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winslow's Replies
Yeah, bastards can put their family's sigil on their weapons and armor and he seems to be embracing his inner Baratheon now, so not a stretch at all if he made it himself.
When Sansa and Arya were arguing about how to run the North while Jon was gone and what to do if he doesn't come back. Sansa said she isn't going to wait around like Ghost for him to come back.
With this show, usually means a twist is coming. Like how everything was working out just fine before the Red Wedding.
I'm sure she's taken care of in outdoor scenes where there's no A/C. They shoot the show in multiple locations like Spain, Croatia, Northern Ireland, plus a lot of interior or green screen stuff is indoors. So the real temps aren't always what they look like on the show. I know the actors who wear the real or semi-real armor shooting in hot locations are fitted with a cooling system underneath, basically some tubes wrapped around them with coolant running through.
Yes it's a wig. It takes them some hours to put it on her. Also Sansa's hair is a wig this season.
9. Although they think their fathers were friends who fought together, their real fathers fought against each other. He also has what looks to be Robert's war hammer:
Actually almost all the main characters now are the children of the main players at the beginning and just before where the show started.
10. Cersei is getting batshit paranoid. In the first episode, she said Tommen betrayed her when he was really just being used by Cersei and Olenna. In this episode she wants Jaime to punish Bronn and also threatens Jaime not to betray her again when he really didn't know what was going on.
11. Jon did the right thing by standing his ground and refusing to bendthaknee. He was able to leave without asking permission, and now that Dany has learned a bit about Jon, she has a better understanding of his motivations and respects him for it.
Sam does not seem to be much into following rules or doing things the old way.
well they had a dragon
1. There was a lot of smoke in the background, so it was probably between them and the mop up crew who were marching the defeated soldiers the opposite direction.
2. Going down fighting was her initial reaction, before she understood there were other options when she found out Tyrion's proposal, so she decides to be like her father and do what he would do in situations where a military approach would fail. So the meeting is on, probably will happen in episode 7. mild spoiler: [spoiler]set pics suggest a lot of the main characters meeting at the dragon pit, like Cersei, Jon, Dany, Tyrion, whoever else survives north of the wall in episode 6, the mountain, etc.[/spoiler]
4. She definitely cares for him deeply, in another life where she is not trying to conquer Westeros maybe she could love him. Now that they've had the big reunion, Jorah may not make it back. Meeting Jon seems to complicate things too, because a number of scenes now have been dedicated to their growing admiration toward each other. For two people who had very different lives, their stories have a lot in common.
5. It was to make him look badass, compared to earlier when he could only control a wolf or a Hodor. Night's King can control 1000s of dead, Bran is slowly getting up to that level of badassery, but he's not there yet.
6. The maesters turned out to be the exact opposite of what he believed in. They don't share knowledge, they hoard it because it's a source of power. Sam tells them as much when he's trying to get them to send out ravens.
7. Jon needs to be away from Winterfell for that subplot with Sansa, Arya, Littlefinger to play out. He knows Arya and Bran are alive, so that's probably the most we will get this season.
8. This would be next to impossible, because Cersei knew Tyrion was there even before Jaime knew about it. She could have offed him at any time, but she wants to meet with Dany.
Well Ghost got a mention in episode 5. Apparently he's hanging around Winterfell waiting for Jon to come back.
LOL yes, this show is very self-aware.
If Dany makes Gendry a legit Baratheon, he would have the same claim as Stannis did. Or if Cersei was proven to be his mother, he would have a stronger claim. I doubt that's true though, because Stannis did the magic DNA test when he first met him and determined he was half Robert, half lowborn.
She sees things either black or white now. People are either friend or enemy, making alliances in that gray area in between is what got her family members killed. So she believes she has learned how to prevent that from happening again.
It was the one Cersei made her write to Robb, saying Robert died while hunting, Joffrey was the true king now and Ned was a traitor.
Littlefinger wanted Arya to see that because he's trying to separate her from Sansa. But I doubt he wants anyone else to see it.
*sends out 1000 ravens over the wall to spy on the dead*
Bran to the maester: "we need ravens"
I meant if he were to tell Sam some time in the near future. We've seen it before when Stannis told him about the dragon glass and Sam didn't really think about it much until he saw the map. Sam is either going to his home or back to The Wall, maybe stopping at Winterfell if he thinks Jon may be there. And if he goes to Winterfell, Jon probably won't be there but Bran will. Bran has seen all 6 seasons on instant blu-ray, including the extra content, so he knows Jon trusts Sam. If Bran can't go find Jon himself and Jon is not coming to him, Sam would probably be the best alternative to relay the message.
Jon could be their stepdad. And their cousin.
Bran would know, and if he told Sam about Jon's parentage, either he or Gilly would probably recall reading about Rhaegar and the annulment. Hopefully they brought those records with them. Gilly likes trivia, so she might have brought it to keep her occupied while they are on the road.
I think they're trying to make it seem like Arya is going to save Sansa from whatever Littlefinger is planning to do, but Littlefinger could be playing Arya while Sansa is playing Littlefinger. Her main objective is to expose Littlefinger to the Northern lords and the Vale in such a way that they're ready to call for his head. Then she wouldn't need him anymore. We got the first hint of it in this episode where they straight up told her they were loyal to her.
Arya doesn't know she's a pawn, but she does know (because she's a trained human lie detector) Sansa is being less than forthcoming. It's the one piece missing from the Winterfell plot this season. When Bran and Arya came home, they demonstrated to Sansa their special skills, now it's time for her to demonstrate to them what she can do.
The budget doesn't seem to be as big an issue with this scene, but more about what they can get on film. HBO released a "behind the scenes" video yesterday, and one of the most difficult things to pull off was making the fire look like it was coming from the air. They had to rig a lot of precisely timed explosives, some of them with stunt guys standing over them and really getting lit on fire for 12 seconds.