MovieChat Forums > johnmiller > Replies
johnmiller's Replies
Hilariously awful! Even trustworthy actors like Peck and Barrymore give howlingly terrible, scenery-chewing performances.
The thing is: The movie played like a TV movie, in the first place. So, the TV version was a very natural progression. :-)
I sat in the theater absolutely aghast at how awful it was! And, I was a big fan of the hilariously overwrought "The Swarm" the year before. :-)
Plus, include a tutorial for these cinematographers on how to light a scene. :-)
That's the way it struck me.
The scenes with the defendant being burned in effigy, the preacher wanting the defendant burned, the citizens marching, look something akin to Nazi rallies.
Since it was 1960, you would think they might have sent a Second Unit to do some location shooting, for an opening shot anyway.
Oh great! Now, that's the image I'm going to have in my head when I see March in this movie. :-)
To me, March's make up looks, especially in the darker scenes, like he got a bad spray tan!
So, not the greatest work on make up here. You can even see his skull cap wrinkle when you see his head from behind.
They had cranked their humidifier up WAY too much! :-)
It's more fun to sit back and watch humans knock into each other like you would Roombas. :-)
It's on the EPIX movie channel here in the U.S. now in early August.
These young cinematographers seem to want to play with "how dark can I go?" And, the answer is: As dark as you want, but it's going to look like @#$%. This is easily one of the most unattractive movies I have seen this decade. Which is, of course, why it was nominated for an Oscar for cinematography.
So, your ability to speak English is suspect, and yet you call people "dumb" who like the movie? Ah! The irony. :-)
Watching "Arrival" and "Kong: Skull Island" back to back will cause cross-contamination in one's memories. :-)
For dramatic purposes. That's the only reason.
We're just civilization X, Y or Z in the universe. Our value will be based upon what we create, not what we destroy.
No. Just no. :-)
She's the best part of TV's "Life in Pieces."
I loved the Stop-Motion Animation! Very well done, and hilarious! They also did a great job at the combining of the creatures with the live action. That is an art all by itself!