stevewyzard's Replies

You consider The Rocketeer "GREAT", "MISUNDERSTOOD", "CLASSIC", and "AMAZING"... ...but you don't like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow??? These two movies were cut from similar cloth. I'm stunned! I have this movie in my collection, and consider it better than average, with quite a few moments of true greatness. Yet even if we overlook Lothar, the typical unstoppable henchman, this movie is let down by Disney not being sure who their intended audience was. Is this for kids, for adults, for comic readers, for pulp fans, or for the average movie-goer just looking for light entertainment? In trying to please everyone, they ended up pleasing very few. Releasing it the same summer as Terminator 2 didn't help, either. Secretly, we all wish we were beavers! As someone who hails from the area (Los Angeles harbor area) and graduated from San Pedro High School, everyone (but EVERYONE) pronounces it "San Peedro". Always has, always will. Just one of those local eccentricities. Don't get me started on how "Cabrillo Beach" is pronounced in the same locality! Your #10 above is Let That Be Your Last Battlefield. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)! Whenever this topic arises, the question I always ask is: "Just what do people see in Bruce Springsteen?" Cancel me, call me uncool, but I've just never understood the appeal of the whole "underdog poet/voice of the disenfranchised" stereotype that has relentlessly been used to justify his entire career. No love for Amelia (2009)? Here's the best song on each of his first 5 albums: 1) Face Value (1981): "Thunder and Lightning" 2) Hello! I Must Be Going (1982): "I Cannot Believe It's True" 3) No Jacket Required (1985): "Long Long Way to Go" and "Inside Out" (tie) 4) But Seriously (1989): "That's Just the Way It Is" 5) Both Sides (1993): "We're Sons of Our Fathers" If we ignore the Calling All Stations album (recorded without Phil), Genesis was good to the end. Phil's last decent solo album was Both Sides (1993). Is it Harlem Nights (1989), with Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, and Redd Foxx? 100 films... ...AND NOT ONE MENTION OF NORA EPHRON'S YOU'VE GOT MAIL (1998)?!?!?!?!? Outrageous... As someone who has been listening to Rush for almost 40 years, here are their 10 best songs: 1) "The Analog Kid" 2) "Natural Science" 3) "Chemistry" 4) "Hemispheres" 5) "Jacob's Ladder" 6) "The Fountain of Lamneth" 7) "La Villa Strangiato" 8) "The Camera Eye" 9) "Digital Man" 10) "Grand Designs" This is not meant as any disrespect toward "The Spirit of Radio", which would be somewhere in the Top 20. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)! Close Encounters of the Third Kind: 100% Camp! Yay, Hallmark Channel! The point of the story? It is impossible to recapture or relive the past. Not with money. Not with power. Not with influence. It is impossible to recapture or relive the past. Thank you for saying so succinctly just what is wrong with this movie. I think Redford tried to justify his aloof portrayal by saying he was attempting to "preserve the mystery" of Gatsby's character. As Dom DeLuise said in another movie from the same year, "WRONG!" When the movie ended with "Ain't We Got Fun?" I wanted to scream. Total train wreck/miscasting hall-of-fame. The 2013 movie is also a train wreck, but for entirely different reasons. The Great Gatsby (and F. Scott Fitzgerald in general) really needs to remain in its original Scribner's & Sons pages. This magnificent work is a time capsule of a long-vanished era and can only suffer when screenwriters/directors attempt to "modernize" it for today's world. I will always be convinced that the only reason this episode was made was to allow the studio to save money by using pre-existing sets and wardrobe. I can still respect that some people enjoy the episode, but I remember being hugely offended when I first saw it 40+ years ago. I was introduced to Supertramp by hearing their singles and most popular songs on the radio in the 1970s-1980s. It was only when I bought the albums they originally appeared on that I discovered that their singles and most popular songs (delightful though they may be) are really just hors d'oeuvres to prepare you for the entire meal to follow. They really are an "album band"!