mortonbeck's Replies

"But it's good you're making it snow. A real good thing. And tomorrow... tomorrow's gonna be a... real good day,"'s getting panned by RT. You give me hope. More than likely not. He would have been protected by the Geneva Convention and by the fact that Germans viewed the British as fellow Aryans. He would have spent the war in a POW camp. See movies like Stalag 17 or The Great Escape. Russians did not fair as well. Good for him and it's been a year. He's moving on. Why are you being nasty to me? But using your analogy, Christian Bale could said be a barista in Starbucks, Tim Horton's, your local coffee house, etc. "He's not seeing any versatility which his bio laughably claims." What bio are you referring to? Unless it's the old IMDb one. However, Carell has performed with Second City, was a writer performer for the legendary Dana Carvey Show and The Daily Show. Starred for seven years on The Office, as well as several hit movies. I'm not real sure what the detractors want from him. "Just not sure what people are seeing that I'm missing." Maybe what you're seeing is the common "everyman" character who is the protagonist in the above stories. Jack Lemmon and Jimmy Stewart often played similar characters. After all, there are only so many ways to portray the prototypical "nice guy" who gets thrown into trying circumstances. I thought this was an okay movie, but nothing really special.