MovieChat Forums > TheGothamCat2007 > Replies
TheGothamCat2007's Replies
lol! You two have got to be the biggest retards on the internet... I mean seriously this is getting old, perhaps you and queen should set up a secret meeting place so you two can fuck each other and get it over with you'll both feel much better, cause I'm sensing some serious sexual tension between you guys.
Maybe if you didn't keep repeating the same thing in the same post all the time then your post wouldn't be so long dumb shit.
Oh dteam6 you are such a hypocrite, you claim that MCU and DCCU isn't suppose to be some kind of contest yet here you are treating it as continuously replying to us "DC fanatics" you are contradicting your claim that this isn't a contest, I mean what is it with you Marvel fanatics, is some kind of pride thing?
This whole back and forth thing has been going on since about 2013.... one side has got to give, and since you're apparently the "grownup" here why don't you just stop replying to us "DC fanatics" or just admit that you're just as childish as the rest of us...I mean it's a movie discussion board for crying out load how do you expect discussion to go down around here? Maybe you need to growup!
Actually that's not quite all I have to cling to....while Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is losing its director Aquaman director James Wan has been given complete creative control over Aquaman, so WB won't be interfering and Wan will be able to do what ever he wants and he has a pretty good track record in directing, and a lot of people are pretty confident that Wan can pull it off.
Yeah that's pretty much the sum of it, so then maybe Marvel fanatics like dturd6 will learn to hold his tongue the next time he decides to bash the DCEU...cause you never know when the tides will turn and MCU will be on the receiving end of some much deserved mocking and bashing.
LOL! I know it was just a matter of time before someone involved with the MCU would eventually get involved in some kind of Hollywood social media scandal...beautiful just beautiful. Hopefully others who are involved with the MCU will be hit with more social media scandals and set backs or better yet the quality the MCU itself will begin to deteriorate as well.
Wrong dumb shit, I believe that Jurassic World with Bryce Dallas Howard out running the t-rex in high heels is more mocked then anything in BvS.
Don't mind billbrown DceuFantinArmy, he's a little slow, a harmless man-child really incapable of forming any original arguments just the same old shit over and over again. This guy is the definition of a broken record, who's posts are usually too long to even completely read just enough to get an idea as to what he is trying to communicate. I just laugh out loud every time the poor thing posts a new message cause it's just so predicable. Just don't take anything billbrown says to fact it's probably a good idea to not even reply to him.
Well it certainly sucks to be you bill, I on the other hand am a strong believer in the existence of a higher power...I've had too many miraculous things happen in my life not to believe, but you bill...I pity you, you're screwed either way, if you are right it's an eternity of nothingness for you but if you're wrong it's eternal damnation for you so good luck to you when it come time for you to make that final journey into the after life...God have mercy on your soul if you're unable to embrace his divine existence.
I haven't been all that impressed with CGI in movies lately and it may be because I had such a unique movie experience with the original Jurassic Park, it was the first big block buster film that I saw with my whole family and I know that just about everyone who first saw Jurassic Park was blown away by the incredible CGI affects especially considering the this movie was made in 1993 and that kind of CGI was ground braking at that time and still is by todays standers and I don't think any movie will ever come close to recreating the CGI experience of Jurassic Park...if anything CGI is getting is more cheesy these days I guess production companies just aren't to stretch their budget on quality CGI any more.
Hey bill, I hate to burst your bubble but your claim that Black Panther is troll proof is bull shit! You see even though I truly despise everything related to Marvel comics...the fact that this movie is based around a cat themed character and I'm a huge cat lover with Catwoman being my absolute favorite comic book character and also with the insane amount of money it pegged my curiosity so I decided to check it out in theaters...but being that I refuse to spend one cent on any MCU movie I just bought a ticket for the Death Wish movie and walked into the Black Panther movie.
Now I did try to keep an open mind and be a neutral viewer but I just couldn't help but find this movie to be extremely dull, especially for a superhero movie. The main protagonist had many internal conflicts yes, but they were not depicted in a very convincing fashion. Things were happening at a quick pace, but there was no proper flow in the movie, it felt disjointed. The performances fell pretty flat as well. There was nothing special about the Killmonger character either, so I'm not sure why he is getting such rave reviews. All in all a very dull superhero movie on the whole.
Now do you honestly think that Black Panther would have been such Box Office smash hit if it centered around a mainly white cast instead of blacks, that is the only reason it's such a success not simply cause it's an all around good movie... and that's not all that impressive when you really think about it. Now if Aquaman preforms well in the Box Office it will be more meaningful cause it won't be because of some women's movement or black movement but simply because Aquaman was just an all around good movie, now that would be impressive, especially given the fact that Aquaman has been the punching bag of the DCU for years.
Why don't you let that sink into your sad, little delusional mind, LOL!
Ok first of all this stereotyping of the US is getting old, yes there are racially intolerant idiots here in the US...they're called rednecks and hillbillies who mostly inhabit the southern part of the United States.
I however live in the north eastern part of the US and find these rednecks and hillbillies to be nothing but ignorant, annoying, parasites that serve no purpose on this planet, and you maxi are in your own way just as bad, implying that America as a whole are all a bunch of raciest baboons is complete bullshit! And any non-American who says other wise are just envious of America's strong financial system and our advance medical care. Maybe if more countries followed Americas lead then there wouldn't be any third world countries where people are dying of relatively common illnesses and living in mud huts and tar paper shacks... yeah some fucked up country huh.
Here's some friendly advise maxi you ignorant asshole, why don't you come over to America and take a cross country trip cross the US and see what you're missing.
Oh yeah something is broken's Dteam, the movie boards broken record, a man-child that I find quite amusing to toy with-sort of like a cat with a mouse LOL.
You just can't be broke by something you can't take seriously... the turd actually thinks the Burton Batman films were the best of all the Batman films for Christ's sake! Michael Keaton is by far one of the worst Batmans ever right up there with George Clooney but at least Clooney has his looks there is absolutely nothing attractive about Keaton and considering that Bruce Wayne is well known for his Playboy good looks it just makes it all the more puzzling as to why Keaton was cast in the first place...he just gives a very wooden performance, and if that's not enough Dteam's absolute favorite of the original Batman films is Batman Forever which basically just has Tommy Lee Jones playing the Joker with a different kind of deformity. Tommy Lee Jones was not Two-Face, Harvey Dent was never hyper-active like that in the comics or the animated series and the same thing goes for the Riddler, he has a much more calm diameter in the comics and animated series. In my option the best live action version of Tow-Face has to be Aaron Eckhart's portrayal in The Dark Knight, his performance was spot on, so given Dteam's shit taste in movies one must ask themselves is he really in a position to say what makes a decent movie...I believe the retard even claimed once that he hated Avatar LOL!
Is this same old tired augment all you've been reduced to...(the DCCU keeps shitting the bed and needs to completely change the bed)or(DC keeps rushing to capture Marvel's lighting in a bottle)it would seem you have absolutely no creative spark when it comes to bashing the DCCU, you dteam6 are the definition of a broken and a boring as hell troll that I'm sure many of the posters here are getting pretty tried of reading the same old shit from.
LOL! Are you actually implying that dturd6 is capable of having his own opinion Leopard? That's rich, he is a total sheep...always following the way of popular opinion, never thinking for himself... kind of reminds me of this other troll that I knew back on IMDb that want by the name of TheMightyThor2.
Oh don't worry dturd6, I'm sure the new year will be just as rough on you as the old one, after all karma as a way of getting obnoxious, man-children who use the same old tiring argument against the trying to capture Marvel's lighting in a bottle, or that DC can't just shit the bed and put new sheets over it needs to completely change the bed) I mean seriously you are the definition of a broken record. Don't even bother with creative arguments that's just lazy.
Oh, by the way 2017 has been quite an exciting and eventful year for me and I have no complaints and hope for a repeat in 2018.
Are you seriously still obsessing over that fat turd? My god I thought you Marvel zealots left that sub-human sloth behind on is truly sad and pathetic that this turd has burned you so bad that you can't get him out your head, LOL!
Yep! ain't it the truth, Ha Ha Ha Ha!(laughing evilly)
Well I must say dturd6 that your continued descent into total butt-hurt meltdown has totally brightened my holiday spirit... in fact even though I originally had no intention on seeing this new Star Wars movie, I think I'll be changing my plans and go see it with my brother and his wife on Christmas as a token of my appreciation to Kennedy and Johnson for not only ruining your Christmas plans but for destroying Star Wars for you.