mikethemartian's Replies

Not because I was a big fan of the guy, but it felt weird when Jon Erik Hexum died. I just felt bad for him to die so young. I was 18 at the time and he was eight years older than me. Hot I’m not into movies that heavily use CGI but I like the 60’s aesthetic. Reminds me of Googie architecture. I always like Tony Randall. She’s not hot. She’s just drawn that way. If I can’t cook it in a microwave I don’t cook it. I prefer this one: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/54/Egghead_from_Batman_66.jpg One of the first things I remember about starting college. They weren’t there to babysit you anymore. You were responsible for the homework and sitting for exams but it was up to you to show up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0siRMEEY8rc Capote (2005) and Infamous (2006) When Van Buren was telling Laszlo how much he enjoyed talking to him and feeling their minds matched I got the impression he was gay and attracted to Laszlo. Then also that comment about wrestling solidified it for me. It looked really good in IMAX. Especially the scene with the train. I’ve watched enough “I Dream of Jeanie” episodes to know that this is true. I knew about apricot pit’s being poisonous from an episode of Emergency!. I’m the only person that will listen to me. My guess is to submit it to IMDB and then this website probably gets it updates from there. Not sure though. 2019 I think “Dr. Cyclops” (1940) was set in the jungle. I was just making a joke. There was an SNL skit with Pamela Anderson in the late 90s where they parody that episode. The character that Donna Douglas plays in the Twilight Zone episode. I can’t believe that I’m the only one who thinks she is hot.