bellington83's Replies

KOWALSKI but his... JK Simmons and Richard Jenkins would be my picks Everything, anything, it doesn't matter!! 🔥🔥🔥 Dogtooth (2009) The commentary for Old School (2003) is my favourite. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) is very good too. It definitely added to my dad's mystique!! Mickey Rourke Kelly Preston Dazed and Confused Empire Records The Blues Brothers Just Friends Serenity (2005) 1. Downfall (2004) 2. MASH (1970) 3. Inglourious Basterds (2009) 4. Casablanca (1942) 5. Apocalypse Now (1979) 6. Life Is Beautiful (1997) 7. Pan's Labyrinth (2006) 8. The Imitation Game (2014) 9. Razor's Edge (1984) 10) Silent Night (2002) 11. Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) Dazed and Confused Empire Records 1. Lightyear (2022) 2. Aladdin (1992) 3. 9 (2009) 4 Hiawatha (1988) 5. Wolfwalkers (2020) 1. Full Metal Jacket (1987) 2. Encino Man (1996) 3. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) 4. A Very Brady Sequel (1996) 5. Roman Holiday (1953) 6. Rushmore (1998) 7. 50/50 (2011) It's overrated to you because it's too recognisable? 1) Shameless (2011) 2. Married... with Children (1987) 3. Schitt’s Creek (2015) 4. Roseanne (1988) 5. Euphoria (2019) 6. Mom (2013) 7) Animal Kingdom (2016) 8. The Simpsons (1989) 9. Psych (2006) Who is "They"? I would add OMD, Level 42 and Alphaville to the list. Would "The The" make the criteria? She gave KOWALSKI low grade weed!! Loved him in Waiting...(2005) and of course as Craaiig in Psych S5 Ep7 "Ferry Tale" Any of the movies released after 1990? I really liked it. I'll like anything with Sam Rockwell in it anyway though, so I'm biased that way😄