Just to be clear: this is a rumor from a reliable source, sources really, that I ignored the first few times I heard it. Finally I decided to share it, but I am very uncertain about it. On the one hand, Kennedy's recent stepping back and saying conciliatory things would tend to support the rumor that customer relations is now a priority, but then a recent article saying Disney was bringing an affirmative action agency in-house would tend to say the wokeness is still thriving there. For what it's worth, I speculate that Disney still internally values wokeness, but that they're not going to allow wokeness to negatively impact sales, so they're cutting back on allowing activist employees to insult fans, and may be curtailing blatantly woke content in their stuff that alienates fans if this rumor is true. Anyway, that's the latest, so guess we'll have to wait and see.
Meh, I call BULLLSHIAT. Maybe few shifts here or there but inherently you'll still see wokeness even if to a slightly regressed degree. More believable though if it's actors insulting fans for being strong woman or some other crap is controlled.