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leader's Replies
Any minute now
Eisenhower insisted that US troops photograph and film concentration camps because he believed people would deny the Holocaust happened without that evidence.
Yeah it was special tbh
She is in fun films and I like that.
What does that have to do with this?
Did this ever come out
Critics are not trustworthy but the trailer is promising, let's give it a chance.
This comment didn't age well.
That would have been really cool, although the moment has passed. He is too old now.
Maybe he is shielded by a powerful entity.
I Talk To Jesus is so good
Maybe it is not too late for a comeback?
Sis, look them up. One is married to an asian woman with 2 kids, and the other one has a serious live-in girlfriend.
It is because they have to look good for TV.
I thought it had a certain faded roadside glamour to it.
Or they work in tech.
The divorce was relevant to explain her later trust issues towards Sawyer when he looked at Kate longingly that one time.
> which fairly often means the show will switch in between seasons from one TV channel to another.
Like with Cougar Town!!!!
It is good, the scene where the sisters confront each other is the best part imo.