RockAway's Replies

Why does Trump consistently ask his supporters for money if he's a billionaire? What a clown. He committed fraud. It's not a spurious charge. It's been proven in court. Stop lying to yourself. Well I can't argue with your opinion, you are allowed to think whatever you want but I think that is a ridiculous thing to believe. With all of the money involved in film making and television they aren't going to hire a lead actress just because she's black. What a moron. What race is the Wicked Witch of the West 🙄 I'm embarrassed for you. You didn't read this document or even understand the premise. Does this post come in hardcover? Jesus Christ, how many tabloid websites did you have to go to for all of this gossip? I don't understand why some people get involved in other people's family issues. What is a soy boy? Why shouldn't someone take issue with it? What does that have to do with Michelle Obama? Are you one of those flat earthers? It's absurd. Why do you need to believe that this is true so desperately? I have so much respect for you, speaking reason to people who don't want to see it is so difficult but . . .who knows, someone might see your posts and be educated/encouraged by your words. Russia's Chechen forces kidnap lgbt and put them in concentration camps. Its pretty horrifying Where do you get your morals from? Why are you watching it if it is such an assault on your brilliant mind? 🙄 Yes . . . this cartoon was aimed at kids and yes kids are impressionable, that's why they added gay characters. If you learn to accept people as they are when you are young you will have less of a problem with it as an adult. Not everyone is normal. Best you get used to that. How am I moving the argument? The agenda, as you said yourself, is to push diversity. I believe that agenda is a good thing. Of course we give a fuck about people's sexuality in movies and television. It's not there for no reason, it's there for representation and it promotes acceptance. Your 'painting an asian' next to the Mona Lisa is nonsense. What does that have to do with a NEW piece of art that reflects out current culture? How is it out of place? Homosexuals exist. An agenda of teaching children to accept that there are homosexual relationships isn't a bad thing. Yes, the agenda is acceptance of lgbt. To me that's a great agenda. To you its the end of the world. Are you religious by any chance? You speak like you might be an evangelical? That's just straight up stupid. You aren't going to be 'coerced' into becoming trans.