MovieChat Forums > chefao > Replies

chefao's Replies

Thanks brother I'll definitely be checking those out eventually, I barely watch any movies anymore and this might just be what I needed. Based. I can't wait for the Chinese or Koreans or whoever to take over the movie scene, I'll check out some of those movies. I liked the witcher but all of the forced diversity is really boring. Yes I'm a supporter of slavery, I think it is cute and valid I am not defending or attacking. I don't care, I am neutral on it because it was normal back then until White people decided to end slavery. Do you also go around passing moral judgement on slavery from thousands of years ago too? No you don't because all you care about is attacking White people. Stop worrying about how you "look" in a comment chain buried deep on the ass of the internet and try to be honest for once in your life. You are everything that is wrong with this world. Unironically one of the best movies I remember watching from the last 5 years or so. No wonder the hordes of plebs shit on it. To me it's beautiful, even as they go through the darkest places, they understand each other perfectly and stay together through all of it. Ironically enough I don't think this movie is aimed at women You are the one demonizing a whole race of people by focusing on what you wrongly perceive to be evil but not on what is good. Slavery has existed everywhere for thousands of years it was not a white people invention. It was white people who put a stop to it but instead of praising white people for their good actions, you focus on hating. That's because you have been brainwashed into anti-white hatred. You are the one who is evil. Your ignorance is no excuse. *Slavery Literally every race did this, it's whites who ended it. *Jim Crow Segregation happened everywhere too, it's whites who ended it. *White supremacy White supremacy is heavily suppressed while black supremacy and anti-White rhetoric is promoted. Not a problem. *Genocide Every race has done genocides. *Colonialism Colonialism was a good thing for blacks, it lifted you out of the stone age, allowing you to cheat thousands of years of evolution. If anything, colonialism has been a tragedy because White people were too compassionate and now that weakness is getting exploited by people like you. Essentially, White people are owed reparations. *Voter suppression Voter manipulation is literally an ongoing problem that targets ideology, not race. You are not the victim. *Gerrymandering This is literally used against White people. *Forced sterilizations That's what the Arabs did to their black slaves. That's why they don't have a festering black problem like the US does, where blacks do a disproportionate amount of crime. If only whatever you think happened, actually happened. *Redlining Nothing wrong with that. Maybe blacks should do less crime before complaining about it. *Block-busting Nothing wrong with that. Maybe blacks should do less crime before complaining about it. *Housing discrimination Nothing wrong with that. Maybe blacks should do less crime before complaining about it. *Job discrimination Nothing wrong with that. Maybe blacks should do less crime before complaining about it. *Lynchings Don't like it, go live in your own country. *KKK and other white nationalist terror groups They are 1/10000th of the problem that BLM and other terrorist anti-white groups are today. *Institutional racism Only exists against White people. Affirmative action is an example of institutional racism. *Systemic racism Only exists against White people. *Police brutality and killings 99% of the cases highlighted by BLM were lies. You hear about Floyd but not about Timpa. F you, racist. Stop being homophobic. Guess you shouldn't have told the other guy that he's crying when you're crying nonstop for being called out for your bs. Stop crying. yes you're a stupid anti white racist and it's about time someone calls your shit out It's literally in your first "criticism" the mention of racism against the Pakistani, just shut the fuck up with your victim mentality BS. Noone cares about the racisms in your head. I agree with a lot of your post except for the part about it being a critique of capitalism. It's a critique on the importance of wealth for the human condition, regardless of whatever system is in place. Those who are unable (like the paki migrant) or unwilling (like the protagonist wasting money in horse races) to accumulate wealth end up in a desperate situation. Doesn't matter if it's capitalism or no capitalism as evidenced by the history of the female NK that also ends up in a desperate situation. Saying it's a "critique of capitalism" is just a biased assessment by someone who is presumably anti-capitalist. If anything the real critique here is simply a demonstration on the importance of wealth for human dignity to be allowed to exist. People with no wealth is not something that is exclusive to capitalism by any means. So in your mind he is a better person if he goes spend time with his daughter creating some messed up family structure with 2 fathers instead of trying to save others from being killed in next versions of squid game? Okay bro. You're stupid if you think you're just doing them a favor and there is a reason the elites of your country disagree with you. They want to maintain influence in the region for strategic reasons but you would do away with that because you think it costs you money or something. Your military presence in places like that is what allows you to keep the printer going brrr So then who is good at doing shows these days? Americans? lmao... The finale was good but the "VIPs" were too cartoonish and dumb, the last part of the games had a bunch of problems too. I don't like how at the start they make it sound like any number of people can win but then it turns out the games are designed to eliminate people based on lucky guesses. It seems like an internal conflict to what should be the logic of the whole thing. Can you maybe explain what is it about the finale that you think was bad? I thought it was fine. One of the best series of the last few years simply by the fact there was no lead role that was a black transgender feminist woman of colors