Where do the MAGA side on this issue?
Are they with the book burners or against them? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/eisenhower-dont-join-book-burners/
Are they with the book burners or against them? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/eisenhower-dont-join-book-burners/
Remaining silent is the same as siding with the book burners.
That's an interesting one.
Texas being part of the Bible belt banning the Bible for being too sexually explicit.
The perfect word of a perfect god, that works only if children get indoctrinated with it before they turn 13, not good enough for children.
Somehow that's funny.
Makes me wonder whether they found out the truth in "there is no faster way to turn a believer into an atheist than make them read the Bible in full".