MovieChat Forums > daredevil1 > Replies
daredevil1's Replies
Well I knew who most of the others were (definitely Bankhead and Ernie) but Bob Cummings I'm convinced was a D-lister even then; the equivalent of people trying to figure out who Jim Parsons is 50 years from now.
Absolutely. Did he not even try to learn how to act at all? He's so awkward and cringe.
Why does this site bring out all the liberal woke freaks?
I'm going to give it to you straight because no one else will you friggin weirdo, you enjoy having a group it's socially acceptable to hate because you're a venomous snake who has more hate in his heart than the average klan member. And to answer your ridiculous assertion, no, 'right wingers' and 'man children' were not somehow inspired by or cheering on the Joker like you freaks want to think. God forbid anyone has any empathy for people disenfranchised by society, but yeah let's all live in la la land where Joe Biden's piss cures Covid.
I thought the same thing. Also Shapiro and Dominick Duane. I don't get the point in recasting when they all exist in the same "Ryan Murphy-verse" of unreality. I wish you had made the title more specific though so it could be a catch-all topic.
Ugh no thanks. She's probably down there as one of the most unappetizing celebs I would pay money NOT to have to see naked, ever...
Call me crazy but I always thought Ethel and Fred looked close to the same age, particularly with the black and white- I assumed she had white hair a la Mr and Mrs Wilson. While yes they are older than the Ricardos it helps to keep all the characters separate from each other with their own distinct personalities; the show imo wouldn't have worked with another couple the same age as Lucy and Ricky as the third and fourth lead. Imagine Ricky's agent Jerry and Carolyn Applebee as Fred and Ethel and it just doesn't work. Because Ricky is Cuban and Fred is old, and Ethel is dumpy and Lucy is insane, the show is without a stereotypical stock male and female 'type' if that makes sense, to its benefit. Everyone has such particular and idiosyncratic personalities, which is why Seinfeld worked also and would not have had it been say the more traditional friends from Friends in the roles.
Because she looks like a drag queen lol?
I generally don't like the celebrity episodes- it's just so contrived how every single time one of them shows up they all already know Ricky somehow ("oh hello Ricky, we were just on the set together") and he doesn't want them to meet Lucy just to be a mean asshole, which makes her want it more ("Loo-see! I dun want you botherin Richar Widmark!"). Rinse and repeat. And it was worse in the Lucy Desi Comedy Hour, where I've never even heard of some of these people even in passing- who the hell is Bob Cummings and why is Lucy somehow having a heart attack over meeting him?
With that said I think the John Wayne episode has the funniest and most natural plot set up with a genuinely good gag tied to a purpose for him being there, I love the Fred MacMurray ep (not necessarily because of Fred though, he's pretty awkwardly jammed in to what would otherwise be a great plot), and I always like the one with Charles Boyer. I don't know much about him but he seemed like a sweet man, and from what I understand he had a very tragic life which makes the episode more impactful than, say, Richard Widmark and that damn grapefruit.
I always like the one with the washing machine. The handcuffs. The 'Liar Liar' episode. The Madame X one. The trips on the way to Hollywood where they meet Cousin Ernie again/Teensie and Weensie and the beds that shake around in the hick town during the night. In the later seasons I've always liked the Tulip episode- that one's an all timer- and the building the barbecue. And I like all of the Florida episodes pretty much, as opposed to the Hollywood episodes which are a slog to get through- it's just one endless parade of movie stars no one has ever heard of anymore contrived into the show.
You mistake Hollywood forcing someone the general public couldn't give less of a fuck about to be a thing, with 'winning.' Remember that nitwit Carey Mulligan who was seemingly in every movie from 2009-2012, and then she vanished off the face of the planet never to return? Same thing. Vanessa Kirby will also share the same fate soon enough.
They do this with men too like they're hard-on for Shia LeBeouf casting him in everything until they were finished with him. Or casting Oscar Isaac in every hispanic role including ones where he was completely ill suited, until they replaced him with Pedro Pascal who is now the 'token' hispanic in every role.
You hit the nail on the head. She looks like a crazy mullet woman from the 80s and now I can't unsee it.
I was coming to post the same thing. I find her very unattractive personally. I'll be generous and say she's a 6 even though she's not my type at all. All her facial features are out of harmony with each other; on their own combined with something else she'd be okay, but together they give her this weird look. I think she needs to play more down to earth 'cool chick' characters instead of always playing the 'hot girl' when she isn't. It makes her seem stuck up and smug and contributes to her unattractiveness.
My theory on why she keeps getting cast/called pretty is that for whatever reason gen Z has defined her as the epitome of beauty since many of their white women look that way. Kind of squat and dumpy with a Miss Piggy face and a flat nose. But to every other generation she's just not it.
Bruce Timm is a self righteous arrogant little cuck prick. Pay him no mind.
Yeah, no there wasn't, but nice try. There were, however, looting and riots by uppity entitled people all throughout the summer of 2020 in the name of BLM, but let's not let that get in the way of our whine
There was blood coming out of his whatever, dammit!!
Haters gonna hate
The word is he is dropping out, perhaps as soon as this weekend and it'll be an open convention. So in that regard it was a huge mistake for Trump to have agreed to the debate imo, if they pick a new candidate who isn't Harris it will have ended up being the thing that doomed him, instead of just letting events play out with Biden getting worse.
Evil greedy scum sucking sack of shit. Worst president of all time and a degenerate piece of human garbage.
It made him look like a war hero, who will literally bleed for you/his country. Can't buy that kind of publicity, although it's inexplicable why his numbers aren't even higher/he'd be able to beat anyone the dems throw.
Good for him, although is there a reason why he waited so long to do so?
Dear god this would be a nightmare beyond imagining. Do you have inside info? Please be joking