MovieChat Forums > chefao > Replies
chefao's Replies
It's just common sense actually. I don't know how anyone today takes critics seriously anyways. I would much rather ask a friend of mine who I know and trust to rate the movie for me than some random critic who doesn't have the balls to be real
Yes and don't forget Putin hacked the plot from his moon base.
You don't really need quality when you have a strong brand.
Dude just turn off your brain dude lmao duuuuuuuude star wooors
You're a brainlet. That you find the 100th show in the past few years that has a blatant anti-white anti-male save-the-blackie girl-power message "challenging" just demonstrates this to me. Like I said I wouldn't even care about it if it wasn't so obnoxious and in your face. I wonder what your reaction would be if we had a bunch of BLM or Antifas torturing a poor based Trump supporter instead. Would you maybe find it obnoxious and completely unrelated to the story because that's the only way it would make sense for you to see it as bullshit? I turn on my TV to watch a show about sci-fi not to see more news about politics and how whites are evil and so on. Fuck you for agreeing with this nonsense.
Also you somehow seem to think I'm "demanding" anything which is another indicative of your brainletism. I'm just ranting about it.
Absolutely agree. The lack of transgender in this movie just shows how backwards the directors are, also there was not a single green hair female in position of power. Shame on you Jorge Luca.
This is a movie for kids. It's very basic and shallow, the motivations of the "bad guys" are boring or non existent. The only reason you watch it is because it's popular.
Lmao I can only imagine someone who actually goes to the trouble of opening starwarsTLJ message board secretly hoping to be upset someone spoiled something. Very funny.
Lol as if any villain in this series was ever anything other than a butterheaded irrational fool and I'm supposed to be surpised that this one is also like that?
As shitty as any of the others, bad guys have 0 character or motivation, really boring if you're actually paying attention but I guess it's cool if you're doing stuff on your cellphone and looking at lasers sometimes.
The Mary Poppins bit killed me
100% agree. My father has inside sources in Pentagon who know of the social projects being congrued by Hollywood and all these high placed confidential sources tell me Manu not only does a lot of drugs but also engages in sodomization technique. Be careful you guys.
Blacks are 13% of population in America but if they're not represented 50/50 in a show it's waycism
It doesn't make much sense that he would all of a sudden get a change of heart and show compassion for his daddy, but I guess that was the obvious ending and it just had to happen. Meh.
These shows that have a kid who isn't all that great in acting as the main protagonist (in a way) always end up goofy as fuck. Salem was the same thing.
Unfortunately his character was not developed enough for there to be a conclusive answer to your question. Just the standard bad guy.
Yes she did, there is no reason for her to be alive in the final episode other than lazy writing imo.
Here come the lunatic lefties, don't you have a Shapiro talk to protest or something?
Hm I'm not that optimistic but perhaps yes the show still has great potential!