OT: Anyone else just wish mankind had died out before we were born?
After 3.4 million years of Stone Age + about 6,000 years of non-Stone Age look at us, we're The Planet of the Idiots!
We feed our kids the white lies of civilization. The myths. The imaginary things the adults pretend are not imaginary.
There's the myth of "importance" (aka "imperative"). Yet reality is nothing about organic life or about the universe itself is "imperative". There is nothing of "importance" to achieve or avoid. We do what we do but in the end we might as well have not have, the universe had no preference.
There's the myth of "necessity" (aka "need"). Your parents told you you have "needs". But you don't. None of us do. The desire to avoid death does not create a "need" for oxygen. The desire to walk on legs does not create a "need" for legs.
There's the myth of "should". That you "ought" to do something before you die. Reality is there isn't anything you "should" do under any circumstances. Reality is you do what you and the universe will never care about you.
There's the myth of "must" (aka "have to"). That you "must" do something before you die. Reality is there isn't anything you "have to" do no matter what the circumstances are. Reality is you do what you and the universe will never care about you.
There's the myth of "justification". Reality is an organism can't even "justify" breathing the atmosphere.
There's the myth of "laws" and "crimes", "theft" and "murder" (aka "unsanctioned killing"). Making up rules is useful but they're still as made up as the rules for playing chess.
There's the myth of "morally right and morally wrong" where they mix up good and evil with accuracy for you. Reality is the universe doesn't care how evil we are, it isn't checking our behaviour to a script to see if we're reading our lines as stated or comparing our test scores to a card it had in its pocket.
Rape isn't inaccurate and 1+1=6.4 is not evil, morons.
There's the myth of "property" (aka "ownership"). Reality is none of us even "owns" the brain matter we think with.
There's the myth of "deserving". Reality is no one ever "deserved" anything they got and no one ever will.
There's the myth of "owing". Reality is no one "owes" anyone or anyone anything.
There's the myth of "duty" and "responsibility". Reality is a mother has no more "duty" or "responsibility" to take care of her newborn offspring than she has to leave it in a dumpster to die.
There's the myth of "purpose". Reality is a carpenter can't give a chair he's making a "purpose". Anybody can come along and use the chair for whatever they want.
There's the myth of "value" (aka "worth"). Reality is a single atom of oxygen or gold holds the same amount of "value" as a planet-size chunk of oxygen or gold; absolute zero, which is the exact same amount of "value" it held long before organic life came along.
There's the myth of "perfection and imperfection". We often hear no one is "perfect" and it happens to be true but it's true because reality is no one is "imperfect".
There's the myth of "nations". Reality is they're no more real than they were when the landmasses were like one big continent populated by dinosaurs or whatever.
There's the myth of "money" and "the economy" while reality is that's a load of complete horse manure.
There's the myth of "rights". Reality is organisms never had any and can't create any.
All your cultures and all your religions are offensive to me and I wish our ancestors had all died so all seven billion of us now living were never born.
Also, this: http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000130/nest/263626706