MovieChat Forums > Ziggy > Replies
Ziggy's Replies
Ah, yes, the ban that wasn't ... what a great excuse for everything. Even if it actually did happen the way you think it did, it wouldn't have done what you think it would have done.
During a WORLD WIDE PANDEMIC, what makes you think that banning flights from one (and only one) country in the world (where every country is affected by the virus) is going to do anything 7 months after the virus has spread?
Right ... panic ...
Um, know, not what I was talking about at all. And I'm not sure who "you guys" are. I'm just stating facts. Sorry if they are inconvenient for you.
He was literally given a playbook about how to deal with a pandemic. He chose to ignore it. Because he refused to take any steps that would help contain the virus or slow down the spread in anyway, more people got sick, more people were hospitalized, more people died.
Also, he suggested we inject our bodies with bleach.
Not sure why you would think any of that is something to be proud of.
Sorry, that's on me that I thought I was looking at a website you linked. Here's what I was looking at:
If you go about halfway down the page, there is a graph that very clearly shows the spikes in the deficit at the times I mentioned.
So it's ok that he did nothing for 9 months and denied Covid was spreading like wildfire, because swooped in at the last minute and finally said, gave the ok, make the vaccine?
That's pathetic that you don't hold him accountable for 9 months of lies.
I know, you're right ... sometimes I just can't help myself :-)
It's ok that you don't know much about how Economics work. Most people don't.
It's convenient to believe what Trump and other Republicans tell you about the economy, because it's what you want to hear. You want to here that the economy can be good and you can make a ton of money and pay little in taxes.
If you study economics, you learn the reality ... that whatever reality you are living in is usually the result of policies that were put in place a year or two prior.
If you are going to post a link, you should look at it first! Two things that were shown on that page:
1. The deficit spiked in 2020 (under Trump) and began shrinking in 2021 (under Biden).
2. The deficit spiked in 2007 (under Bush) and began shrinking in 2009 (under Obama)
Do you no know how to read a graph?
It's painfully clear you've never taken an economics class, and I suspect you've never taken statistics either. But surly you know how to read a graph???
As opposed to the "simple-minded automatons" who believe anything Trump says, even though he lies any time his lips are moving and is never remotely polite?
Trying to one up DeSantis? Um, no.
At about 1:47, she was told that it was reported that DeSantis was ignoring her calls. She responded that this is a time to put politics aside and be a leader.
I took that to mean that she wasn't going to engage in petty bickering and simply focus on what needed to get done.
Putin invaded Ukraine, a sovereign nation. The US is one of the nations providing support. Putin is not getting his way. Trump might speak about negotiating peace, but he is really proposing that Ukraine surrender to Putin. Putin only wants Trump to be President because all evidence points to Putin have Trump wrapped around his finger.
There is zero evidence to suggest that Putin is intimidated by Trump, and there is ample evidence to indicate that Putin would lose under a Harris/Watz administration (because they will not coddle him, kiss up to him or be intimidated by him).
Look at that site again, because it shows a huge spike in 2020. Biden didn't take office until 2021. While the Covid virus was in the US as early as Summer 2019, the economic impact did not begin until March 2020. Fall 2019 numbers are not indicative of the economic consequences of Trump's decisions.
I was asking about the CPI numbers you gave because I can't respond without knowing what they are measuring. CPI is a formula that can be used for any industry and for any period of time. You need to know what it is measuring before you can know what it indicates.
I disagree that I am playing "a game of alt-history," because economists study trends and patterns and forecast the effects of various policies. Many people were financially devastated by the Covid effects (businesses closing, many schools having remote learning, job loss, etc.). What you see in 2021 was the recovery period, and recovery periods are not always pretty. But they are necessary, because the alternative is a depression (which Trump insisted was what was going to happen.) The effects of economic policy changes usually take a year or more to fully have the desired outcome. It's easy to blame Biden because prices were high in 2021, but it's also a blame based on ignorance.
In 2008, the economy was in a free fall. Everything looked to be crashing. The beginning of Obama's Presidency was focused largely on economic recovery. The advise from economists included bailing out the auto industry and the banking industry. Not everyone was in favor, and Obama still receives criticism for those decisions. Nevertheless, the economy recovered quickly and even became robust. Trump inherited a thriving economy.
It's easy to blame the person in charge for conditions in that moment, but the educated person knows that they are actually the result of the President from about 2 years prior.
The page you linked is discussing border encounters. Those are people who came to the border and were processed in some way. Some may have crossed legally, some may have been given sanctuary, some may have intended to cross without legal grounds and were turned away ...
This is not an example of "massive illegal immigration." That would imply people staying in the country illegally, as opposed to people coming to the border and a determination about their status being made.
When you speak of the consumer price index, what are you measuring? Food, housing, etc.
Also, what period of time are you measuring? A month, a year?
You're giving a vastly incomplete picture of the Federal Deficit. Conveniently "excluding Covid" means you don't include the fact that the Deficit spiked during Covid and that it was under Biden that that spike came down. It is not down quite as far as it was in 2017, but it's still incredible progress.
That's assuming that you only look at deficit spending as a negative and do not consider what the economy might look like without it. Thank goodness Biden took over in 2021. His policies are the only reason the US didn't nosedive into a recession. Unfortunately, sometimes the only way to fix a catastrophic situation is to go into dept.
The reality is, Trump's mishandling of Covid could have been catastrophic for our nation and quite nearly was. He chose to ignore it for 6 to 9 months. Had he chosen to tackled it head on, there's a very good chance it would have played out like so many other epidemics (eboli, zeka, h1n1, sars, etc.). There are often epidemics in the world, but when the US meets with world leaders and follows the advice of the experts, they are contained and very few people get sick. Trump chose to ignore the experts, pretend nothing was wrong and cause the nation to have to take extreme measures.
Wow, I can't imagine why I wouldn't want this moron to be the President again!
Massive illegal immigration is not higher under Biden than Trump. (Sorry, I did type that wrong.)
Prices and inflation are two different things. Inflation was higher at the beginning of Biden's term, but that was a direct result of the global pandemic. Biden very quickly got things under control, and inflation is lower than it has been in years. Prices might be higher than we would like, but they are not rising.
What about spending?
The moment you decided to refer to Kamala Harris as "some broad," you lost my respect.
Not that you care, but that is just so disrespectful.
You should be ashamed of yourself!
Massive inflation was caused by Trump. The recovery under Biden/Harris has been the fastest recovery in US history.
"massive illegal immigration" is actually not happening. Look at the actual statistics, and don't believe Trump just because he says it. He thinks he can solve California's drought problem. He claims they'll have so much water they'll be begging him to take it back. He'd tell you to stop breathing oxygen if he thought he could get massive crowds to cheer for him (or make a lot of money)
I'm less concerned about "pandering" and much more focused on putting someone in the position who actually knows what they are doing.
Donald Trump does know anything. He really doesn't. His only concerns in life is to never lose anything (even if it isn't even something he wants) and get as many people as possible to cheer for him.
Most of the things that Trump says about illegals crossing the border isn't true, and most of his proposals don't actually address what is happening.
Harris did speak about "dreams and aspirations," but that was before any of the hurricanes hit land. Often, there isn't anything a President or Vice-President or any politician (other than the governor of a state or the mayor of a community) can do in the first week or so following a natural disaster. The only thing Biden or Harris could really do at first is make phone calls and make sure areas were given the supplies and personal they needed.
Trump was very irresponsible to have flown in. All he did was get in the way and potentially disrupt aid. First responders could have been blocked from getting to victims because of Trump and his people. It would have been better if he had just stayed away, but if he had done that, he wouldn't have been able to use the opportunity as a pep rally.
My biggest problem with Trump is that he doesn't actually give a rat's behind about anyone but himself.
What behavior are you referring to?
What about it do you find unnatural or obsessive or suspicious?
I doubt some conservative will ever stop screaming DEI for any candidate who isn’t a heterosexual, white male.
Those who cannot seem to look past skin color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc., will always see DEI and never bother with piddly little things like qualifications.
Those calling her Harris DEI are what’s holding back this country.
Yes, code-switching. I didn't make it up. You can google it. It is a thing because too few people understand what it is and/or do it properly. It often inhibits their ability to excel.
Your example of "best behavior" is accurate. If you disagree with her choice of speaking and behaving in the same ways that the crowd would ... well, that's your opinion.
I'm not sure you know what Marxism is.
She's mentioning her middle class upbringing because she's running against someone who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. She's demonstrating that she understands and cares. Her opponent cares only about himself. She's reminding people that she can related, while her opponent can't.
<blockquote>I don’t need her substituting actual answers to hard questions with homespun nonsense about her middle class childhood, her pontificating about Americans and their “dreams, ambitions and aspirations.”</blockquote>
Huh. You lost me here, because her plans do answer those questions ... very well, actually. Why would you have a problem with them. She's been asked how she will improve the economy, and she answer the question. She was very specific about her plans and how they will help people be able to open a business, buy a house, be able to afford groceries. How is the fact that their plans also happen to be "dreams, ambitions and aspirations" a bad thing?
There don't seem to be any issues that you disagree with her on. It seems like you just don't like her style. Whatever, that's your right. I just find it sad that you don't seem motivated to move past those superficial concerns.
<blockquote>I mean when she addresses black audiences and adopts a “ghetto” accent.</blockquote>
It's called "code-switching," and it's something we all do. In it's simplest form, it's high school boys in the locker room vs. in the classroom. If they are wise, they know to change their mannerisms and the way they address their teachers. It's someone from the South who has lived in Illinois for 20 years but reverts to a Southern Accent every time they visit their hometown.
This is a topic many universities cover in English 101 in order to help students recognize who to speak professionally vs how to speak with their peers.
This is something most of us do in our daily lives. How we speak at home vs out with friends vs at work with co-workers vs a meeting with higher-ups. The way we change our communication style to fit the situation is called "code-switching."
<blockquote>Open your ears and listen to this phony and her pandering.</blockquote>
Is it that you see code-switching as phony, or is there something else?
I'm honestly asking, because so far, you haven't actually explained what it is that you don't like about her.
<blockquote> What lies have I spread?</blockquote>
You said her father is Indian. He’s not. He’s from Jamaica.
You said Kamala was taught to be a Marxist by her father. She wasn’t. They barely had a relationship.
You said Kamala is a Marxist. She’s not.
You are repeating things that aren’t true.
Again, I did not say you have to support her. I simply pointed out the fact that if the only reasons you have for not supporting her are the reasons mention above, and those reasons are all based on lies, maybe you should learn more and make an educated decision.