Kyle Rittenhouse is only seventeen. He's not yet legally an adult. According to bleeding heart liberal rules, there should be no death penalty and definitely NO death penalty for minors!
He has not even been tried yet and obviously not convicted of any crime. Yet a "brain trust" like you wants him in the chair.
You appoint yourself judge, jury and executioner. When you got your totally undeserved teaching certificate, did you also get a faux law degree? Crawl back under your rock , you sicko!
She is a sick one. She hopes the president is assassinated too. She deleted those posts though.
I don't care how much I dislike someone, I don't want them killed!
Yet this kind of mind "teaches" children. 😈
For goodness sake Norma are you dumb? He just shot 2 innocent people who didn't a absolutely nothing to him! How would you feel if a 17-year-old kid tried to shoot YOU or someone in your family?
What is wrong with you?
Anyone who thinks it ok for a kid to get away with murder just b/c he's white and a minor is completely crazy. Just for that response, I hope you never have kids and that your family stays far, far, FAR away from you.
So a person that chases a person and bashes another person with a skateboard is innocent???
A person that verbally and physically assaults another person and chases a kid to cause bodily harm is innocent???
Are you serious??? There are a lot of shameless idiots that post here, and this one is definitely a display of blatant shameless idiocy.
Did the protestors who "verbally" abuse them have a weapon? Did they threaten to kill them? NO!!
Anyone defending him is a racist idiot. You're the reasons why there were so much looters and rioters in the US. You're the cause of it and if your house or car ever gets burned and destroyed, you'd deserve it.
Verbally and physically ASSAULTED him. Did shitbird #1 have to chase him, yes or no? Had he not chased him would he still be alive, yes or no?
I'm racist for defending a white kid killing a white guy? How is that racist, pray tell?
Seriously, the more you post, the more you reveal just how much of a shameless idiot you are.
It's racist because you never once mentioned that he deserves to pay consequences. People like you are defending him to death.
If Kyle was black or Mexican, you'd be chanting "take him to jail" and calling him a criminal.
Do you even know what "racist" means??? As I say to all the idiots that post to me, you seriously need to shut up now, before you make yourself look even more foolish than you already have.
Kyle wasn't black or Mexican or Asian or Martian. Yet, if he were one, it doesn't change anything. I'd still be on his side. The facts speak for themselves. How you eat your horseshit just to perpetuate a weak false narrative only makes you a shameless idiot.
Not true, decent people who judge people by their character wouldn't see a difference. In their eyes, criminals are criminals and innocent people are innocent.
But for racist folks, they see the world completely different! A minority could be proven innocent like 50 times and people in this category would still insist on labeling them as guilty.
According to your post, I'm assuming you are categorizing yourself as "decent person", yes? And you judge people by their character, yes? Wouldn't see a difference in what?
criminals are criminals and innocent people are innocent???
You already stated that the shitbirds were innocent, so I'm guess they fall into the category of innocent people are innocent. Well then I guess since shitbird #1 was a registered sex offender with a minor, then I can assume that you think pedophilia is not a crime, yes? He's innocent, yes?
Seriously for your own good, shut up. You are only exacerbating your own idiocy for all to see.
Matila's World Logic:
-Smack over the head/shoulder with slightly heavy object skateboard = peaceful protestor; absolutely nothing to him; innocent person
As for the first person, subjective. If you hear a gunshot off to the side, turn around then see a person charging at you at breakneck speed. What do you do? Defend yourself or accept whatever that person is going to do to you knowing full well what happens during these types of encounters as seen from numerous videos before with mob crowds? Take into account the guy was shouting derogatory words and antagonizing the people with guns to 'shoot me nigga' before the other events took place.
If a 17 yo tried to shoot at ME or someone in my family that was just standing around watching/recording, yeah, sure, different story altogether. That is IF me or my family ever go to such events to break curfew laws which they don't. Luckily we're smart enough not to get involved in such events and just popcorn watch these on TV instead at these folks with felony records roaming the streets looking for trouble. Sadly since the cops can't do much, the regular folks are forced to take matters into their own hands after seeing the failures of police to protect life and property in Portland, Chicago, New York, and elsewhere.
Pretty sure no one thinks anyone should get away with murder, period. Alas, all within the context of the scenarios played out. I guess if I was pounding your face in and you shot me then I died, you should be charged with murder, correct? It's like you didn't bother viewing the evidence, timeline, play by play of the events that took place or if you did, all you saw was, "HE WHITE! HE WHITE! RACIST!! RACIST!!."
Now compare this to the patriot prayer Trump supporter who got murdered for actually just standing around and not charging anyone or hitting them over the head but got shot from behind. Let me hear your excuse for that when the people said "not sad that a f---ing fascist died tonight." I heard he was carrying mace and using it on people but that was it from what I read.
A skateboard is NOT a deadly weapon. No one dies from getting hit with skateboard. Maybe some injury or mild bleeding. But not die.
You can't compare a gun to a skateboard.
You can't blame BLM protestor's for being angry after what's been going on throughout history. For centuries, people HAVE been judged by their race and skin color. From blacks being segregated, to Hispanics being labeled as "illegal or troublemakers", Muslims being called terrorists, Native Americans being called savages, Jews being put in concentration camps.
It's in every history book! We'll stop looting once people like YOU start taking responsibility and start treating everyone with the respect they deserve.
Nobody likes riots but guess what?? Nobody likes being mistreated based on where they come from or told they don't belong on the US. It's pretty naive to say otherwise and claim that "white privilage" doesn't exist.
So getting clocked with a skateboard in the head can't kill you? Why don't you test your theory on yourself? The worst will only be some mild bleeding. Damn, you really know how to make yourself look like an idiot, don't you?
What about Japanese being put in internment camps? Why aren't the Japanese all up in arms protesting?
When was the last time a Native American was called a savage? 1800s?
Why are Jews in America supposed to be pissed off? Oh, that's right. They aren't. Those concentration camps were in Nazi Germany.
Blacks being segregate? And what happened? MLK rallied the troops and what did he do? He marched PEACEFULLY. It is his peaceful protests that led to an end of Jim Crow and segregation. The generations pillaging now didn't grow up in Jim Crow or segregation. So tell me, how come blacks that actually felt and dealt with real racists laws were able to peacefully protest, but blacks and white guilt soy boys now, can't?
You'll stop pillaging once we give you respect? And how does one supposed to respect a pillager breaking the law, pray tell? Not only are you stupid, but you're even an admitted pillager.
How dare you steal from others. How dare you burn and vandalize other people's property. How dare you threaten people with violence. How dare you sully all of the great work that MLK has fought for and try to weaponize not for equality, but for mob rule.
Whether you're religious or not, your character will be judged. Whether it be by a god or karma, you'll have to pay for the things you've done. You clearly are a racist toward white people.
Only an idiot would compare a skateboard to a deadly weapon!! Period!! A person hit with a skateboard can fight back! A person buried in a pool of blood after being shot 7 times can't!
Doesn't matter where Jews were discriminated! That important fact is, THEY WERE TREATED POORLY! Nazi's and Hitler has no right to do that.
Doesn't matter how long they were called savages! Even during the Pocahontas Era, it was still a horrible thing to say.
Majority of BLM protestor's ARE peaceful, including the innocent ones who were gassed by Trump at the Whitehouse. Not all of them were rioters.
Context is everything. The rapist wouldn't be paralyzed had he not resisted arrest. Why was he being arrested? Because there was an open warrant out on him for sexual assault charges. Do you condone sexual assault, yes or no?
So you also condone an unprovoked person using a skateboard to bash somebody's head? Did you test your theory? How did it go? Just some mild bleeding?
Are jews being persecuted here in the US, yes or no? Do you think that's partly why jews aren't pillaging in the US, yes or no?
The Pocohontas era??? A Disney+ subscriber, aren't you? Now I see where you get your skewed historical facts from.
You just said "WE will stop looting when..." First of all, that's clearly a threat to continue what YOU are doing and are a part of. Now you want to backpedal and say that the "majority" of BLM pillagers are peaceful. However, YOU aren't one of the peaceful ones, are you? You're a self-admitted looter. A pillager with no care in harming the businesses and you loot and vandalize. You don't care of the lost jobs you are causing. You don't care about money it's going to cost to clean up and repair the damage that YOU contributed to. You justify it in the cause of supposed injustice in the country, yet look at who your poster boys are. Jacob Blake -sexual assaulter. Shitbird #1-convicted pedophile. Shitbird #2-convicted domestic abuser. Shitbird #3-Felony Burglar.
Such people of high moral character you choose to associate yourself with.
Then I challenge you to try battling with an armed person vs. you with a skateboard and well will see who wins! The gun or the skateboard Lol.
What part of "cops have no right to shoot a person when arresting them"'don't you understand? Ever heard of false accusations? He was probably an innocent man who looked like the suspect. Happens all the time. There's a possibility that the REAL sex offender is still roaming free while poor Jacob is left paralyzed.
Just admit it, had a black or Mexican cop shot a man 7 times, he'd be sentenced to life in prison without parole, and you'd cheer for that.
Please point me in the direction where I said Jews were harassed in the US. I never said that. German Nazi's are just bad as racist Americans for locking Jews in camps and gassing them.
Oh! So you think Pocahontas is fictional? You didn't know her story was real? Doesn't surprise me! look it up! You failed history a lot in school didn't you? Lol.
Anyone who defends a white kid for a murder crime is completely insane and has zero position to critisize anyone.
I suppose you're also gonna say that the cops who shot Jacob Blake and Breonna Taylor deserve to keep their jobs and NOT get arrested.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. You did your community a huge favor by quitting that teaching job!
I would never teach my students to defend criminals for hurting innocent people just because they're white. That would be wrong as 80% of the kids I've taught are minorities themselves (black, Hispanic, etc).
Oh Matilda, forgive me. I did NOT know you had a phony law degree to go along with your phony teaching degree.
I do not know the facts of the case. In this country people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If he's found guilty by a jury of twelve (and not a nitwit of one), I'd agree he should be punished.
Unlike you, I reserve judgment UNTIL I hear all the facts. Unlike you, I don't pretend to know everything. Unlike you I don't want to see a minor executed. Unlike you I don't present myself as judge, jury and executioner. Unlike you, I think before I open my mouth. And unlike you, I'm not an addle brained dim bulb!
So you'd "never teach my students to defend criminals for hurting innocent people..." I think it's been established that you can barely teach finger painting. But aside from that, defense attorneys would be surprised to hear your "expert" take on the legal system! What a clown you are! (and not the funny kind either) In our legal system everyone is entitled to a defense, even evil white people
And you do zero in on his whiteness! According to you anyone white is automatically guilty. Okay we get it. You have white guilt from something in your background. Did granddad run the local chapter of the KKK? Did the family own a plantation in Alabama?
And the "I suppose you're also gonna say..."thing. You do it so often and it's really annoying. You constantly put words in my mouth. You tell me or anyone who disagrees with you just what you "know" we would say.
I've said this before and I'll say it again...I wouldn't trust YOU to teach a poodle the sit/stay command.
And once again, you misspelled criticize! LOL
Everything you just said was a lie. You don't reserve judgements. You automatically assume you know people on this board despite not knowing them face to face.
You don't literally don't know anything about me! I could give a 20 question quiz about my life and you'd get them all wrong.
I'm staring to wonder if you quit your teaching job, or got fired. Of course you won't tell the truth! I don't expect you! Lol
You've clearly been living under a rock. Throughout American history plenty of innocent people were killed or mistreated and got no justice. In 1989, a group of black and Hispanic teenage boys were arrested and harrased by cops for a crime they didn't commit. Guess what YOUR fat orange clown did.....he said he wanted them killed, even though they were underage! Don't believe me? Check this link out!
I never knew someone with an I.Q. that LOW could actually type! 'You DON'T literally don't know anything about me." ??? I DO know that I literally get you so flustered and angry that you type utter inanities! lol
If irony were gold, you'd be a millionaire. No, I don't literally KNOW anything about you. But really, what's there to know? You aint that deep! LOL However you constantly attack me and assume things about ME! Get it? Get the irony? Look it up if you don't know what it means!
Your opening dimwit post accused me of having an .00001 I.Q. Then you moved into the idea that I lied about being a teacher. Now according to you, I got fired. A few posts ago I was a slut who had sex when I was thirteen. Before that I was unpopular in school and ugly and was made fun of. Last post, I want to see WHITE kids get away with murder (literally).
I could give you a twenty question quiz about ME , but I doubt you could count that high! LOL
No I'm not living under a rock. But I'm sure that you ae familiar with them, having a head full of them as you do.
I do know that there were plenty of injustices committed in this country based on race: Emmitt Till, the Scottsboro boys, the Tuskegee experiment, etc.
Now crawl back down into your mommy's basement. Take a Xanax and cry yourself to sleep.
Pj purple! Oh please! You assume things and attack me just as much as I do to you! Even when I'm not responding directly to you.
I could be having a conversation with your little buddy "Norma" or another user and you'd jump in and speak to me rudely although I wasn't speaking directly to you in the first place. This Kyle post for instance, has nothing to do with you, yet here you are stating an argument!
You've assumed that I can only teach finger painting, that I failed my teacher exams, that I can't count. You also said I was an unpopular high schooler who got bullied.
You also assume I can't spell because I don't take moviechat seriously. This is a formal board, not a professional environment. You take spelling too personally and seriously!
What part of "Moviechat isn't meant to be taken seriously." Don't you understand?
I asked if you were unpopular in school because of your crazy ass statements about whores, sluts, bitches, etc. in high school! Sounds like some seriously sour grapes to me. Girls who were popular or at least liked in high school aren't so bitter.
So what if you are posting to my "little buddy Norma"? Everyone here jumps into conversations and posts their opinions. Now here I am "stating an argument". LOL Put your brain in gear before you move your fingers across the keyboard. lol
I'm sure you forgot because your little brain can't play host to more than a thought or two at one time but I told you before that this is a public forum. If you want to keep all your scintillating thoughts a secret, then don't post here!
How should I know if you take Moviechat seriously? So your excuse for crappy spelling is that you are just having fun? Lame, very lame.
No I don't assume you can only teach finger painting. I'm sure you'd be a veritable WHIZ at play doh, coloring and musical chairs too! You're multi talented.
But seriously, I have no doubt that your school allows you to teach other grades besides kindergarten, More the pity. Our educational system has been in the toilet for years and you're just the type of teacher who is swirling in the bowl.
You know your thinking was probably the same to that Nick Sandmann guy that is now a multi millionare.
shareHow about the people who shot Aaron Danielson and Cannon Hinant? Do you want to send them to the electric chair also, or do you reserve the electric chair for people who disagree with you politically?
shareAnyone who shoots or kills another person deserves the worst penalty once they're pleaded guilty.
I'm sick of white privilage! Eff white privilage! White people need to learn to grow up and obey authority too!
"once they're pleaded guilty" LOL Aside from the fact that the phrase makes no sense grammatically, it's stupid from a legal standpoint. A defendant can PLEAD guilty and forego a trial and will usually take a plea agreement. Or he is FOUND guilty. Where did you pick up your legal "expertise"? Sesame Street?
Again white "privilage". Misspelled twice in one post. It's privilege. You're lucky that you have the privilege to spout utter nonsense. "White people need to learn to grow up and obey authority."
Hear, hear!! You heard it here folks. Matilda is the final authority on white behavior!
Being the queen of using spell check doesn't make you better than me. You've proven yourself to be a low life human being who defends white people who kill others just because they feel "scared".
I guess if a white teenage boy was break into your family's house to shoot your mom, dad, grandma, or kids (god bless that poor soul who gives you a baby), you'd defend him by saying, "Oh he's only 17, he probably didn't mean it, or he was just scared or depressed".
And why not? Why shouldn't whites be required to obey authority and pay consequences. If they want American
"Freedom", should take responsibility that comes with it. That includes obeying laws, staying out of trouble, following government safety orders, etc.
Any American citizen who commits murder, should be required to suffer the consequences! NO exceptions! NO victim playing! NO excuses! PERIOD!! Kyle should be in JAIL, at 17, it's only a matter on months before he's officially legal.
Uh, sorry to burst your bubble Matilda, unlike you, I don't need spell check. I actually know how to spell. But you apparently can't even USE it! But being a better speller isn't what makes me better than you. There are so many other things! And FYI, it's properly "better than I." Not only do you need spell check you need grammar check. lol But in fairness, most people make that mistake all the time.
Why the h#ll are you making this personal? It's not about MY feelings or how/if I'd defend myself against a criminal. You turn everything into an ad hominem attack.
Most normal people would want to see justice done if they or their loved ones were the victims of a crime. Shake the rocks out of your head and reread what I posted. I did NOT say any of the brainless stuff that you spout. I didn't say he should go free because of "white privilege". Are you daft?
I said that our legal system maintains that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. Even guilty people are allowed to plead 'not guilty' and mount a defense. But I guess in your world of vigilante justice, that's a silly idea.
Did I say anyone who commits murder shouldn't be punished?
Yes , freedom does come with responsibility. Did you just make that up? lol
"...following government safety orders..."? What the hell are they? And in a few months this Kyle kid is "officially legal". Did you mean to say he'll be a legal adult? Or do you think he's 'illegal' now? haha
I've never known anyone with a worse command for self expression. You write as though English was your second language...and you flunked all your language classes.
If he's currently 17-year-old, I'm obviously implying he's going to be legal! Anyone with common sense can conclude that means "legal adult". Learn to make inferences and may attention to detail! Man you're slow!! Lol
No! I didn't make up the "freedom/reaponsibilty" statement! Many people living here are eager for freedom and shove "constitutional rights" in everyone's face but won't accept responsibility.
Americans don't have rights, we have privilages! I'll say that again.....Americans don't have rights we have PRIVILAGES!!!!!
Everyone should obey laws, guidelines, show respect, and not abuse power. Anyone who doesn't comply, deserves consequences! That includes the annoying "Karens" I referred to earlier this year, who think the world revolves around them.
Before you get all defensive, No girly! I'm not referring to you or saying YOU behave this way. I'm referring to the many Karens who do exhibit that behavior and get away with it.
Gee, only morbid curiosity makes me keep replying to your posts. I just want to see how much dumber you can be. Something is wrong though. I noticed that none of your fellow Democrats ever come to your aid or post anything in defense of you. Even THEY know what a basket case you are. But still, a basket case that is amusing!
If Kyle Rittenhouse is going to turn eighteen soon, then just SAY it that way! Being "officially legal" is not the same as saying "legally an adult". I had an idea what you trying to say, but it's so much more fun to point out that you cannot put your thoughts clearly into words.
The freedom/responsibility statement? Well, duh , ya got problems with sarcasm too. How clueless are you?
Americans don't have rights?????????????? I guess I missed that lesson in high school Civics class. The Bill of Privileges! LOL Now I know you are beyond help! Guess you never heard of the Bill of Rights! Have someone read it to you some day. Your ignorance has passed from sad to scary!
I'd suggest that you get a job commensurate with your talents and abilities. But there aren't any unless you count weaving baskets.
And for f#ck's sake, learn how to spell privilege!
Yes remember privileges? Your elementary teachers should've taught you that! In first grade, you turn in your homework or NO recess!
In 4th grade, you earn that "Student of the Month" award by being a good student. No teacher obligated to give you treats! You earn them!
You said you missed that lesson in high school! So I'll continue..............
You wanted your parent's permission to attend your best friend's party or to buy that new CD (90s/00s). But you got bad grades and talked back to your parents! Now you're grounded and lost those privileges, b/c it's their house and their rules.
I'll continue some more......You turned 18 (legal adult) and got that dream car!! Yay for you 🙌🏽. But you're caught speeding, running red lights, as a result, you hit a pedestrian! As a result, your license got suspended because you have to follow traffic rules or you don't get to drive!
Now do you understand? Did I teach you something new?
Yeah, you taught me something new. You're even denser than I gave you credit for! When patients get their teeth x-rayed at the dentist's office, they put a lead apron over them. You could make money renting out your head to perform the same function! LOL
I am fully aware of the difference between rights and privileges. So were our Founding Fathers! That's why they wrote the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Privileges you lunkhead.
Again you read but you do not comprehend. I was making fun of your foolishness by saying I missed that lesson on the Bill of Privileges.
I was fully aware that I'd lose privileges if I misbehaved. But sorry to disappoint you, I never got bad grades or disrespected my parents. I also never ran a red light and hit a pedestrian!
If you do that last one, you don't just lose privileges, you go to jail. Yikes, I can't be sure if that example is due to alcohol, pot or simple innate dumbness!
Hit a pedestrian and your biggest problem is your license gets suspended!!! LOLOL You ARE just punking me right? No one who's a legal adult could be THAT dumb. But if you are, please take the bus!! And I don't mean the short one you took to school.
I certainly don't need YOU to teach me anything new unless they've discovered a new way to use play doh.
Gotta love the hypocrisy: Trumpers scream about how Floyd "brought it in himself" but then turn around and defend this kid who CHOSE to arm himself to the teeth, travel miles to this protest and antagonize people.
Exactly. He went out of his way to put himself in a dangerous situation while carrying a lethal weapon. This is rolling the dice hoping for snake eyes to save you.
If you court danger and carry a gun, something bad is bound to happen. Kid's a reprobate and an idiot. Likely Mom too.