winslow's Replies

There's another Strathairn listed. Maybe his real son is also playing his son in the movie. She thought they hated her, but when she beat the long haired guy, he revealed she had the respect of all the Soviets there. And Borgov later confirmed it after she beat him. Remember the very first game she played, Shaibel tells her "this is where you resign," because she has no way to win, and it's insulting as a grand master to force the opponent to play out all the way to checkmate. Same as when the other guy told her they don't say check in the big tournaments. At that level, they are supposed to know when they've lost, maybe 5 or 10 moves in advance. She blew up his strategy because she knew what he was gonna try. He didn't think she would see it but when he realized she did, he offered the draw. I think it's supposed to show a contrast. Beth had cleaned up because she knows it affects her game when she goes against the best. But then that night, she slipped back into the old lifestyle. She didn't really need a lot of help to get her there once she started. I don't think Cleo had any ulterior motives, she just never changed her lifestyle while Beth changed hers dramatically. Why did they do it? I heard they had plans for part IV but fell through when Mario Puzo died because he was helping to write it. They thought he killed the big guy Gonzo too because Hank sent that photo where they found the bodies. Then Walt saw on the news and realized when he saw the TV, Tuco is gonna think he and jesse told the feds about the junkyard because Gonzo is dead too. But really hank was tracking the car and found out about the bodies that way. And Tuco only knew about the guy he killed, not Gonzo. When they were at Tuco's place, they realized Tuco didn't know about Gonzo and tried to help shift the blame to him, that he told the feds. That's why they turned the channel when the story came on the news. Before they decided to extend into 6+ seasons, that was the original place they were gonna end the show. Walking into the gates at Alexandria where the inside looked like it was untouched by the zombie world. Seasons. 7 and 8 are more interesting for comic readers, just to see how close the show is to the comics. Season 9 they have a new show runner, and pretty much overhaul the look and feel of the show to something at least better than before. New sound and photography in the last couple seasons makes it look more cinematic. So you are saying, you find it Hilarieous She is in a few episodes of the Americans too, near the end. Laurie Holden. Yeah they had some work remaining in post-processing for episode 16 when the studio got shut down. It's 2 different strategies. The Arc is like putting all the eggs in one basket, they have all the people, tools, etc., to find a place, set down and rebuild. But the atheists spread their people out like dandelions. It seems like they are trying to train the children to not be dependent on advanced tools, as the androids will eventually break down while the children become adults. These humans would not be responsible for restarting civilization, the next groups will. The first humans are there to guide the next ones to do the basic stuff necessary to grow their colonies. Father put a priority on preserving the lives of the kids, the Mother put a priority on preserving the colony. A lot of times, these priorities don't conflict, but we see some instances where they do. Where's Wallace? Several of the zoo workers said that's someone else singing. Both Joe and Travis treated guns like toys. I don't believe 'good' is the right word for it. It's kind of like driving by an accident and looking out the window to see it. I forgot something Trip said, but it was clearly anachronistic. Then he said, "I just made that up right now" Yeah I wish they went a different way with it because the story was pretty good up to that point. I thought it would be Bill or Moody who set the fires because they were the only 2 who didn't snap before the last 1 or 2 episodes. I'm not sure it works like that. Even if she has everyone's Incite file and can predict what they are going to do, the real world is nondeterministic just like the park. Delores is constantly making decisions based on a changing situation. If she didn't come across Caleb, there were probably a dozen other people she could have ended up aligning with to get the same result in the end. I bet they find a way to upload humans, they live in the sublime with the hosts for a while. This season we see them growing meat, melange they can grow human bodies. Then the people get put back in the new bodies.