MovieChat Forums > JestersDead > Replies
JestersDead's Replies
Back of the net!
What a legend.
I think he respects Germans as they are very logical and organised.
How much imagination and creativity does it take to walk into a tattoo studio and point at a picture in a book?
As for individuality, nah, it's the opposite. You're conforming more than anything.
The best thing about tattoos is you know when a girl has them, if you put in even the smallest effort, you're gonna get laid.
As for her new name - it's hilarious.
"Dead things don't have a will to keep on living".
You say that as if it's scientific fact.
Vampires have a lust for living and life experiences, so I'd argue you're wrong about this.
Otherwise vampire films would be very boring, they wouldn't bother getting out of their coffins.
Yeah coz Former Detective Monk is real catchy.
Viruses (including Covid-19) are germs.
Bacteria are germs.
Fungi are germs.
Protozoa are germs.
Mr Monk avoided all germs.
Albie was a bit of a dick.
Here's my review: laboured, little or no chemistry between cast members, multiple implausible, nay ludicrous, plot developments.
It also feels rushed, as if they forgot to film scenes or it was roughly edited.
In a word: clumsy.
No sh*t Sherlock
I have to agree. She's terrible.
The episode where they pumped gas into the abandoned warehouse (cliché alert) was ludicrous.
I'm still watching it though.
OMG Mr Monk caught Covid-19.
Glad to see he's married and has a dog though.
I really liked Voyager. Watched it again recently. Still good IMHO.
Enterprise lost my interest but even that is better than Discovery and Picard.
Hanks is v good in this. The film sucks though. It was set up perfectly for a more interesting final third, but it just fizzled out to nothing.
There's no reveal of what nefarious misdeeds they were up to (if anything), and wtf is with the ending?
He does yeah.
Think he's wearing a syrup too.
An accurate assessment.
For a human.
It's a bit crap.
Actually, no... Very crap.
You can watch that kind of stuff on Alienpornhub
Yeah but also really smug in a "I was right all along" way.
He'd be so wrapped up in his own cleverness that he'd have minimal sympathy as people suffered.