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Geoff Johns No longer Directly involved with DC Films

DCEU: crushing the dreams of their fans since day 1


LOL! Wasn't this guy supposed to be their would-be "Kevin Feige"? Wow...

Will WB EVER take the hint that the soup's been p!ssed in and can't be salvaged? They need to dump the soup and start a fresh batch. Enough of these attempts to mask it.

It's like my soiled linen analogy I've been using since BVS days: when someone sh!ts the bed do you change the bedding or just throw fresh linen on top of the soiled linen? Who wants to sleep in that?

This DCCU has NO stable foundation--NO legs to stand on. It's been fvcked since Day 1 (Man of Steel) and they have only been compounding the problem ever since. When Man of Steel proved to be massive divisive they should have stopped and started over RIGHT THEN. Instead, they just keep throwing linen on top of linen on top of linen on top of linen hoping ONE of them will be fresh and good enough to make people forget about the stinking, festering sh!t underneath.

This DCCU has been tainted. A do-over is the only way to even ATTEMPT to fix it.

However, they're at a bad point now--a point where even starting over won't pull them from this completely. Why? Because a series of VERY bad decisions has put a taint not only the DCCU but now onto DC and WB themselves. Now, any time people see that DC logo and WB attached to it they're going to remember all these DCCU turds so even a full-on reboot can't necessarily save them. Still, a full do-over is the best place to start. They need to earn audience trust back. They can keep making all these Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Flash films all they want but the soiled linen is still there and people will never forget that. A do-over is the best way to go. Sure, the do-over won't net them much money but they could build up from there.

It's over. The poor box office of Justice League should have proven that by now: people just aren't invested in these characters, nor do they want to be. We need a new iteration.

But, judging by DC's upcoming slate they still aren't learning from their mistakes


Is this same old tired augment all you've been reduced to...(the DCCU keeps shitting the bed and needs to completely change the bed)or(DC keeps rushing to capture Marvel's lighting in a bottle)it would seem you have absolutely no creative spark when it comes to bashing the DCCU, you dteam6 are the definition of a broken and a boring as hell troll that I'm sure many of the posters here are getting pretty tried of reading the same old shit from.


^^^^ hey Dteam. I found another one you broke :)


Oh yeah something is broken's Dteam, the movie boards broken record, a man-child that I find quite amusing to toy with-sort of like a cat with a mouse LOL.

You just can't be broke by something you can't take seriously... the turd actually thinks the Burton Batman films were the best of all the Batman films for Christ's sake! Michael Keaton is by far one of the worst Batmans ever right up there with George Clooney but at least Clooney has his looks there is absolutely nothing attractive about Keaton and considering that Bruce Wayne is well known for his Playboy good looks it just makes it all the more puzzling as to why Keaton was cast in the first place...he just gives a very wooden performance, and if that's not enough Dteam's absolute favorite of the original Batman films is Batman Forever which basically just has Tommy Lee Jones playing the Joker with a different kind of deformity. Tommy Lee Jones was not Two-Face, Harvey Dent was never hyper-active like that in the comics or the animated series and the same thing goes for the Riddler, he has a much more calm diameter in the comics and animated series. In my option the best live action version of Tow-Face has to be Aaron Eckhart's portrayal in The Dark Knight, his performance was spot on, so given Dteam's shit taste in movies one must ask themselves is he really in a position to say what makes a decent movie...I believe the retard even claimed once that he hated Avatar LOL!


^^^^ and whining.


I'm happy to see my existence is causing you so much anguish. ;) Keep squirming! I always have you little trolls eating from my hand. Dance, monkey! Dance! *Munches popcorn* :D


JL 2 will be huge!


LOL! Yeah, this little one has been going batsh!t since I callef it out on IMDB. It had a wild hair up its a$$ evet since I put it in its place on the Ghostbusters board and it's been rabid ever since. Let's point and laugh while it flails around. XD


You must have a big bag of bitches by now. :D


Yep and now Yanni is back on the Last Jedi board. XD

Good old IMDB all over again.


There are some precious snowflakes around. Get the boat ready, the tears are flooding the area.


They truly love making a$$es of themselves, don't they?


They don't need a boat....they've got Aquaman! "My MAN!!!"




In wish i would have still be Geoff John in the lead. Horror films aren't like Superhero films.


If tyrue, I have no problem with Johns being out. I loved this guys early work (Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. and JSA particularly) but as his fame grew, two things became evident to me:

1) He really didn't know how to end stories. It was like he had a series of splash pages in his head and then wrote a story around them and then didn't know how to wrap things up.

2) He really really wanted his Super-Friends. One of the things I liked in the 90's in DC was that there was a real sense of...progression. Heroes were killed and replaced or retire and replaced (not all, but there were some big names there like GL or Flash). Johns went out of his way once he was a big deal to dismantle all that so he could have HIS heroes back. Now, I've was reading these books before him and they were MY heroes to....but it totally took away the stakes when Hal Jordan and Barry Allen came back.


the problem I have with DC and Marvel is that they don't truly replace characters. They pass the mantle to another guy or girl, but they remain THAT character [examples: Spider-man, Flash, Green Lantern, Cap Marvel, Iron Man recently, Thor, Hulk, Superman - to a certain degree - etc]. The excuse "it's the suit" sounds just like that: an excuse to give the man/woman beneath the suit a new face and motif. But in the end, if it's all about the symbol of the suit, then there's nothing really changing. I understand that the writer may come to a dead-end with characters [must be rather hard trying to always come up with new stories for THAT character because he/she is like THAT and space of maneuver gets short], but it would be preferable to actually kill them and the suit definitely and come up with new characters from scratch.

It's a malady pretty much present even in Manga.


I'll say Green Lantern was the biggest departure from that. When they replaced and then killed Hal Jordan, they replaced him with someone wildly different, removed the "space cop" part by eliminating the Green Lantern Corps, even slightly changed the powers. And the costume. Sure, it's not as wildly different as when Hal Jordan replaced Alan Scott, but it was fresh(er) and new(er) than say....Rhodey as Iron Man (because we all knew Tony would be back) or even Wally as Flash (because, honestly, if you read Wally in Teen titans and then Wally as the Flash...even THEY seem like two different people).

It's all about (as you said) having the APPEARANCE of change while staying in their comfort zone.
