores and buildings all become respectable if they last long enough, he forgot to add bad actors to that list. I remember there was a time Mark Hammill was an absolute joke and nobody even remembered his name.
So yeah, after this one I'm out, not gonna bother with anything Star Wars ever again, even if they cast Madonna in it or bring Elizabeth Taylor back from the dead and cast her as Darth Cleopatra, I'm done.