MovieChat Forums > chefao > Replies
chefao's Replies
Mfw Trump supporter just to get at crazy lefties like the op. Get fucked op.
Love this character too, I never assumed he actually died though.
Agree with the stuff floating around but what's so silly about injecting something in order to be able to survive ftl or whatever? At least it's an interesting new concept.
Not really but don't let that stop you
Why is it ok to have black only cast but not ok to have white only cast? Slippery slope...
When did I claim jews interfered in the election. Stop replying to me with your 10 IQ strawmen and be real for a second. All I said is that there is a clear cut case to be made against zionists and MIC agents in US policy and if this show had the balls to talk about the real problems they would be talking about that instead of the ussr boogeyman. Are you denying the MIC has vested interests in growing their business? Are you denying zionists have interests in what happens to the countries bordering them? Are you denying zionist lobbies like AIPAC are real?
If you don't deny any of these things and since you already admitted that there's no evidence of Russian interference, then congratulations, it seems you agree with me. You're just blinded because I used the word zionist and you think it's ok to call me a nazist-racist-filltheblank.
You clearly have never been in a high tension situation that is unable to be defused through words so maybe that was a poor example for you. Anyways your whole point is that the OP has a double standard and so I forget, are there a lot of males in Homeland who had a lot of sexual partners? I honestly can't recall. Just curious where do you see a double standard here.
With that said, double standards don't imply hypocrisy. For example I have a double standard towards high IQ people that they will participate in criminal activities less. The data supports my double standard so does that make it hypocritical?
I also never said women should have higher standards than men. I'm just saying double standards are not a bad thing and sometimes they make perfect sense.
MIC is short for military industrial complex. Do you even know the difference between a zionist and an israelite? I seriously doubt it. I am yet to see any evidence of the Russian government interfering with the election depending on how autist you want to go with the word "interfere". Podesta's emails weren't forged by the evil soviets.
Maybe I would feel more inclined to educate you if you wouldn't go ahead and call me a racist or neo-nazi out of thin air just because I don't buy into your russianphobia. Lunatics like you are why Trump had to win.
Because someone said something you disagree with you label them as neo-nazi? Neck yourself.
For example if a man gets in your face like he wants some you might as well throw the first punch so you stay in control of the situation but you wouldn't do the same to a woman. That's a double standard and does not imply any hypocrisy whatsoever. Actually the double standard you accuse the OP of does not imply hypocrisy as well. I think you would have a hard time demonstrating any double standard that's the funny part.
There are plenty of situations where you can have double standards and not be a hypocrite, come on....
Ever heard the saying a key that opens all locks is a master key but a lock that is opened by every key is a shitty lock
It's simple they were thinking "it's the current year we need to promote interracial relationships so we can boast to our buddies how progressive we are" instead of being worried about how real life works. It's a fantasy show after all.
Need to force the interracial agenda so you can boast about it in cocktail parties. I mean, do you not watch any other shows?
Yea you're the only one
More like Molotov-mortars
So if you think double standards are sometimes justified and reasonable that makes you an Amish? lul
I don't know, what's the normal behavior for a 5 year old when her mom is loudly fucking a stranger in the next room only to be interrupted by the swat team breaking down your doors and taking you out of the stranger's bed? Im' no psychologist so maybe you can tell me.
I think this season is on par with previous seasons, stop being in love with the "characters" and learn to appreciate the story. With that said, "Russians ate my homework" is kind of a parody on americans atm so it's not like this season doesn't have big flaws.
So if you're against decadent behaviour that means you're an Amish? kys