MovieChat Forums > dteam6 > Replies

dteam6's Replies

And this is the slob the Trumpistas have the audacity to defend and claim it's "Un-American" to stand against. Really? It's "Un-American" to stand against a man who trashes our troops? Our veterans? Indeed. It's idiotic and infuriating. Maybe a Christmas surprise, God willing. From Silver Bells to silver bracelets. That's good. It's important to call out both parties when they do wrong. This back a lbs forth partisan hypocrisy is what is keeping our country down. Always has. We deserve better than what our officials are giving us. Many countries are giving their people monthly stimulus checks, for example, while we are waiting on our government to get back from vacation THAT THEY TOOK WITHOUT PASSING A RELIEF BILL, in order to finish voting on a bill for our stimulus checks, unemployment, etc. I'm downright disgusted with my government right now. He's not a bullying buffoon like Trump. He doesn't divide like Trump. He doesn't scare the hell out of me like Trump. I'm content with that for now. I literally just told you what both parties are guilty of, Sandy. Dig Ronald's Cheeto dust out of your eyes, Fredo. You smaht, remember? O_o O_o O_o Lordy, I hope there are tapes!....OOPS! There ARE! LOL! I'm not ashamed of a single word I've stared around here and literally the ONLY people who take issue with my posting history are you Trumpers. Honestly, that's a ringing endorsement: Trumpers hate what I say. I'll wear that as badge of honor, buddy-boy. :) Sad, isn't it? Biden's not even close to great presidential material and yet his words were like a breath of fresh air. "He's not Donald" is now the best we can hope for. We need a serious change to our checks and balances so that a monster like Trump can never occur again. I'm quite pissed with Pelosi for many things and this one is another drop in the bucket. Thing is, BOTH party officials are equally guilty here: taking vacations and enjoying their money while we, the people, suffer. This thread is yet another sad reminder as to how fucked up our two party system is: one side blames the other side for things that both sides are guilty of, all forgetting that both party officials are screwing us over. Just the same way the hardcore right is in the tank for Trump no matter what. This is why our country's two-party system is absurd. Gotta love the hypocrisy: Trumpers scream about how Floyd "brought it in himself" but then turn around and defend this kid who CHOSE to arm himself to the teeth, travel miles to this protest and antagonize people. They'd be stupid not to. Donald absolutely SHIT all over our military: pardoned war criminals even when most officials ruled they were guilty, intervened with military tribunals, insulted soldiers left and right, tainted careers, disparaged trans soldiers, trashed McCain and his military legacy both in life and even after his death--he's currently assaulting our mail in voting system, a main source of voting for our soldiers... You'd have to be a fucking idiot to be in the military and still support Trump. Interesting... Trolls have a way of petering out. They also have a way of dropping sock accounts. I won't go down this rabbit hole. I made my point, you made yours. Let's leave it there. Just Donald sending his little "signals" to his deranged base as usual like the shooting. Stand by whatever you wish to stand by. I don't appreciate being lumped in with those people you mentioned and I'm simply giving you a reality check that it's not just raging republicans who are tired of this woke stuff. What you wrote us just as judgmental and broad as what a typical Trumper does. You put away a non-Trumper AND a minority Asian female with your statement. Why did I mention that? Because it's proof that your assertion is flawed and false. If my wife and I hate this woke business then that is a pretty obvious indicator that several non-Trumpers and minorities share our feelings as well. I'm not asking you to feel differently--I'm asking you to be better than the Trumpers by NOT making some blanket statement that makes it seem like only republicans, racists and sexist people are against woke. I'm so happy to be an independent. I can feel whatever I want to feel without feeling obligated to tow some party line. PS: If woke is a business decision then it's a poor one as it's resulted in several franchise-killing bombs. Democrats are a majority party and yet many woke movies are tanking hard. Republicans alone couldn't cause that to happen. There are also more sock puppets than before. Where's KRL these days? *Sigh*. Your first sentence demonstrates some of my problem between the parties. I really wish "the majority" in our country didn't go in one politically extreme direction or the other. I happen to hate "woke". I despise it. I'm not sexist. I'm not a racist. Hell, my wife is Asian and she finds it ridiculous as well. My wife is considered a minority and she hates this shit as well. Does that make her a raging republican Trumper? Nope. She shares my hatred for his fat, orange ass. I just...*sigh*--this is the kind of shit that I fear could get us Trump again. There are some fence-sitters out who (not me, mind you) hate this woke stuff more than Trump. I've seen them say as much. I honestly take offense at your first sentence. It's not a good thing to say. It's such a blanket statement that, ironically, puts away Trump haters like me and my WIFE who is a MINORITY. Equality in movies is great. The "Woke" aspect of pushing it down people's throats? Not so great. There IS a difference and all you have to do is use an example of a movie with a strong female lead from the 80's and compare it to one from today and the differences are marked and noticeable. Look at how it just destroyed Terminator Dark Fate. Look at how the box office for each subsequent Star Wars sequel steadily reduced to the point where "the grand Skywalker finale" barely raked in $1 billion after the sequels started so much higher in the beginning. You know what? It's not worth getting into. Be better than this. Don't be like Trumpers and lump everyone into one category. Seems like every single ""Trumper" on this board is mentally deficient.