MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > IDIOT’S GUIDE TO TRUMP’S TARIFFS


Hope you like high prices for imports. Consider it the "MAGA TAX"!
Because MAGA is really that stupid!

US President Donald Trump keeps talking about the “billions and trillions of dollars” that countries such as China will be paying his government in tariffs he imposes.


Trump does not seem to understand economics 101. Neither do his supporters.


He understands it just fine. What you who hate Trump clearly do not understand is what use he thinks tariffs have. He doesn't use them for economic protectionism, as a permanent measure to try and keep jobs from going overseas and foreign goods from displacing American made ones. He views them as a bargaining chip in trade negotiations, or in applying economic pressure on a country he wants to take certain measures he sees as in the United States' interest. He threatens tariffs, and is willing to impose them, but when the other country offers a better deal, or undertakes the measures Trump wants them to take, the tariffs go away.

God knows, you ought to understand this by now, since we've seen several examples of him using tariffs in precisely this way, and successfully against both Mexico and Canada mere days ago.


Well... this didn't age too well, huh.


How so? The Moron-In-Chief is just as clueless today as he was two days ago, he is easily the dumbest POTUS we've ever had...


Wow. Might want to try following the news sometime. Actual news, not the DNC's marching orders.


lol no, this is retarded


With your kind he has at least to handle the dumbest citizens ever. I wonder if we should treat you the Golgafrincham way. Elon could test some space ships this way... 🤔


Idiots guide - So it's meant for leftist who want to find arguments for their TDS?


what's your argument for the deranged idiot who currently occupies the Oval Office?


It doesn't matter if you are left or right, you are about to pay more for just about everything you buy.


The tariffs are meant to force other countries to do things.
Worked pretty well with Mexico so far.
Canada is a little complicated as the delusional government there in its final days gives a shit on economy.
China will be interesting...


Worked pretty well with Mexico so far.

Did they? Hmmm, are you sure?


Trump had his will...


Did he? Please explain exactly how you think he "had his will."


After having a look at your other posts, I pass. It seems to be that idiotic leftist thing to discuss something obvious to death.
But hey: Try to figure out how printing billions of dollars for Ukraine - which did not even arrive there! - might have caused a little bit of inflation... 🙄


So, you don't know.



You might want to look into that a bit more. All of those things they "pledged" were promised during the Biden administration.


And yet they didn’t happen lol


Since December? No, that’s true. It does take time. But it was already in the works.


No it wasn’t. 4 years of letting in millions of people shows nothing was in the works.


More people illegally crossed the boarder under Trump than under Biden.


Such terrible gaslighting skills


It's not gaslighting if it's correct.


I'm so happy you pathetic wankers have learned nothing lol


If only you had a clue as to what you were talking about. You might something more intelligent to offer than a pathetic insult.


That's correct you are indeed a pitiable retard flailing impotently online while Trump guts the left from inside out, you're very astute.


Nothing has worked with Mexico yet, other than Trump backing down for a while. Are there Mexican soldiers on the border stopping illegals from crossing as of 2/3/2025? No.


That's right Trump did force Mexico's hand well spotted. another win for Trump.


Typical liberal fear mongering. You people sure weren’t concerned about rising prices when underprivileged mothers had to decide which of their children got to eat due to Brandon’s record inflation.


Based on your statement, you have very little understanding of economics or the meaning of the word inflation.

But to respond to your accusation, tariffs will directly cause American companies to pay more for goods, which will be passed on to the consumer and result in higher prices. There is zero ambiguity as to who is responsible for this. Trump is actively choose to raise prices.


You’re either a liar, living under a rock or both. We had record inflation under Brandon and Kamala and it hurt every single hard working American. When people expressed concern that inflation was hurting them Brandon’s response was “buy an electric car, you’ll save money on gas”.

President Trump has used tariffs to get Mexico, Canada and Colombia to cooperate so far. He is getting stuff done and is saving us from the disaster of Brandon and Kamala.

You people drove the country into the ditch , the least you could do is shut up and get out of the way while Trump pulls it out.


The record inflation was during the 1st year, and it was a direct result of poor Covid policies by the previous (Trump) administration.

After that 1st year, inflation was down, and it was a direct result of Biden's policies.

So, no, you do not understand economics, and you likely do not know what inflation is. Inflation is not high prices, it is prices rising. If they remain high, that is not inflation.


Oh no, inflation continued all throughout the Brandon administration and had nothing to do with Covid.

You don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about or you’re lying.

Everything was better under Trump, everything was worse under Brandon and Kamala.

All I’m hearing from you are sour grapes. We kicked your ass last November, President Trump is going to fix the mess that you people created. He knows what’s best for you so just shut your mouth and learn your place.


Oh no, inflation continued all throughout the Brandon administration

It didn't, and you have completely demonstrated your lack of understanding of the economy.

All I’m hearing from you are sour grapes.

It's cute that you think so. If you didn't have sour grapes, you would be able to defend the tariffs.


I’ve already posted indisputable proof that it did go up and a lot during the Brandon administration.

But of course you’ll continue to argue that Kevin Bacon wasn’t in Footloose.


But of course you’ll continue to argue that Kevin Bacon wasn’t in Footloose.

Congratulations on knowing that. Too bad you are ignorant of how economics works.


Again proving my point. Kevin Bacon was in Footloose, numb nuts. He’s literally the star of it.


Um, no. I know Kevin Bacon stared in Footloose. Good movie. He did a great job! Congratulations on knowing that.

Knowing the name of an actor in a movie is hardly the same thing as understanding economic principles, which you don't. You don't even have the knowledge of a student who has taken Econ 101.

Changes in the economy do not happen overnight. When the Feds raise or lower interest rates, it does not affect the economy immediately. It takes time. Whatever is happening in one moment in time was caused by events that happened months prior. The economy at the beginning of any administration is a result of policies of the previous administration.

It's been years since I took Economics, but I can assure you, I've forgotten more about Economics than you currently know.


Clearly the analogy flew right over your head. And ok so Brandon’s horrible policies didn’t affect the economy immediately. When would they start to affect the economy? Because the economy was still in the shitter when the son of a bitch left office. Inflation was always higher under Brandon than it was under Trump.


Inflation means prices are rising, not prices are high. Inflation came down during Biden and remained quite low.

If Trump insists on putting a tariff on most goods coming into this country, the only possible results is high prices on all those goods.

If Billie sells video games to the store for $20, the store will sell them to customers for $30. But if in addition to the $20, the store also has to pay a $5 dollar tariff on each game, the store is now paying $25 for the video game. Do you think they’ll still sell it for $30? I wouldn’t. They will now sell that same video game for $40.

The price of a video game just went up by $10.


Yes inflation went down the second half of the Brandon administration but it was coming down from the record inflation that he caused. It was still lower under Trump and I proved that. Quit arguing Kevin Bacon wasn’t in Footloose.

Actually he hasn’t had to impose any tariffs, the threat of the tariffs got Mexico to comply and help keep their drugs dealers in their country. BTW the tariff war would not have even been necessary had it not been for Brandon and Kamala opening the border. Don’t like tariffs you have no one to blame but Brandon, Kamala and all the fuckers who voted for them. Trump didn’t create this situation, he’s just here to clean up the mess.


Oh, if only you weren't so ignorant and gullible :-)

No one can cause inflation to go up or down in just a few days, so the fact that inflation was rising in January of 2021 can only be as a result of events in 2020.

Mexico didn't just now decide to do anything. Everything that Trump said "Mexico agreed to," was agreed to months ago. Trump caved and is trying to convince you that he had anything to do with it.

The borders were never open.


Oh it wasn’t just over a few days, inflation rose under Brandon for 4 years. Or is that all Trumps fault? Grow up, take some responsibility and quit making excuses. Your second sentence is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. The tariffs were intended to coerce Mexico into helping us enforce the border and prevent cartel members and child sex traffickers from pouring into our country. It worked, right now no tariffs and they are sending us 10,000 troops to help us clean up Brandon’s mess.


Oh it wasn’t just over a few days, inflation rose under Brandon for 4 years.

Um, no, that's not what I said.

You said that inflation began rising the as soon as Biden took office. It couldn't be his fault then. No one can make inflation rise that quickly.

You said inflation rose the entire 4 years, but you know it didn't. Inflation was very low in the last 2 1/2 years.

Mexico agreed to send 10,000 trips a couple of years ago. So this is not something that happened yesterday.


Yet you people are on here blaming Trump for not completely fixing Brandon’s failed economy in a week and a half, so which is it? Seems like you (predictably) have separate standards for Trump and Brandon.

Inflation was never low under Brandon, look at the data, it was always higher under Brandon than it was under Trump. Brandon was a complete and utter failure.

They agreed to send 10,000 troops the other day, whatever may or may not have happened years ago is irrelevant. Learn to stay on topic, dingleberry.


I am not "you people." I am me and no one else.

In order to be "blaming Trump" I would have to accept your false premise that there was something to fix, which I do not.

I do hope you are simply ignorant and not stupid, because you can't fix stupid. You don't understand how economics works, and you don't know what inflation is (even though it's been explained to you many times).

They agreed to send 10,000 troops the other day,

And that would be less than the 15,000 then sent in Trump's previous term and the same number they sent under Biden.

He really swindled them, getting 5,000 less troops than he did before. What a horse trader!


More retarded gaslighting, your loss was so deserved. You earned every bit of it well done lol


It's very sad that you don't actually care enough about your country to want to put the smart people in charge. Instead you voted for this moron.


You lose commie faggot, Trump is wiping your team of retards out for good lol


Ziggy is beyond pathetic. He’s arguing things that are clearly and demonstrably false. He’s just like that dumb bitch KJB who insisted that Brandon was sharp as a tack, that the border was secure that inflation was “transitory”. The left isn’t even trying to hide the fact that they are liars anymore.


Why do you think I'm a guy?

Also, if you paid any attention at all, you'd know that everything you just said was wrong.

FYI, Trump didn't get anything from Mexico or Canada that they hadn't already promised him. (Except the Canadian Czar. That was new, but it's really just a meaningless gesture :-) You don't need a Czar when you have about 1% of all Fentanyl coming across the border. Oooh, but threat!)


Nope, everything I said was factual, you not liking the reality is irrelevant.

You’re lying and you know it. You’re a demented Trump hater and it’s driving you nuts that he’s actually getting stuff done. Learn your place or go find a cry room.


Nope, everything I said was factual, you not liking the reality is irrelevant.

You’re lying and you know it. You’re a demented Trump hater and it’s driving you nuts that he’s actually getting stuff done. Learn your place or go find a cry room.


Also, you didn't answer my question.

Why do you think I'm a guy?


Uhhhh why did you just repeat what I said? Is that really the best you got?


It's called mocking! Your welcome for the vocabulary lesson :-)

Also (for the 3rd time), why do you think I'm a guy?


Well you’re doing a terrible job at it.

So you’re a girl?


Wow, you broke the code!

I wouldn't say, girl, as that implies child. But, yes, I am a female.


Wow you broke the code. I finally found a libtard who thinks there is such a thing as genders. Congratulations (I guess)


You still didn’t answer my question.


Just took a shot in the dark. There you go. Why are you getting your panties so twisted over this?


Hmmm, I don't recall ever getting upset, but it seems to me I had to ask you the same question 4 times before getting an answer.

So the more accurate question is, why were you so determined not to answer my question?


Because it wasn’t germane to the rest of the conversation. It sounded like a deflection attempt. I’m sorry I upset you. Maybe you can find a safe space somewhere where you can cry about it to someone who cares.


I love how you keep accusing me of being upset. I suppose that's an easy way to attempt to give people the impression that nothing phases you.

I wasn't bothered at all. I just found it strange that you were so afraid of answering me.

It's very sad that focusing on actual issues (like preventing the President from destroying the Constitution and destroying the economy) is so difficult for you. It's probably because you don't actually have a clue as to what you are talking about. You shouldn't care which politician is going to make smarter choices, but you should support that person. Any idiot could predict what Trump and Musk are currently doing ... everything they can to build their own wealth and nothing for the citizens of this country.

But since you are far too wrapped up in petting insults, I would never expect you to comprehend what I just said.


It’s not difficult for me at all, it is however rather frustrating that the left is still peddling these lies and disinformation after they not only have been thoroughly debunked but also resulted in 2 attempted assassinations on Donald Trump’s life. That and the fact that you people aren’t even the least remorseful.

Trump and Musk are literally cutting waste fraud and abuse. We are not funding DEI research or sex change operations for illegal immigrants or prison inmates anymore. The fact that you people are so upset about it only shows that you people have something to hide. President Trump is an American hero and has received more hate and bigotry than any other US President by far.


Is your only basis for most of that “Trump said it, so it must be true?”

Never learned to think for yourself?


Nope I’m judging Trump and Musk by their actions, not their words.


But everything you wrote has been proven to be a lie.


Everything? Why don’t you cite everything I’ve said and post the corroborating evidence that it’s a lie? FYI, liberal “fact checkers” are not proof.


I have zero respect for these retards anymore.


I never had any respect for these retards.


Aw, did I hurt your feelings? Get over it snowflake.

And there is/was a lot to fix: Record illegal immigration, record inflation (don’t even try to deny it), high gas prices, overseas wars, incompetent people being hired in the name of DEI, out of control crime, etc.

You’re just bitter that Trump’s tariffs threat worked. Mexico is literally sending more troops because of the Tariff threat. Also the tariff threat wouldn’t have even been necessary had Brandon and Kamala not fucked things up so badly. The Tariffs were all you had left to smear him with and that talking point just crumbled before you.

We won, you lost. You don’t matter anymore, sit down, shut up and get out of the way while Trump gets things back to normal.


Where did you get the idea you hurt my feelings? Um, no. I'd have to care what you thought first.

Trump didn't get anything from Mexico that they hadn't already promised. You keep telling me to shut up because you know this to be true, and you are afraid that others will believe me.

If you weren't afraid of what I'm saying, you wouldn't feel the need to say shut up so much.


Because you were crying over what I called you. Get over it and man up.

Uh yeah he literally did, they agreed to send more troops to the border to help him repair the damage from Brandon and Kamala, that’s literally how the negotiation worked.

I’m not afraid of what you’re saying, I’m slightly annoyed though that you keep arguing things that I’m sure you know are not true. I don’t respect liars.


Interesting ... your definition of crying is disagreeing with you ...

No tears required?


Grow up and get over it, we won you lost. This is the way it’s going to be from now on and you don’t have any say in the matter.


Preach to these dumb retards!


The Tennessee Holler said, "In case you’re wondering what’s about to get MORE expensive, helpful FOX scroll."

Fair Fight Action communications director Max Flugrath also added, "FOX NEWS' list of goods affected by Trump's tariffs: Crude oil Beer and alcohol Lumber Steel Shoes Avocados Maple syrup Ground beef Cherry tomatoes Sugar Bananas Nuts Cooking oil Squash Cucumbers Strawberries Pineapples Tonka trucks and toys BMW Audi Nissan Mazda Ford."

Historian Robert Bentley said, "Pretty bad when [Fox News] has a running scroll of items affected by the [Trump] Tariffs! Tariffs=Taxes and higher prices!"

Independent journalist Aaron Rupar quoted the Fox News host:

"It seems like virtually every sector of the American economy' -- Fox News has put together a scrolling list of the 'goods affected by Trump tariffs.'"

Ha! There must be lots of whining on this post from the elite guard of Trumptwattery[whom I have all ignored] because it says there are 64 replies of which I can see only six!


Even Fox News is turning against the fool who believes he's King Trump.


Fox News is pro-republican establishment, sometimes Trump benefit from it, but they are not pro-Trump.

Trump and republican establishment are very different things.


Wrong. Fox has been shilling for Trump since 2016, and they continue to do so, in spades.


I guess you did not hear them say things like there needs to be "adults in the room".


Trump is always five steps ahead and you retards are two steps behind.


@CraigC.....You hope that Trump is always five steps ahead. Seems the economics experts don't agree with you.


Are these the same "economics experts" who gave advice to Brandon?


Facts are facts, and you are about to pay more for just about everything you buy.


We have been paying more for the past four years under Biden.

We would survive much longer in a tariff war than any of those countries. They need us more than we need them.

We are resourceful and can find alternate solutions.

In one day, Mexico and Canada capitulated.


Actually, under Biden, you paid roughly the same. Inflation was very low during the majority of the 4 years, meaning prices did not rise.

We are resourceful and can find alternate solutions.

Alternative solutions to ... ?

In one day, Mexico and Canada capitulated.

They didn't do anything. Trump caved. But I understand why you didn't know that. You're not too bright.


lol, You must have been living under a rock during Trump's 1st term to not realize how high the inflation has been under Biden. You're obviously in denial or delusional.

And yes, they bent knee to Trump. Stop listening to fake news.


Neither Mexico nor Canada has changed their position. Trump win, so he pretended to compromise. Fact is, he gave up.



Canada and Trudeau fold to Trump’s tariffs and announce:

- Tariffs paused for 30 days
- $1.3 billion border investment after Trump’s tariff plan
- New Fentanyl Czar
- Designate cartels as terrorists
- Ensure “24/7 eyes on the border”
- Launch a U.S.-Canada strike force against organized crime
- New intel directive on organized crime and fentanyl worth $200M
Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum announces the U.S. border will be reinforced with 10,000 troops to the border to stop the flow of fentanyl into America after speaking with President Trump.


You do realize those promises were made last December, don't you?


Most of that was already in the works but both countries were uncooperative until Trump threatened them with the tariffs and they capitulated.


Um, no. The countries were not “uncooperative.” But these things do not happen instantaneously.

Wow, you really do just believe everything Trump says without using your brain. Sad.


Fact: They were offered plans and they refused those plans.
Trump imposed tariffs and they tried to fight back with their own tariffs but they realized that they couldn't survive long so they caved and agreed to Trump's requests.

Wow, you really do just believe everything the fake news says without using your brain. Sad.




Whether you are right about that or not (you're wrong, by the way), you are about to pay more for just about everything you buy.


More liberal fear mongering. You people remind of Ronny Cox’s character at the end of Total Recall, “Nooooo, don’t give people the ability to breathe on their own, we’ll all diiiiiiiiie”.


Pointing out the fact that if goods cost more they will be sold at higher prices is hardly fear mongering.

Do I need to explain to you the concept of addition?


Yet you have no evidence at all that any such thing is about to happen, again all I’m hearing from you are scare tactics and it’s pathetic.

If you truly cared about high prices you would have spoken up when Brandon and Kamala were fucking up the economy. I don’t believe for one second you are serious, just a partisan hack.

EDIT: Right here Libby: Inflation just happened to go up once Brandon and Kamala took office and it was always higher than it was during the Trump years.


Interesting. So it did go down and stay down. Told you so!


Uhhhh no it skyrocketed under Brandon, then it went down but it was still higher than it was under Trump. Data analysis doesn’t seem to be your thing dingleberry.


The 1st 18 months were a direct result of the previous administration. Any economist will tell you that.


HAHAHAHAHAHA, yet it coincidentally went up as soon as Brandon took office. All I’m hearing from you are loser excuses. You need to get over last November, we kicked your ass and you’re going to live with it.


That's not how economics works.


Oh I see, so basically we aren’t supposed to believe what we literally see with our own eyes. Quit being so negative and admit that it was you people who fucked up the economy.


Maybe stay in school learn how the economy works?


You don’t have the first clue how the economy works or you’re a complete and total liar. Which is it?


That's your comeback? You might as well have said, "I know you are but what am I?"

Talk to me again after you take an economics class. Better yet, talk to me after you finish high school.


lol all I did was respond at the same level you responded to me at. Take your own advice you loser.


You dipshit liberals are so smart about trade and economics, why is the leftist economy such a fucking train wreck?


It's wasn't. Numbers don't lie, and you don't know what you are talking about :-)


It wasn't? Is that why some things doubled in price in two years? Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

You fucktards don't even know how inflation works.


The inflation in 2021 was caused by poor policies related to the Covid pandemic. It takes time to turn the ship around, which Biden did. Because of his policies, prices, stabilized and inflation was no longer a concern.

But with tariffs, we are not talking about inflation. We are talking about forcing American companies to pay a fee, simply to accept goods from certain countries. That fee will be passed on to the customer in the form of higher prices.

There are many factors that can influence inflation, and it is not always easy to pinpoint exactly what caused it. Although, in 2021, is pretty obvious that the pandemic caused inflation.

There is very little speculation involved when it comes to tariffs. If you force companies to pay a fee, they will pass it on to the customer.




Mexico and Canada was going to do a "Tit-for-Tat" with tariffs and they barely survived a day before giving up and pleading for mercy; they capitulated to Trump's demands.


Annnnnd Mexico and Canada knuckled under as Trump knew they would. Tariffs averted.

Don't get scared when the grownups play hardball business tactics, Libbies. Trump knows what he's doing.


I never believed Trump wanted tariffs, it doesn't need economists to understand tariffs are bad, even a kid from elementary school knows it was bad. Not even the voters who vote for Trump would be that dumb to believe tariffs are good for them.


Tariffs are great. They’re used as leverage against countries who are being dicks by, for example, enabling mass illegal migration (like Mexico), and if they don’t comply the tariffs are implemented, which encourages Americans to buy American, repairing our flailing industries and creating US jobs.


High prices for groceries are good if Trump caused it!!!!


I'd happily pay $10 per egg if it could guarantee me an endless supply of libtard tears


Couldn't agree more. Triggering people with BPD and blue hair is hilarious. I'd pay $100 for eggs to see it!
