MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > Get a haircut, hippie!

Get a haircut, hippie!

You ain't gonna cure any lepers if you're sitting around smoking dope all day!


In the early 1970s, a time when long hair for men was very popular, I worked at the Mormon-owned Alpha-Beta supermarket chain in southern California. The company had a rule against long hair, and tried to force all male employees to get haircuts. Some wag put a poster up in the back room with a picture of Jesus, and the quote "You guys can grow your hair as long as you want to. Just tell them I said so."


That's pretty awesome!


There are pictures of Jesus?


Illustrations. Here's one where he doesn't look like a hippie as he warns about, “It is easier, in fact, for a camel to get through the eye of a sewing needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” Jesus warns. In this case, he warns about being too attached to one's possessions. Satan tempts. Satan tempts us to be too greedy and attached to our material wealth so we do not help the poor and those in need.


I think you got that quote wrong. I believe the correct one is "It's easier for a camel to get into heaven than it is to poke a rich man in the eye with a sewing needle."



Of course, you are joking. But still, let me just make it clear that there was no dope in those days.
Even so, it is true that hippies liked Jesus as a figure much more than they liked Christianity as a concept.
Why? Well, there was more to that than just the long hair.
If you read through the gospels, Jesus did a few hippie-like things. Like he lived outside of the established society and criticized people with riches and power.
That is probably what the hippies liked about him. But he was also deeply religious and believed in old-fashioned morality about sex.
And despite how he lived a very unconventional lifestyle, he seems to have been against political upheavals and told people to obey the law and pay their taxes.
Thus, it is more fair to look at Jesus as a religious leader than as a proto-hippie figure.
