MovieChat Forums > jasonbourne > Replies
jasonbourne's Replies
This is a shocker for me. I loved BP. He was going to be a big star. I haven't seen Chadwick Boseman in other movies besides BP and CA:CW, but will give them a try. RIP Chadwick Boseman.
BTW jewel and art theft continues to be very lucrative to this day even though one cannot sell it for what it's worth on the secondary market. A few unscrupulous collectors will still pay a hefty sum for an original even though it is hot.
Gold is easier to steal even if valuable and marked; It can be melted down.
I came on here to discuss Family Plot as I've seen it again for the second time. First time at a theater, but was too young to appreciate it. I have the DVD but have not seen it, but watched it on youtube with nice definition.
Yes, the plot is a double entendre, but makes for an interesting story. It's the money that motivates George and Blanche and the acting is top notch with all the subtle nuances of the characters. I won't get into what's to like with the story, characters, acting, and the way Hitchcock presents it, but bring up the weaknesses. I have a hard time believing Arthur Adamson and Fran continuing to be criminals if he's just inherited a fortune. It's never explained, but maybe he didn't believe it. Even then, I would think he would investigate. Were they still looking for his parents' murderer? I think he already got his inheritance from them with where he is living, but still wants more.
Also, I liked Karen Black's character becoming a "tall" woman. I recently had an confrontation with a tall blonde woman around 6' tall (I'm 5' 9") over my dog, so she stood out.
The other weakness I think is with George and Blanche continuing on if they were almost killed. Maloney seemed to lose his head after failing to see them die after their car runs away down that road. The chances were good that they die in a going off the side of the road accident. He could've just left. He didn't have to try to run them down as they would've been afraid to continue. It wasn't worth the money if their lives were at risk. For Maloney, he didn't have to get directly involved and cast more suspicion upon himself.
ETA: I might've missed it but was there a crystal ball in the story? I don't think Blanche used it in her ruse.
It's one of those over the top gangster movies with big guns, tempting gorgeous women, and men who fall for them. The code in motion pictures has to show that each of the bad guys and gals have to get what is coming to them. They had a fast car to fit the movie and because 1) Johnny the race car driver will soup up the car, 2) buy into their plot, and 3) so he can toss Browning out of it to get even.
The Descent because of the spelunking, but something about a friend you trusted with your life lying to you and putting you in danger gets to you. That's a lot fresher, done better, and scarier than another virus induced zombie apocalypse even though it's well done.
Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero. The MSM has been lying about what happened while Twitter seems to have been the fairest news. It clearly looks like he was defending himself and was there to protect property from the looters.
As for Jacob Blake, it seems the truth is coming out on him that he was wanted for felonies and was stopped in order to be arrested.
Finally, the NBA, MLB, and NFL seem to be misguided trying to become political groups for social justice. They've just become another biased political group and fans will probably go away in droves.
The best thing to come out of this is Trump has regained the lead and should win easily in November. It would be great if Kyle Rittenouse is released with no record and Antifa/BLM scum are put into prison for their crimes. There has been no peaceful protest; It's just so they can cause anarchy. This is what the liberal scum have become today.
You are so wrong in every post. It's Antifa/BLM who are the bad guys and causing all the trouble. It's all about politics and not what you wrongly believe.
Somehow, I didn't anticipate your question being as such. I thought you meant how else could she have been killed? Or how Norman's mother is brought in as the killer. How did it happen in the book?
The shower was the perfect place for a beautiful blonde like Janet Leigh, especially after the real estate office scene. It satisfies our voyeur instincts when we just saw Norman looking through the hidden peep hole. The shower scene was so shocking and perfect that we couldn't have it in the bedroom with robe and underwear or being dragged out to the dirt lot. The stairway would be too rough even though it was so violent in the shower. The shower scene with the curtain let us see Mother without actually seeing her. It also brought our imagination in with the large kitchen knife and all the blood, violence, and nudity.
The next time you watch the movie, turn the volume up during that scene and watch in HD. It's an incredible scene that cannot be replicated or replaced with a substitute.
You're right in the sense that I rather see Marion return to Phoenix and give back the money than settling for a replacement murder scene.
Jesus was Aramaic, not white. More olive complexion. The illustrations you see of him were made to fit the artist's or society's perceptions.
Me, too. They should not have brought politics into their jobs. I can't do the same. It would cause too much friction and hard feelings. It's just one view and too biased just like politics. The rest of what it represents isn't about what they talk about.
I think I've had a dream like that; Never knew there was a name for it. Is it a deep REM sleep? Or one you experience when about to wake up?
One can actually feel things in the dream like a chair and table in your room. I don't think I've experienced the outside like you did and I live next to a river. This was as a small child. I saw the yellow crackled ice breakfast table with metal legs in our small kitchen. It felt smooth and the legs were metal. There were metal grooves on the side. The chairs were yellow crackled ice pattern and somewhat soft, but not plush. Medium firm. There was linoleum tile in the kitchen and small, dark wood planks in the the breakfast area next door. I could feel it under my bare feet. I tried to look outside the window, but could not see and then either woke up or went back to sleep for a bit more. This was at our house in San Francisco. I think it happens when you're about to wake up. However, you still have time to sleep after you do.
Could it be based on our muscle memory? It's interesting you had much control in your dream. Mine was just experiencing things as they were. There were other objects like the kitchen sink, large window in front of sink, gas stove, pantry, etc., but I didn't see those. They seemed to be not there or in the dark area. Could you see everything as you remembered it?
I dunno if that makes sense since it may have been only once or twice.
Illustrations. Here's one where he doesn't look like a hippie as he warns about, “It is easier, in fact, for a camel to get through the eye of a sewing needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” Jesus warns. In this case, he warns about being too attached to one's possessions. Satan tempts. Satan tempts us to be too greedy and attached to our material wealth so we do not help the poor and those in need.
Pacino grew a handlebar mustache that he wore to his performance. I suppose this was one of the styles most of us didn't know about during the time. After shooting, he admitted to himself that it was wrong. I think one of the Village People used it tho haha.
This is too picky and wrong. The WTC would've been mostly completed by then and there were earlier versions of ASIB. You could've figured this out yourself.
>>The "back story" you related is new to me and horrific...of course. In truth a lot of psychopathic killers had horrible and abusive childhoods. Though some did not.<<
I got it from a couple of sources. DeAngelo could've been 9 or 10 and watched his 7 yr old sister get raped.
What's puzzling is that he wasn't the one abused. Instead, he was influenced to follow in the paths of the bad men. Maybe he wasn't as crazy as we thought. He just acted that way and wanted to be bad. It gave him thrills and kicks getting away with the worst crimes. It was a power trip. With his police background, ability to be motionless, and rational and deliberate homicidal thinking if he thought he was recognized meant that he could get away with it more readily than if he was psycho. It would explain how he was able to live a normal life unknown to even his closest family.
ETA: It would also explain why no psychiatrist has come forward to explain DeAngelo's motivations and cause why he did what he did.
I hope his victims got some kind of satisfaction in court being able to face him and talk to him. As for DeAngelo, he's still a <i>mystery</i> to me as well as the people who watched him during his presentencing hearing. I don't think I've heard a psychiatrist talk about his case.
What I read was his nephew discussed about him as a child of 7 watching his mother get raped by two military officer in an airplane hangar (his mother and father and family were poor and moved around a lot), "He watched her getting raped. The very thing that happened to my mother is the very thing that he did to other women. I don't understand that. How sickening is that?"
DeAngelo didn't appear to be abandoned by his mother and have a fear of rejection. He wasn't abused by his mother. OTOH, Norman was and the rejection from his mother set him off. Anyway, DeAngelo was able to form relationships with others and continue to live in the area where he once preyed on his victims.
>>PS. While promoting Psycho in 1960, Hitchcock told the New York Times, "Its about a young man who runs a motel in Northern California...near Sacramento."<<
I suppose Fairvale could've been near Sacramento, but probably not as notorious as LA. Maybe it was cheaper to find a location near Hollywood.
1. Kill Bill 2 - Black Momba kills Budd
2. The Jungle Book (2016/1967) Kaa
3. Snakes on a Plane - Snakes Attack! Who's Your Daddy Now?
Aliens vs Predators vs The Things vs Earth People. People of Earth get slaughtered until they find a way to turn the outsiders against each other.
I thought it was a Joker movie, but not a Batman movie. It just had the Wayne characters become involved. Thomas Wayne was portrayed as a rich a-hole caricature who caused a man having psychological issues and trying to find the truth about his parents go off the deep end. This was due to the actions of the rich and those associated with the rich. It doesn't exactly make sense, but the social and wealth chasm is enough to send the rich into a stir when confronted by him. Arthur Fleck causes intentional and unintentional grief for those close to him as he tried to find out his roots and learn from it.
Hawke is fine; he looks like a modern Tesla. The real Tesla looks like he belongs to the 1800s.