MovieChat Forums > trotsky > Replies
trotsky's Replies
That's a great point.
Yeah, kind of, but I'm right. Did you see my "pray for an amputee challenge?" Do you reckon any Christians swill take up the challenge, or do they all already know that their god is lame as sh-t?
Good post! I agree partially. Science might be agnostic towards god, but science, when faced with a problem that it can't presently answer, like "what preceded the Big Bang", cannot resort to "well, god did it" or "it was a miracle." Scientists can only say "we don't presently know." Only idiots and Christians would believe god was the cause of thunder, or demon possession was the cause of epilepsy. Idiots and Christians should shut up. As for there being Christian scientists, of course there are, but probably a lower percentage than in the general population. They kind of turn off their magic-believing, miracles-are-real, selves when doing science, though. If they didn't they would be as stupid as Trump supporters who believe the Clinton's had thirty or more people killed. A real scientist could not believe the Universe is less than 20, 000 years old. That belief takes retardation. Nor could a real scientist hold to the view that a dew drop is held in place by little fairies. See?
My God, miracles happen, but always someplace else and never limbs growing back. You know why. i know why. Miracles are bullsh-t!
Cool! Thanks for a thoughtful response.
Dude, I'm throwing a huge tantrum, but, am I right?
Oh, I think Islam is BS, too. I'm just not surrounded by Muslims. They tend to leave me alone.
Good question. It doesn't have to be a full regeneration of limbs, but it' must be something that could not be explained by anything else. Unexplained cancer remissions happen all the time and are not miracles.
Cool. I agree.
I agree.
I agree!
My beliefs don't require faith at all. Did you read my post. I reject things that require faith. I have confidence in science and the scientific method, but that is exactly the opposite of believing in floating god men, talking horses and possessed pigs. Dude, read!
Do you understand that if a real miracle happened and it was verified by science, and the miracle was not some minor shit in some hidden, obscure place and verified only by the Roman Catholic Church and who don't need to be convinced of anything, how big it would be? It would change everything. Seriously, why not legs growing back? You know why; Miracles don't happen, Ever!
Thank you, but I doubt it will work, unless I'm lucky.
That's a good question. I've got a few answers: First, I live in the southern United States and am surrounded by Christians, most of them conservative and very political. Around here, Christianity is more political than it is spiritual.I hate it! There are very few Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists or Wiccans around here. And, besides the Islam and Christianity, my understanding is that most other religions do not proselytize. They are happy that other people have their own beliefs and do not push their own believes onto others. This idea that Christianity is exclusive and should be pushed repulses me. But the idea of eternal hell as a punishment for having the wrong belief is the most evil concept ever. I hate it. So there you go.
Well, poor Trotsky, the Communist, was a real man who lost out to Joseph Stalin and got himself assassinated in Mexico City, but he's got a cool name. Jesus on-the-other-hand is largely a myth, especially his miracles and his Resurrection, and this idea that if you don't accept him as the Savior that you will be condemned to hell for eternity (f-cking eternity! for having a sincere belief) is the most evil concept that could ever have been dreamt up. So, I'll take Trotsky.
I'll agree with you, but with a few caveats.
I can accept that a man named Jesus was crucified by the Romans about two-thousand years ago, but like you, I think he was not a miracle worker or the son of god. I absolutely deny all of the miracles that he supposedly performed. I think the stories of those miracles are lies. In this case, I will throw the Baby out with the bath water. Jesus and his miracles have got to go.
Second, i agree that Christianity is a foundation of Western Civilization, but with a heavy dose of Enlightenment ideas, Roman republican ideas, Greek democracy and the Scientific Revolution thrown in. I'll even agree that Christians and Christian ideas were instrumental in the abolition of slavery if you will concede that the The Bible does not unequivocally condemn slavery. In fact, it condones and supports slavery in places. Again, I'll throw the baby out with the bath-water: Early Christianity, the miracle-filled, "Jesus is the only way" Christianity, without the influence of science and humanism, has got to go.
Yeah, thanks. Trump would put Emma in a headlock and noogie her.
I liked it, too, but I wish they would have also given Kate a wedgie to make her feel like one of the guy's. Did they have wedgies back then?
Got to have a harpoon to impale Riley.