Devilman's Replies

Only people who lived the 60's period can probably follow what the film is partially about from that scene when Cliff visits the Spahn Ranch. Tarantino also cut the flashback scene where Cliff murders his wife and probably had more screen time for Charles Mason but when Burt Reynolds passed away he probably changed the script and gave the character that only sick man in bed scene with cliff. Otherwise it's not really up their with best stuff Tarantino did. Probably need to watch the movie while high *LOL* ! True, they're probably trying to go basic on The Madalorian and avoiding any gender & race politics that infested the films. Rogue One was good because of the way the film ended. I kind of like the atmosphere of the show something they couldn't reproduce in the sequel movies this does feel like Star Wars. The first chapter episode plot is somewhat weak but I'm looking forward to the rest of it. There are subtitles for those. Not really boring but probably a weak fast paced script for a 1st episodes but the westerner like battle near the end was very good. Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy...and we shall have...peace *LOL* I don't hate him but the amount of bull he's pulling just to trash the film is ridiculous for a grown man. We know the film will be the worst Star Wars film ever nothing can save the sequels Rian Johnson's damage is irreversible. I find it really stupid how people like him are spreading rumors like crazy the closer we get to the release date. The same dude on Nerdrotic playing as a another dude. The hate is strong with this one but I can agree on this film being a disaster. That's Jar Jar Abrams pure copy-paste talent that makes millions of dollars for studios. After the third and forth episode of this season I don't have high hopes of redemption. I have a feeling the next two episode will be the same quality with stupid resolution to the characters arcs. Winter is Not Coming ! Unfortunately D&D kept using the "Subverting Expectations" formula defying all logic behind the buildup in the last seasons. They start with obliterating Daenerys Targaryen's fleet of ships and her new allies in Westeros making Cersei the Sun Tzu of the seven Kingdoms (yeah right !), force a stupid subplot of kidnapping a walking dead from beyond the wall to again convince the lying treacherous Cersei ! Tyrion and Varys are supposed to be way smarter than what was shown after joining Daenerys Targaryen but they keep giving her the worst advises ever to defeat Cersei considering both know Cersei better than anyone in the Seven Kingdoms but no D&D got to subvert expectation and destory everthing because they think that's what GoT is about...Heros losing and dying like idiots. ANH was original in the sense that it was the first "Star Wars" film that started it all. JJ never bothered to create a new premise for the sequels he borrowed everything from Episode IV, Bad guy looking for the map, the Droid running away with the map, Sand Planet, Death Star like planet that gets blown up like the original one. Solo is smuggling again ! Leia is resistance leader again !, while their mentality unstable son is an evil wanna be Darth Vader villain, we got a new Emperor sorry supreme leader. Without a single back story on why the galaxy reverted to the status before RoTJ, that's a hack job script not a very well written one. They admit they never had a sequel roadmap everything done in TFA was to be explained later bad idea. Maybe better than 8 but still borrows everything from ANH which doesn't really make it original. One the of worst idea's in TFA is shrouding every background detail in mystery and not just Rey's or Luke's JJ left everything for the next film and guess what Rian did with that :) . Well mismanagement started from TFA when the studio was OK with JJ's script that was a hack job of Episode IV and various aspects of the OT. Trust me they just thought if people liked that trashy script they will like anything they will throw at them that's titled "Star Wars". RJ went overboard with the idea and let the trilogy commit Seppuku (Japanese Suicide !). I've been thinking about how JJ can salvage his trilogy after the huge plot & character suicide in TLJ. My ideas : - Episode 9 takes place a few years later with Leia gone. - Rey is still a super force user but Luke ghost always reminds her just like him long ago she's NO Jedi yet. - Bring back the TFA idea of Dark force ghosts. - We'll see an Outer Rim world. - Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is a more developed character now he's closer to what Vader was. - Wiser more mature Poe, he learned greatly from his mistakes. - NO ROSE - I can't really think what they'll do to Finn but his friendship with Rey needs to shine in this one. - Knights Of Ren, the only thing mentioned that didn't show up yet. Agree the boring First Order/Rebels chase was bad so was the Space Vegas. Bad writing is all over "The Last Jedi". I personally never saw the logic of a Han Solo film he's probably the iconic OT bad boy but I find it really hard for anyone to come up with a good pre-OT story for him he was very well established as a character in the OT and Harrison Ford really did a great job at acting the character there is no need to try and establish a background for character. Disney's approach to Star Wars films is very short sighted they are not really handling the franchise very well assigning directors and writers they can control and Disneyfy the films just look at how they added useless sub-plots in "The Last Jedi". What's next Disney style singing and dancing...Star Wars ain't the Lion King ! I think they never cared about how the script goes Star Wars makes good money even if it was bad they'll be making hundreds of millions of dollar from box-office and other merchandise. The sequel trilogy is big loss for fans but they can still ignore Disney era trilogy and stick to EU alternatives for example "The Thrawn Trilogy" which was a very solid continuation of the Original Trilogy. Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy books were a very good continuation of the OT for people who dislike the new sequels just read those and forget the whole Disney Star Wars era. I think it has something to do about controlling the overall production. The more experienced means someone who would stands for themselves resulting in more resistance against certain studio/producer directions. The Last Jedi was directed and written by Rian Johnson I could go and say he might be a good director but he's NO way a good writer the film is full of plot holes and badly written scenes and forced comedy. Overall the studio doesn't care it's all about how much money the film makes and by today's taste and standards it's making a fortune for them for a bad movie. I'm sure after a few months we'll see a change in direction towards the next movie all the blame will be shifted at Rian Johnson for ruining JJ's basic plot. He's going to end-up as a scrap goat. It might happen if ST:Discovery breaths life into the Trek franchise again. It's all about the money.