So what do they do now?


Lando-coming back because most people do not really care about the rest of the cast. Bringing him back is a last ditch effort to try to salvage what Disney destroyed.

I have no idea how Disney are going to salvage the next film. It just seems like the company went out of their way to purposely destroy the franchise. Seriously, a five year old could have come up with better scripts. The way that these movies have turned out makes s me believe that the people running Hollywood are truly insane. Having Han, Luke and Leia get back together again and then having three movies worth of adventures based upon them was a no brainer. Disney had to have purposely screw this up.There is no other reason aside from insanity...


If they were that worried they would bring back Luke. They never said definitively Luke is dead. And LF lets each director do whatever the hell they want.



LF lets directors do what they want? Is that why they keep firing them or asking for reshoots?


Could NOT agree more!👍


Hard to believe it was so mismanaged, almost as badly as Trek.


Well mismanagement started from TFA when the studio was OK with JJ's script that was a hack job of Episode IV and various aspects of the OT. Trust me they just thought if people liked that trashy script they will like anything they will throw at them that's titled "Star Wars".

RJ went overboard with the idea and let the trilogy commit Seppuku (Japanese Suicide !).


TFA is one of the best Star Wars movies. I honestly can't imagine what you would hate on. 8 is garbage though.


Maybe better than 8 but still borrows everything from ANH which doesn't really make it original. One the of worst idea's in TFA is shrouding every background detail in mystery and not just Rey's or Luke's JJ left everything for the next film and guess what Rian did with that :) .


ANH was not remotely original, it borrowed heavily from Kurosawa. Many famously great movies borrow heavily from other works.


ANH was also literally a rebranded and rewritten Flash Gordon story. It was the one Lucas wanted to adapt as he was seeking the Flash Gordon license in the early 70's.

It was one of the classic FG tales: Earth boy Flash, who joins an old man (a professor in Flash, turned into a wizard for Star Wars) and the beautiful Dale Arden, to fly off toward Emperor Ming's "Mongo," a weaponized planet which is approaching Earth to destroy it.

I think it's called "Planet of Peril."

He failed to get the license, and so then Lucas told this same basic story structure as part of a new franchise. Now it's Tatooine boy Luke, who flies off with an old man, and eventually the beautiful Leia, to battle Emperor Palpatine's "Death Star," a weaponized planet-like space station which is approaching Yavin IV (which is basically an Earth-like planet) to destroy it.

Then he mixed in some major Kurosawa influences, but the basis was still Flash.

He even opened it with the same opening scroll as the Flash Gordon serials:

It's not like he hid any of this, either.


ANH is one of the most original films ever made which is why it changed cinema forever. It was influenced by many many things (mainly, as Froggy says below - Flash Gordon) however the final product was unlike anything that had ever been seen up until that point. Saying Star Wars is unoriginal is like saying the Beatles were unoriginal as they just 'imitated Buddy Holly and the Crickets'.

TFA is a near beat for beat remake and what little originality there is essentially breaks the story.

If episode X is yet another remake of ANH will that be ok too? And if not, why is it ok for VII?


Impact is not originality. Changing cinema is unrelated to having an original story. Changing cinema refers to thinks like popularity, visual appeal, fun factor, etc.

If Star Wars was completely original, and its story was all the rage, then the novelization released in November 1976 should have been remembered as the true impact of Star Wars.


So how did it change cinema - almost overnight, if it wasn't unlike anything anybody had ever seen before?

It had it's impact *because* it was original.

If I was to take the story of King Lear and tell it in a way that has never been done before, in a way that redefines an established artform, then I would say that is something original even if the DNA was taken from something else. It's the presence of the new that counts (with regards to originality), not the total absence of the old.

Your 2nd point makes no sense as I never said it was the story that caused the impact (though that's a part of it) - it was the film as a whole.


If episode X is yet another remake of ANH will that be ok too? And if not, why is it ok for VII?

Why was it okay for Terminator 2 to be essentially a remake of Terminator 1?

And yes, that is exactly how Cameron wanted it. He said his goal was to re-do Terminator with a bigger budget, but change it just enough to call it a sequel.

At least there was a bigger time gap between ANH and TFA. Cameron's T1 and T2 were only 7 years apart.


Tell me how many films feature the villain from the first film as the hero in the 2nd?

Almost none.

So yeah - it's the same story line but they gave it a nice twist and then filled it with new action beats.

I'd think a better example would be say Die hard 2 which is a decent action film in its own right but is a shameless rip-off of the original and it got a lot of flack for that ("How does the same shit happen to the same guy - twice?" Yeah, exactly!)


What is the point of asking a question if you're just going to runaway when it is answered?


ANH was a dumbed down version of Kurosawa with poor-mediocre acting and cool visual effects. I saw it in the theater when I was 10. I think it's popularity was mostly timing as the country was feeling lousy about losing Vietnam and presidential scandals. Then it had a really good sequel.


A dumbed down version of Kurosawa
with cool visual effects
Set in space

And remind me again how many other dumbed down Kurosawa films set in space with cool visual effects have you seen? Has anyone ever seen?


Because it was....

Incredibly. Original.


LOL, you never saw "Kurosawa", you are even too obtuse to know the movie titles.

Now, falsify me. Prove me how ANH was a "dumbed down version of Kurosawa" (lol) with a plot-beat comparison as they do in court/business.

I demonstrate to you ANH vs the hack job of Force Awakens:

1. Opens with Stormtroopers attack and kill civilians to get item.
2. Enter dark-masked/clad leader - a Skywalker who was seduced by a dark lord and who betrayed the Jedi order and destroyed it sending his master into exile.
3. He questions the civilians leader for the items and brutally kills him
4. Young rebel hides the item in R2 robot. Robot escapes into desert where he meets young hero.
5. Young rebel is captured and tortured… etc etc etc

It end with Death Star 3 destroyed and blah, you get the rehashed (plot) point,

NOW ITS YOUR TURN, loudmouth!


U mad bro? If you're going to criticize Star Wars, criticize it on technical aspects, acting, writing, direction, storytelling; don't waste anyone's time criticizing originality. We already know SW isn't original. If are unfamiliar with Kurosawa, Google it. Thousands of articles have been written about the 2 by better writers than me. It comes down to this, TFA was a competently made and entertaining SW movie; TLJ was garbage. No amount of hysterics or name calling will change that.


U deflecting bro?

I am still waiting to be amused by your evidence backing your obtuse claim. I have seen most Kurosawa films, I would like to know which one SW is a dumbed down version of.

I demonstrated TFA is a dumbed down version of ANH and the OT's greatest hits.

You only demonstrate a big mouth full of empty words bro.

Yo bro!


I doubt it. You post like a child and probably are. Lucas never hid that he borrowed heavily from Kurosawa (google him).


so your click bait article states:

"....In Kurosawa’s film, the civil war takes place in 16th Century Japan, and the duo are ragged peasants. They can’t stop squabbling; and, like the droids, they split up, before being captured and reunited.
Eventually, they are dragged back into the central conflict: they have to help a bearded general escort Princess Uki back to her homeland, just as the droids help Ben Kenobi escort Princess Leia to the rebel base.

The difference is that Tahei and Mataschichi aren’t loyal servants, but opportunists with an eye on the princess’s gold [and on raping her]. They may be C-3PO and R2-D2, but they’re Han Solo and Chewbacca, as well. Peasants aside, Lucas has said that the similarities between Star Wars and The Hidden Fortress are “more of a coincidence than anything else”

LOL so these generic and forced similarities are what you base your "dumbed down version of Kurosawa" assertion on? These similarities are not even correct, spinning and misrepresenting most of the plot (eg, leaving out the beginning of imprisonment, forced labor and the big prison break revolt in Act 1; check the WIKI plot summary below

And where are the Empire, the Death Star, the mcguffin plan, Darth Vader,...where is Luke and Han or the rebellion? Where the final battle etc.

There are far more similarities in Harry Potter, Pirates or Guardians of the RaccoonTurd than in Fortress. You have not even seen the movie!


I didn't post an article, and stopped reading your post at that.




ANH was original in the sense that it was the first "Star Wars" film that started it all.

JJ never bothered to create a new premise for the sequels he borrowed everything from Episode IV, Bad guy looking for the map, the Droid running away with the map, Sand Planet, Death Star like planet that gets blown up like the original one.

Solo is smuggling again ! Leia is resistance leader again !, while their mentality unstable son is an evil wanna be Darth Vader villain, we got a new Emperor sorry supreme leader.
Without a single back story on why the galaxy reverted to the status before RoTJ, that's a hack job script not a very well written one.

They admit they never had a sequel roadmap everything done in TFA was to be explained later bad idea.


The prequels were a new premise and fans dump on them until this day despite being better than the originals in a number ways. So JJ goes back to the source and fans whine again. SW fans are literally the worst fans.


"SW fans are literally the worst fans".

You know you're on an message board on the bowels of the internet defending/whining about star wars right?

You do realise you are a Star Wars fan by definition?

Do you include yourself in that sweeping statement I wonder?


Thank you for proving my point.




Yeah, that's what I thought too.


The prequels were a new premise and fans dump on them until this day despite being better than the originals in a number ways.

^ hey, McQuadlude, honor where honor is due. You are spot on with this, bro.

From a writing and storytelling perspective I much more invested in these film, as they tell a (highly original and creative) dystopian tale of democracy stumbling over itself and of demagogues rising - and there is no happy end, Palpatine wins (unique for this silly genre!). One of the most relevant B-movie Sci Fi dystopias of the last 60 years.


I'm glad someone sees it. I liked the prequels, they were ambitious, well cast, and well acted, with good storytelling that felt thought out.


not to forget the iconic art design, world building and music that is only second to the Original Trilogy and makes Star Wars as a whole unique.



Their idea seemed to be to bring back the original characters as failed losers, have them fawn over the new Disney characters, then kill them as quickly and disgracefully as possible so you'll forget them while you latch on to this new generation.

You can say the same for the heroes from the prequels.

Now in A New Hope, we find out Obi-Wan hasn't done anything other than wandering around as a hermit on Tatooine for 18 years!

Yoda hasn't done crap either, he's being a hermit on Dagobah.

Basically they were just hiding and waiting for Darth Vader's children to grow up. That way they can be killed off and we can fawn over the new heroes.

Obi-Wan's death is pretty similar to Luke's death: Both were done simply as a temporary distraction to let the new good guys slip away.

Yoda and Obi-Wan, for their years of waiting, also BARELY trained Luke. Ben showed him how to swat at a taser ball, for like a minute, and told him a few things about the Force.

Then Yoda rides on Luke's back for a few days or maybe weeks, and seems to only teach him how to lift stuff and concentrate.... And then dies the next time we see him. He did nothing for 18 years and barely did anything after Luke showed up.

But see, Luke is such a Mary Sue that he can become a Jedi Master with this absolute minimal training (instead of years and years), and can defeat Vader despite having ZERO experience or training in lightsaber combat. Of course, Luke can also jump into an X-Wing and become the greatest pilot in the battle even though he has no X-Wing experience and no battle experience.

Not even sure why Leia put him in one, she didn't see him fly anything. None of us did. ALL WE HAD was his word that he was a pretty good pilot. SOUND FAMILIAR?

He can also do things like using a Force Pull at the beginning of Empire Strikes Back, even though Ben NEVER showed him that telekinesis was even possible with the Force!

He can also learn to build his own lightsaber, with no one to teach him. Where did he learn that? I guess some novel had to be written to explain that.

But see, all of this can be overlooked, because Luke was a guy. When you switch genders, suddenly the EXACT SAME fantasy story becomes cheap shortcuts and feminism and causes a bunch of alt-right whackos to get their Tiki torches.

What's hilarious is that you guys refuse to see it.


LOL, well said, Sir :D


You actually make a good point here Froggy and this is one of the many many flaws with the prequels. The Luke and Yoda we've seen in the prequels would never just bugger off to planets unknown and sit around waiting for something to happen. They're far too heroic and also way too powerful. Yes they've gone through the trauma of the Emperor taking power but they would be in the front lines, leading the resistance, not skulking around in caves. It's pretty clear from ANH that the Force - while powerful - is quite subtle and doesn't turn its users into indestructible super heroes. Which is why Ben and Yoda are in hiding. Because they're NOT the super heroes they're shown to be in the prequels.

But once again you can't excuse away flaws from one film just by pointing to flaws in another - especially films that are widely regarded as being terrible.

And - as everybody here knows - your points re Luke as a Mary Sue are simply put: bollocks.


^lol, enter the local board idiot.

Claims Luke is Mary Sue for becoming a Jedi in years of training and self-training and being defeated and saved to the bitter end.

But thinks unbeatable Rey isn't one even when she immediately "downloads" (JJ Abrams) all powers Luke had only after years of training, including the defeat of the master of the ren within a few hours and with no training whatsoever.

So dumb it becomes desperate. My amusement is manifold.


Well said.



It looks like they are bringing Luke back as a force ghost more than likely. I think they planned on killing him off for good but when TLJ experienced a huge backlash and when Disney realized the new characters suck they back downed and decided to get Mark Hamil back to try to salvage whatever they can of episode IX


I can't see it working. They have damaged the franchise beyond repair. I have a feeling that from now on Star Wars movies are going to be just movies and no longer an event. Disney ruined the franchise by pushing an agenda, disrespecting the fans, and not having a understanding of what made Star Wars the phenomenon that it was. They did it to themselves, they have no one else to blame but themselves... although they will blame everyone and everyone because just like an obnoxious five year old they won't be able to admit they were wrong.


Oh I never said I saw it working, I too think the franchise is beyond repair. I simply think that bringing Luke back is a desperate attempt to breathe life into this sinking ship of a franchise. A major problem that Disney has aside from the films being garbage is that they are being released too close together so there is no hype or buildup for them and no one is getting excited anymore.


You are 100% correct when you say Star Wars will just be movies, no long an event now.

Such a disgusting shame.

And people like frog are defending it to the death because of gender politics and social commentary ... rofl.


Seriously, I don't go to a Star Wars movie for social justice propaganda.


Likewise. Really, I don't give a fuck about the SJW agenda. I just want a great Star Wars movie! One with sharp writing, three-dimensional characters, solid plot, well-paced storyline that respects existing lore. Is it really too much to ask that all of the aforementioned take priority over pushing a social agenda?


They keep going, do what they are doing, and if you don't like, you can go change it like people are doing for "The Last Jedi", you can say you didn't like it and move on, or like it and enjoy it. At the end of the day, nothing will get changed because of how both sides are acting.
