MovieChat Forums > Steve Carell Discussion > Not sure how he can be called one of Ame...

Not sure how he can be called one of America's most versatile comics...

He seems to me to play the same character all the time, and it's not a particularly appealing character, ever. I've never seen him with anything that seems like a genuine emotional expression on his face, or a speech pattern that sounds anything like the way a normal person would talk, ever. His characters always seem good at self-deprecation, and yet somehow that's supposed to be endearing. To me, it's not. I was extremely disappointed with his choice in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Oh wait, that was Ben Stiller, another disappointment. But I did just watch the real Steve Carell in Crazy Stupid Love, and I can't tell the difference between this character and the one in Get Smart, Little Miss Sunshine, 40 Year Old Virgin, etc. Just not sure what people are seeing that I'm missing.


He has to be the most UN-funny comedian on earth! You are right, same role over and over!
I don't get it! Must be the dumbing down of America!!


I hope you are joking.

Those who don't believe in magic will never find it -RD


"Just not sure what people are seeing that I'm missing."

Maybe what you're seeing is the common "everyman" character who is the protagonist in the above stories. Jack Lemmon and Jimmy Stewart often played similar characters. After all, there are only so many ways to portray the prototypical "nice guy" who gets thrown into trying circumstances.


He's seeing it. He's not seeing any versatility which his bio laughably claims.


"He's not seeing any versatility which his bio laughably claims."

What bio are you referring to? Unless it's the old IMDb one. However, Carell has performed with Second City, was a writer performer for the legendary Dana Carvey Show and The Daily Show. Starred for seven years on The Office, as well as several hit movies. I'm not real sure what the detractors want from him.


Yes, the IMDB bio. That's what this old topic from the old IMDB board is about. Get a clue. I dont know what listing his jobs has to do with being versatile. It's all the same stuff. That's like saying someone who worked at Walmart, Target, Kmart, the Gap, and Whole foods as a cashier, is "versatile."


Why are you being nasty to me?

But using your analogy, Christian Bale could said be a barista in Starbucks, Tim Horton's, your local coffee house, etc.


He now plays SERIOUS roles..BEAUTIFUL BOY. WELCOME TO MARVEN. I still enjoy him as funny (ALEXANDER AND THE....BAD DAY with Jennifer Garner, Bella Thorne, and special appearances by Dick Van Dyke and Stifler's Mom)


I've never heard of Carell being described as that. You must have lifted that off of some headliner on a movie poster or DVD cover for one of his movies. I'm not even sure what a versatile comic is as well, but I think it's safe to say that Steve has more range and versatility than someone like Carrot Top or Kevin Hart who always play the same caricature type.


I've never heard Steve referred to as a comic at all. I've certainly never considered him one. His roles can be funny, but he's not bouncing off the walls like Kramer or busting out one-liners like David Spade. He's more of a straight man having a nervous breakdown. His roles are almost dramatic ones in comedic settings.
