MovieChat Forums > Ziggy > Replies
Ziggy's Replies
Gaslighting? Do you not know what that means? Because you are not using the term correctly.
Hmmm, I don't recall ever getting upset, but it seems to me I had to ask you the same question 4 times before getting an answer.
So the more accurate question is, why were you so determined not to answer my question?
You reminded me of this meme about Autism:
<blockquote>There was no Autism diagnosed before 1930 … Pluto wasn’t discovered until 1930, but I’m pretty sure it was there the whole f$&@ing time.l</blockquote>
ADHD has always existed as long as humans have existed.
<blockquote>The symptoms of ADHD were first described in 1798 by the Scottish physician Sir Alexander Crichton as “the incapacity of attending with a necessary degree of constancy to any one object.” </blockquote>
ADHD has gone through some names changes over the years, and the diagnoses and treatment has faced changes, as well.
Some individuals were given meds as early as 1936, and it was officially recognized in the DSM2 in 1958.
So let’s not be ridiculous and claim it <blockquote>didn't exist prior to 1998.</blockquote>
Thanks. I did see <i>Reality</i>, and I was very intrigued! I’ve also seen her give a couple of interviews, so I’m looking forward to watching <i>Winner</i>.
You still didn’t answer my question.
Well, when you can't win on the facts (and you can't), the only options is name calling.
At least your good at something.
All evidence to the contrary :-)
Wow, I must have really upset you to get such an angry response!
Apparently reading words and thinking critically really <i>is</i> that challenging for you. That must be rough.
So you <i>don't</i> know what DEI is?
Wow, you broke the code!
I wouldn't say, girl, as that implies child. But, yes, I am a female.
I can't believe you are so willing to admit that you are really just that dumb! Are reading words and thinking really that challenging for you?
Oh, is the itty, bitty, baby feewing tweatened because I'm not a looser, I have a job, I pay my bills aw by mysewf and I don't have fwee wides?
It's called compassion. You should try it. I happen to know that the right thing to do is to make sure that ALL qualified individuals are considered for employment, not just the white males.
But you wouldn't understand that. I'm guessing that you are a white male who is having trouble getting a job, and you are blaming DEI thinking it's so unfair that anyone (but you) is being considered. Never mind the fact that you are likely laughably not qualified.
Don't bother trying to defend yourself. I know I'm right :-) (otherwise you wouldn't be crying so much!)
Why do you assume non-white males are all unqualified?
If it weren't for bigots like you, we wouldn't <b><i>need</i></b> DEI just to have a chance.
FYI, I have a fabulous job that requires a Master's Degree. I just happen to not judge people by the color of their skin or whether or not they have a penis. Funny how those are not required for most jobs, but that doesn't stop people like you from using them as excuses not to hire someone.
<blockquote>The whole point about DEI is to discriminate against straight white males</blockquote>
You are cute. If only you knew how to think :-)
Oh! Wittle baby has no comeback except "Loser." How pathetic!
Since you didn't read my response the first time, I'll try one more time:
<blockquote>If you ask nicely, you might get 10,000 troops. You don't need to threaten and insult and be a big ole crybaby and make yourself the laughing stock of the world.</blockquote>
I'm so sorry for assuming more intelligence from you than you are able to give. I assumed that you would follow the logic. If you ask for 10,000 troops, you get 10,000 troops. If you threaten and demand 10,000 troops, you might still get 10,000 troops. Why does Trump need to be a bully and try to convince everyone that he is tough? Ego? He didn't need to. All he had to do was ask.
And that is pathetic and weak.
<blockquote>The argument FOR DEI is, “Why shouldn’t the most qualified person get the job?”
This is retarded babble and a lie.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The problem is, you assume the non-white individual is less qualified.
If that's not the case, why be so afraid of DEI? The only thing DEI does is make an effort to consider the resumes of ALL qualified candidates, not just the white males.
Why does that scare you so?
No intelligence to help you learn critical thinking skills?