MovieChat Forums > Geff > Replies
Geff's Replies
I don't think they will remake this one. Hollywood has changed a lot since the 80's-90's, it's no longer the wild west like Youtube/Netflix(to an extent) is now (but won't be in the future). The themes in this film are highly politically incorrect especially from the perceptive of the elite Hollywood establishment. There is an underlying theme of Nietchean "last man".
I'm not talking about surface details. I'm talking about the atmosphere, the mood.
If speaking the truth is racist, then yes, I'm racist. And you are a chimp.
The truth is racist then.
Force perfectly crack an egg
Force tie your shoe laces
Force tie your tie
Force tie a bow on a wrapped gift
Force tie a hangman's knot to hang the evil jedi
Force put the usb device in correctly the first time
Force get the mail
Force put out the trash
Force get a prenup
Force don't lose your children
Force don't cry
I'm glad I clarified my point of view.
Clearly I'm not familiar with AMC shows because I don't know of any other good ones besides this one. It didn't feel like cable show quality.
Eh, it was fine. I thought the movie was great overall and would have been great even without action packed voyeuristic scenes like that.
I think it's important to understand the context of time. During the prequel Trilogy most people knew about the force even if some people were skeptical, they knew of the mythology of such a thing. After the end of the Jedi order, the idea slowly died away and only became folklore known by very few. In the original trilogy, it already was not well known. The events in Madalorian takes place after the original trilogy timeline, many many years after the fall of the Jedi order.
Note, I'm not a full Star Wars nerd, I might be getting things wrong, this is my impression as a average observer.
Did they really do Monster of the Week? The only one that I remember is the Striga episode, which was relatively unlinked. It built a history between Geralt and Triss. Triss isn't as important in this series as she is in the games/books. Maybe there will be more of her in the next season, assuming she didn't die.
Even the Golden Dragon episode was very linked to Geralt's character history and it developed the relationship between Geralt and Yennefer more.
I didn't have trouble following the timeline, but I can see how it might be confusing to people who are not paying attention, especially because the characters don't appear aged between timeline skips.
I recommend Star Wars, if you hate character development so much.
It looked metal to me. Even so, it penetrates two panes of glass and then it still has enough velocity to completely go through human bone and tissue. How can such a thing not go through whatever Angela was carrying?
That was the goal of the father, to find God. So I'm looking at it from his perspective.
Ofcourse, if you ask ME, then your question is completely nonsensical because there is no God. God is as real as Elves are real and fantasies are real, if humans make up that God is invisible then that's the mythos, just as humans made up that Elves have pointy ears.
I said he didn't find god in the locations far beyond Neptune that he photographed using telescope photography.
"If fur from Earth is a requirement you can certainly go farther than Uranus or Neptune."
No, actually you can't. You can see farther. The father located lots of new empty Godless locations, but mankind has reached a limit at that point in terms of reasonable exploratory possibility, absent unrealistic sci-fi contrivances such as warp drives.
This is because there is simply too much distance between the limits of our solar system and the next explorable area. Furthermore, solar systems and galaxies are constantly moving away from us at massive speeds. Absent sci-fi contrivances, the fastest space vehicle cannot match the speed at which things are moving away from us. Neptune is only not moving away because it's captured in the sun's orbit.
I know. I made my statement based on context. Lindelof thinks he's very clever, he is the God in this universe because he created the show. Apropos that he would play a God.
He did not sound black to me.
The original trilogy is overrated, people are seeing them through nostalgia goggles.